Joost De Cock 34dcede690
fix(eslint-plugin-next): Broken links in eslint output (#32837)
This fixes broken links in the eslint output by removing the trailing full stop.
It also makes the formatting of (the output of) the various rules consistent.

## Documentation / Examples

- [x] Make sure the linting passes by running `yarn lint`

> I don't think this is a bug, nor a feature, nor is it really documentation. 
> It's just a small nuisance that I bumped into and felt compelled to fix.
> I went with documentation as that seems the closest match

## What does this pull request do?

The elslint output of `eslint-plugin-next` contains useful links to the documentation about the various rules.
Unfortunately, on most (but not all) rules, those links are immediately followed by a full stop (`.`).

The terminal (or any parser) has no way of knowing that the full stop is not part of the URL. 
So it includes it and clicking the link leads to a 404 on the website.

This PR fixes that by removing the full stop. 

## But a final full stop is better grammar

I considered alternatives (such as [a zero-width space character]( in case the final full stop was part of the style guide or something.

However, as I went through the eslint rules, I notices that the messages for various rules were formatted inconsistently. 
Some with final full stop, some without.

As such, I made the all consistent with this structure:

> [message]. See: [url]

I feel this is a better solution than using the zero-width space as these sort of invisible characters 
in code can be a red flag that something fishy is going on.

I submit this pull request in the hope it will be useful, and a positive contribution to a project I have a great deal of appreciation for.
That being said, I fully understand if people would consider this a non-issue.
2021-12-28 02:18:39 +00:00

135 lines
3.5 KiB

import { RuleTester } from 'eslint'
import path from 'path'
import rule from '@next/eslint-plugin-next/lib/rules/no-server-import-in-page'
;(RuleTester as any).setDefaultConfig({
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2018,
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaFeatures: {
modules: true,
jsx: true,
const ruleTester = new RuleTester()'no-server-import-in-page', rule, {
valid: [
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export function middleware(req, ev) {
return new Response('Hello, world!')
filename: 'pages/_middleware.js',
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export function middleware(req, ev) {
return new Response('Hello, world!')
filename: `pages${path.sep}_middleware.js`,
code: `import NextDocument from "next/document"
export function middleware(req, ev) {
return new Response('Hello, world!')
filename: `pages${path.posix.sep}_middleware.tsx`,
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export function middleware(req, ev) {
return new Response('Hello, world!')
filename: 'pages/',
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export function middleware(req, ev) {
return new Response('Hello, world!')
filename: 'pages/_middleware/index.js',
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export function middleware(req, ev) {
return new Response('Hello, world!')
filename: 'pages/_middleware/index.tsx',
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export function middleware(req, ev) {
return new Response('Hello, world!')
filename: 'pagesapp/src/pages/_middleware.js',
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export function middleware(req, ev) {
return new Response('Hello, world!')
filename: 'src/pages/subFolder/_middleware.js',
invalid: [
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export const Test = () => <p>Test</p>
filename: 'components/test.js',
errors: [
'next/server should not be imported outside of pages/_middleware.js. See:',
type: 'ImportDeclaration',
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export const Test = () => <p>Test</p>
filename: 'pages/test.js',
errors: [
'next/server should not be imported outside of pages/_middleware.js. See:',
type: 'ImportDeclaration',
code: `import { NextFetchEvent, NextRequest } from "next/server"
export const Test = () => <p>Test</p>
filename: `pages${path.sep}test.js`,
errors: [
'next/server should not be imported outside of pages/_middleware.js. See:',
type: 'ImportDeclaration',