Zack Tanner a578cc8192
fix inconsistent scroll restoration behavior (#59366)
### What?
While scrolled on a page, and when following a link to a new page and
clicking the browser back button or using `router.back()`, the scroll
position would sometimes restore scroll to the incorrect spot (in the
case of the test added in this PR, it'd scroll you back to the top of
the list)

### Why?
The refactor in #56497 changed the way router actions are processed:
specifically, all actions were assumed to be async, even if they could
be handled synchronously. For most actions this is fine, as most are
currently async. However, `ACTION_RESTORE` (triggered when the
`popstate` event occurs) isn't async, and introducing a small amount of
delay in the handling of this action can cause the browser to not
properly restore the scroll position

### How?
This special-cases `ACTION_RESTORE` to synchronously process the action
and call `setState` when it's received, rather than creating a promise.
To consistently reproduce this behavior, I added an option to our
browser interface that'll allow us to programmatically trigger a CPU

h/t to @alvarlagerlof for isolating the offending commit and sharing a
minimal reproduction.

Closes NEXT-1819
Likely addresses #58899 but the reproduction was too complex to verify.
2023-12-07 11:17:15 -08:00

445 lines
11 KiB

import { BrowserInterface, Event } from './base'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import {
} from 'playwright-chromium'
import path from 'path'
let page: Page
let browser: Browser
let context: BrowserContext
let contextHasJSEnabled: boolean = true
let pageLogs: Array<{ source: string; message: string }> = []
let websocketFrames: Array<{ payload: string | Buffer }> = []
const tracePlaywright = process.env.TRACE_PLAYWRIGHT
export async function quit() {
await context?.close()
await browser?.close()
context = undefined
browser = undefined
interface ElementHandleExt extends ElementHandle {
getComputedCss(prop: string): Promise<string>
text(): Promise<string>
export class Playwright extends BrowserInterface {
private activeTrace?: string
private eventCallbacks: Record<Event, Set<(...args: any[]) => void>> = {
request: new Set(),
on(event: Event, cb: (...args: any[]) => void) {
if (!this.eventCallbacks[event]) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid event passed to browser.on, received ${event}. Valid events are ${Object.keys(
off(event: Event, cb: (...args: any[]) => void) {
async setup(
browserName: string,
locale: string,
javaScriptEnabled: boolean,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: boolean,
headless: boolean
) {
let device
if (process.env.DEVICE_NAME) {
device = devices[process.env.DEVICE_NAME]
if (!device) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid playwright device name ${process.env.DEVICE_NAME}`
if (browser) {
if (contextHasJSEnabled !== javaScriptEnabled) {
// If we have switched from having JS enable/disabled we need to recreate the context.
await context?.close()
context = await browser.newContext({
contextHasJSEnabled = javaScriptEnabled
browser = await this.launchBrowser(browserName, { headless })
context = await browser.newContext({
contextHasJSEnabled = javaScriptEnabled
async launchBrowser(browserName: string, launchOptions: Record<string, any>) {
if (browserName === 'safari') {
return await webkit.launch(launchOptions)
} else if (browserName === 'firefox') {
return await firefox.launch({
firefoxUserPrefs: {
// The "fission.webContentIsolationStrategy" pref must be
// set to 1 on Firefox due to the bug where a new history
// state is pushed on a page reload.
// See
// See
'fission.webContentIsolationStrategy': 1,
} else {
return await chromium.launch({
devtools: !launchOptions.headless,
ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--disable-back-forward-cache'],
async get(url: string): Promise<void> {
await page.goto(url)
async loadPage(
url: string,
opts?: {
disableCache: boolean
cpuThrottleRate: number
beforePageLoad?: (...args: any[]) => void
) {
if (this.activeTrace) {
const traceDir = path.join(__dirname, '../../traces')
const traceOutputPath = path.join(
.relative(path.join(__dirname, '../../'), process.env.TEST_FILE_PATH)
.replace(/\//g, '-')}`,
await fs.remove(traceOutputPath)
await context.tracing
path: traceOutputPath,
.catch((err) => console.error('failed to write playwright trace', err))
// clean-up existing pages
for (const oldPage of context.pages()) {
await oldPage.close()
page = await context.newPage()
// in development compilation can take longer due to
// lower CPU availability in GH actions
page.setDefaultTimeout(60 * 1000)
page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(60 * 1000)
pageLogs = []
websocketFrames = []
page.on('console', (msg) => {
console.log('browser log:', msg)
pageLogs.push({ source: msg.type(), message: msg.text() })
page.on('crash', (page) => {
console.error('page crashed')
page.on('pageerror', (error) => {
console.error('page error', error)
page.on('request', (req) => {
this.eventCallbacks.request.forEach((cb) => cb(req))
if (opts?.disableCache) {
