Jan Potoms 1b36f0c029
Fix pages/index.js and pages/index/index.js behavior (#13699)
Disambiguate between pages/index.js and pages/index/index.js so that they resolve differently.
It all started with a bug in pagesmanifest that propagated throughout the codebase. After fixing pagesmanifest I was able to remove a few hacks here and there and more logic is shared now. especially the logic that resolves an entrypoint back into a route path. To sum up what happened:

- `getRouteFromEntrypoint` is the inverse operation of `getPageFile` that's under `pages/_document.tsx`
- `denormalizePagePath` is the inverse operation of `normalizePagePath`.

Everything is refactored in terms of these operations, that makes their behavior uniform and easier to update/patch in a central place. Before there were subtle differences between those that made `index/index.js` hard to handle.

Some potential follow up on this PR:
- [`hot-reloader`]( still has one place that does very similar behavior to `getRouteFromEntrypoint`. It can probably be rewritten in terms of `getRouteFromEntrypoint`.
- There are a few places where `denormalizePagePath(normalizePagePath(...))` is happening. This is a sign that `normalizePagePath` is doing some validation that is independent of its rewriting logic. That should probably be factored out in its own function. after that I should probably investigate whether `normalizePagePath` is even still needed at all.
- a lot of code is doing `.replace(/\\/g, '')`. If wanted, that could be replaced with `normalizePathSep`.
- It looks to me like some logic that's spread across the project can be centralized in 4 functions 
  - `getRouteFromEntrypoint` (part of this PR)
  - its inverse `getEntrypointFromRoute` (already exists in `_document.tsx` as `getPageFile`)
  - `getRouteFromPageFile` 
  - its inverse `getPageFileFromRoute` (already exists as `findPageFile ` in `server/lib/find-page-file.ts`)

  It could be beneficial to structure the code to keep these fuctionalities close together and name them similarly.
 - revise `index.amp` handling in pagesmanifest. I left it alone in this PR to keep it scoped, but it may be broken wrt nested index files as well. It might even make sense to reshape the pagesmanifest altogether to handle html/json/amp/... better
2020-06-04 17:32:45 +00:00

181 lines
6.5 KiB

import devalue from 'next/dist/compiled/devalue'
import { Compiler } from 'webpack'
import { RawSource } from 'webpack-sources'
import {
} from '../../../next-server/lib/constants'
import { BuildManifest } from '../../../next-server/server/get-page-files'
import getRouteFromEntrypoint from '../../../next-server/server/get-route-from-entrypoint'
// This function takes the asset map generated in BuildManifestPlugin and creates a
// reduced version to send to the client.
const generateClientManifest = (
assetMap: BuildManifest,
isModern: boolean
): string => {
const clientManifest: { [s: string]: string[] } = {}
const appDependencies = new Set(assetMap.pages['/_app'])
Object.entries(assetMap.pages).forEach(([page, dependencies]) => {
if (page === '/_app' || page === '/_polyfills') return
// Filter out dependencies in the _app entry, because those will have already
// been loaded by the client prior to a navigation event
const filteredDeps = dependencies.filter(
(dep) =>
!appDependencies.has(dep) &&
(!dep.endsWith('.js') || dep.endsWith('.module.js') === isModern)
// The manifest can omit the page if it has no requirements
if (filteredDeps.length) {
clientManifest[page] = filteredDeps
return devalue(clientManifest)
// This plugin creates a build-manifest.json for all assets that are being output
// It has a mapping of "entry" filename to real filename. Because the real filename can be hashed in production
export default class BuildManifestPlugin {
private buildId: string
private modern: boolean
constructor(options: { buildId: string; modern: boolean }) {
this.buildId = options.buildId
this.modern = options.modern
apply(compiler: Compiler) {
(compilation, callback) => {
const { chunks } = compilation
const assetMap: BuildManifest = {
devFiles: [],
lowPriorityFiles: [],
pages: { '/_app': [] },
const mainJsChunk = chunks.find(
const mainJsFiles: string[] =
mainJsChunk && mainJsChunk.files.length > 0
? mainJsChunk.files.filter((file: string) => /\.js$/.test(file))
: []
const polyfillChunk = chunks.find(
const polyfillFiles: string[] = polyfillChunk ? polyfillChunk.files : []
const reactRefreshChunk = chunks.find(
assetMap.devFiles.push(...(reactRefreshChunk?.files ?? []))
for (const entrypoint of compilation.entrypoints.values()) {
const pagePath = getRouteFromEntrypoint(
if (!pagePath) {
const filesForEntry: string[] = []
// getFiles() - helper function to read the files for an entrypoint from stats object
for (const file of entrypoint.getFiles()) {
if (/\.map$/.test(file) || /\.hot-update\.js$/.test(file)) {
// Only `.js` and `.css` files are added for now. In the future we can also handle other file types.
if (!/\.js$/.test(file) && !/\.css$/.test(file)) {
// The page bundles are manually added to _document.js as they need extra properties
if (IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.exec(file)) {
filesForEntry.push(file.replace(/\\/g, '/'))
assetMap.pages[pagePath] = [...filesForEntry, ...mainJsFiles]
if (typeof assetMap.pages['/index'] !== 'undefined') {
assetMap.pages['/'] = assetMap.pages['/index']
// Create a separate entry for polyfills
assetMap.pages['/_polyfills'] = polyfillFiles
// Add the runtime build manifest file (generated later in this file)
// as a dependency for the app. If the flag is false, the file won't be
// downloaded by the client.
if (this.modern) {
// Add the runtime ssg manifest file as a lazy-loaded file dependency.
// We also stub this file out for development mode (when it is not
// generated).
const srcEmptySsgManifest = `self.__SSG_MANIFEST=new Set;self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB&&self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB()`
const ssgManifestPath = `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_ssgManifest.js`
compilation.assets[ssgManifestPath] = new RawSource(srcEmptySsgManifest)
if (this.modern) {
const ssgManifestPathModern = `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_ssgManifest.module.js`
compilation.assets[ssgManifestPathModern] = new RawSource(
assetMap.pages = Object.keys(assetMap.pages)
// eslint-disable-next-line
.reduce((a, c) => ((a[c] = assetMap.pages[c]), a), {} as any)
compilation.assets[BUILD_MANIFEST] = new RawSource(
JSON.stringify(assetMap, null, 2)
const clientManifestPath = `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_buildManifest.js`
compilation.assets[clientManifestPath] = new RawSource(
`self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = ${generateClientManifest(
if (this.modern) {
const modernClientManifestPath = `${CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH}/${this.buildId}/_buildManifest.module.js`
compilation.assets[modernClientManifestPath] = new RawSource(
`self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = ${generateClientManifest(