2023-02-02 16:22:54 +00:00

495 lines
16 KiB

import path from 'path'
import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils'
import {
} from 'next-test-utils'
import { AddressInfo, Server } from 'net'
import cheerio from 'cheerio'
import webdriver from 'next-webdriver'
'static export',
files: __dirname,
({ next }) => {
const nextConfigPath = 'next.config.js'
const outdir = 'out'
const outNoTrailSlash = 'outNoTrailSlash'
let server: Server
let port: number
let serverNoTrailSlash: Server
let portNoTrailSlash: number
beforeAll(async () => {
await next.stop()
const nextConfig = await next.readFile(nextConfigPath)
await next.export({ outdir })
await next.patchFile(
nextConfig.replace(`trailingSlash: true`, `trailingSlash: false`)
await next.export({ outdir: outNoTrailSlash })
await next.patchFile(nextConfigPath, nextConfig)
server = await startStaticServer(path.join(next.testDir, outdir))
serverNoTrailSlash = await startStaticServer(
path.join(next.testDir, outNoTrailSlash)
port = (server.address() as AddressInfo).port
portNoTrailSlash = (serverNoTrailSlash.address() as AddressInfo).port
afterAll(async () => {
await Promise.all([
new Promise((resolve) => server.close(resolve)),
new Promise((resolve) => serverNoTrailSlash.close(resolve)),
it('should delete existing exported files', async () => {
const tmpOutDir = 'tmpOutDir'
const tempfile = path.join(tmpOutDir, 'temp.txt')
await next.patchFile(tempfile, 'test')
await next.export({ outdir: tmpOutDir })
await expect(next.readFile(tempfile)).rejects.toThrowError()
const fileExist = async (file: string) =>
await next
.then(() => true)
.catch(() => false)
it('should honor trailingSlash for 404 page', async () => {
expect(await fileExist(path.join(outdir, '404/index.html'))).toBe(true)
// we still output 404.html for backwards compat
expect(await fileExist(path.join(outdir, '404.html'))).toBe(true)
it('should handle trailing slash in getStaticPaths', async () => {
expect(await fileExist(path.join(outdir, 'gssp/foo/index.html'))).toBe(
expect(await fileExist(path.join(outNoTrailSlash, 'gssp/foo.html'))).toBe(
it('should only output 404.html without trailingSlash', async () => {
await fileExist(path.join(outNoTrailSlash, '404/index.html'))
expect(await fileExist(path.join(outNoTrailSlash, '404.html'))).toBe(true)
it('should not duplicate /index with trailingSlash', async () => {
expect(await fileExist(path.join(outdir, 'index/index.html'))).toBe(false)
expect(await fileExist(path.join(outdir, 'index.html'))).toBe(true)
describe('Dynamic routes export', () => {
it('Should throw error not matched route', async () => {
const nextConfig = await next.readFile(nextConfigPath)
await next.patchFile(
nextConfig.replace('/blog/nextjs/comment/test', '/bad/path')
const outdir = 'outDynamic'
const { cliOutput } = await next.export({ outdir })
describe('Render via browser', () => {
it('should render the home page', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const text = await browser.elementByCss('#home-page p').text()
expect(text).toBe('This is the home page')
await browser.close()
it('should add trailing slash on Link', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const link = await browser
it('should not add any slash on hash Link', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/hash-link')
const link = await browser
it('should preserve hash symbol on empty hash Link', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/empty-hash-link')
const link = await browser
it('should preserve question mark on empty query Link', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/empty-query-link')
const link = await browser
it('should not add trailing slash on Link when disabled', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(portNoTrailSlash, '/')
const link = await browser
it('should do navigations via Link', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const text = await browser
.elementByCss('#about-page p')
expect(text).toBe('This is the About page foo')
await browser.close()
it('should do navigations via Router', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const text = await browser
.elementByCss('#about-page p')
expect(text).toBe('This is the About page foo')
await browser.close()
it('should do run client side javascript', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const text = await browser
.elementByCss('#counter-page p')
expect(text).toBe('Counter: 2')
await browser.close()
it('should render pages using getInitialProps', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const text = await browser
.elementByCss('#dynamic-page p')
expect(text).toBe('cool dynamic text')
await browser.close()
it('should render dynamic pages with custom urls', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const text = await browser
.elementByCss('#dynamic-page p')
expect(text).toBe('next export is nice')
await browser.close()
it('should support client side navigation', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const text = await browser
.elementByCss('#counter-page p')
expect(text).toBe('Counter: 2')
// let's go back and come again to this page:
const textNow = await browser