// TODO: this doesn't seem to work (dev tools does not check the box as expected)
const session = await context.newCDPSession(page)
session.send('Network.setCacheDisabled', { cacheDisabled: true })
if (opts?.cpuThrottleRate) {
const session = await context.newCDPSession(page)
session.send('Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate', {
rate: opts.cpuThrottleRate,
page.on('websocket', (ws) => {
if (tracePlaywright) {
.evaluate(`console.log('connected to ws at ${ws.url()}')`)
.catch(() => {})
ws.on('close', () =>
.evaluate(`console.log('closed websocket ${ws.url()}')`)
.catch(() => {})
ws.on('framereceived', (frame) => {
websocketFrames.push({ payload: frame.payload })
if (tracePlaywright) {
.evaluate(`console.log('received ws message ${frame.payload}')`)
.catch(() => {})
if (tracePlaywright) {
await context.tracing.start({
screenshots: true,
snapshots: true,
this.activeTrace = encodeURIComponent(url)
await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'load' })
back(options): BrowserInterface {
return this.chain(async () => {
await page.goBack(options)
forward(options): BrowserInterface {
return this.chain(async () => {
await page.goForward(options)
refresh(): BrowserInterface {
return this.chain(async () => {
await page.reload()
}: {
height: number
width: number
}): BrowserInterface {
return this.chain(() => page.setViewportSize({ width, height }))
addCookie(opts: { name: string; value: string }): BrowserInterface {
return this.chain(async () =>
path: '/',
domain: await page.evaluate('window.location.hostname'),
deleteCookies(): BrowserInterface {
return this.chain(async () => context.clearCookies())
focusPage() {
return this.chain(() => page.bringToFront())
private wrapElement(el: ElementHandle, selector: string): ElementHandleExt {
function getComputedCss(prop: string) {
return page.evaluate(
function (args) {
const style = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector(args.selector))
return style[args.prop] || null
{ selector, prop }
return Object.assign(el, {
text: () => el.innerText(),
elementByCss(selector: string) {
return this.waitForElementByCss(selector)
elementById(sel) {
return this.elementByCss(`#${sel}`)
getValue() {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => el.inputValue())
text() {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => el.innerText())
type(text) {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => el.type(text))
moveTo() {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => {
return el.hover().then(() => el)
async getComputedCss(prop: string) {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => {
return el.getComputedCss(prop)
}) as any
async getAttribute<T = any>(attr) {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => el.getAttribute(attr)) as T
hasElementByCssSelector(selector: string) {
return this.eval<boolean>(`!!document.querySelector('${selector}')`)
keydown(key: string): BrowserInterface {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => {
return page.keyboard.down(key).then(() => el)
keyup(key: string): BrowserInterface {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => {
return page.keyboard.up(key).then(() => el)
click() {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => {
return => el)
touchStart() {
return this.chain((el: ElementHandleExt) => {
return el.dispatchEvent('touchstart').then(() => el)
elementsByCss(sel) {
return this.chain(() =>
page.$$(sel).then((els) => {
return => {
const origGetAttribute = el.getAttribute.bind(el)
el.getAttribute = (name) => {
// ensure getAttribute defaults to empty string to
// match selenium
return origGetAttribute(name).then((val) => val || '')
return el
) as any as BrowserInterface[]
waitForElementByCss(selector, timeout?: number) {
return this.chain(() => {
return page
.waitForSelector(selector, { timeout, state: 'attached' })
.then(async (el) => {
// it seems selenium waits longer and tests rely on this behavior
// so we wait for the load event fire before returning
await page.waitForLoadState()
return this.wrapElement(el, selector)
waitForCondition(condition, timeout) {
return this.chain(() => {
return page.waitForFunction(condition, { timeout })
eval<T = any>(fn: any, ...args: any[]): Promise<T> {
return this.chainWithReturnValue(() =>
.evaluate(fn, ...args)
.catch((err) => {
console.error('eval error:', err)
return null
.then(async (val) => {
await page.waitForLoadState()
return val as T
async evalAsync<T = any>(fn: any, ...args: any[]) {
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
fn = fn.toString()
if (fn.includes(`var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]`)) {
fn = `(function() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const origFunc = ${fn}
try {
} catch (err) {
return page.evaluate<T>(fn).catch(() => null)
async log() {
return this.chain(() => pageLogs) as any
async websocketFrames() {
return this.chain(() => websocketFrames) as any
async url() {
return this.chain(() => page.evaluate('window.location.href')) as any
async waitForIdleNetwork(): Promise<void> {
return this.chain(() => {
return page.waitForLoadState('networkidle')