.elementByCss('#counter-page p')
expect(textNow).toBe('Counter: 2')
await browser.close()
it('should render dynamic import components in the client', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
await browser
await check(
() => getBrowserBodyText(browser),
/Welcome to dynamic imports/
await browser.close()
it('should render pages with url hash correctly', async () => {
let browser
try {
browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
// Check for the query string content
const text = await browser
.elementByCss('#dynamic-page p')
expect(text).toBe('Vercel is awesome')
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('#hash').text(), /cool/)
} finally {
if (browser) {
await browser.close()
it('should render 404 when visiting a page that returns notFound from gsp', async () => {
let browser
try {
browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
const text = await browser
expect(text).toBe('Cannot GET /gsp-notfound/')
} finally {
if (browser) {
await browser.close()
it('should navigate even if used a button inside <Link />', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/button-link')
const text = await browser
.elementByCss('#home-page p')
expect(text).toBe('This is the home page')
await browser.close()
it('should update query after mount', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/query-update?hello=world')
const query = await browser.elementByCss('#query').text()
expect(JSON.parse(query)).toEqual({ hello: 'world', a: 'blue' })
await browser.close()
describe('pages in the nested level: level1', () => {
it('should render the home page', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
await browser.eval(
await check(
() => getBrowserBodyText(browser),
/This is the Level1 home page/
await browser.close()
it('should render the about page', async () => {
const browser = await webdriver(port, '/')
await browser.eval(
await check(
() => getBrowserBodyText(browser),
/This is the Level1 about page/
await browser.close()
describe('Render via SSR', () => {
it('should render the home page', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/')
expect(html).toMatch(/This is the home page/)
it('should render the about page', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/about')
expect(html).toMatch(/This is the About page foobar/)
it('should render links correctly', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/')
const $ = cheerio.load(html)
const dynamicLink = $('#dynamic-1').prop('href')
const filePathLink = $('#path-with-extension').prop('href')
it('should render a page with getInitialProps', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/dynamic')
expect(html).toMatch(/cool dynamic text/)
it('should render a dynamically rendered custom url page', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/dynamic/one')
expect(html).toMatch(/next export is nice/)
it('should render pages with dynamic imports', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/dynamic-imports')
expect(html).toMatch(/Welcome to dynamic imports/)
it('should render paths with extensions', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/')
expect(html).toMatch(/this file has an extension/)
it('should give empty object for query if there is no query', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(
expect(html).toMatch(/Query is: {}/)
it('should render _error on 404.html even if not provided in exportPathMap', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/404.html')
// The default error page from the test server
// contains "404", so need to be specific here
// since exportTrailingSlash is enabled we should allow this
it('should render _error on /404/index.html', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/404/index.html')
// The default error page from the test server
// contains "404", so need to be specific here
it('Should serve static files', async () => {
const data = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/static/data/item.txt')
it('Should serve public files', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/about')
const data = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/about/data.txt')
expect(html).toMatch(/This is the About page foobar/)
it('Should render dynamic files with query', async () => {
const html = await renderViaHTTP(port, '/blog/nextjs/comment/test')
expect(html).toMatch(/Blog post nextjs comment test/)
describe('API routes export', () => {
it('Should throw if a route is matched', async () => {
const nextConfig = await next.readFile(nextConfigPath)
await next.patchFile(
nextConfig.replace('// API route', `'/data': { page: '/api/data' },`)
const outdir = 'outApi'
const { cliOutput } = await next.export({ outdir })
await next.patchFile(nextConfigPath, nextConfig)
it('exportTrailingSlash is not ignored', async () => {
const nextConfig = await next.readFile(nextConfigPath)
const tmpOutdir = 'exportTrailingSlash-out'
await next.patchFile(
nextConfig.replace(`trailingSlash: true`, `exportTrailingSlash: true`)
await next.export({ outdir: tmpOutdir })
await next.patchFile(nextConfigPath, nextConfig)
expect(await fileExist(path.join(tmpOutdir, '404/index.html'))).toBeTrue()