Javi Velasco 2d5d43fb75
Refactor server routing (#37725)
This PR fixes an issue where we have a middleware that rewrites every single request to the same origin while having `i18n` configured. It would be something like: 

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(req) {
  return NextResponse.rewrite(req.nextUrl)

In this case we are going to be adding always the `locale` at the beginning of the destination since it is a rewrite. This causes static assets to not match and the whole application to break. I believe this is a potential footgun so in this PR we are addressing the issue by removing the locale from pathname for those cases where we check against the filesystem (e.g. public folder).

To achieve this change, this PR introduces some preparation changes and then a refactor of the logic in the server router. After this refactor we are going to be relying on properties that can be defined in the `Route` to decide wether or not we should remove the `basePath`, `locale`, etc instead of checking which _type_ of route it is that we are matching.

Overall this simplifies quite a lot the server router. The way we are testing the mentioned issue is by adding a default rewrite in the rewrite tests middleware.
2022-06-16 21:43:01 +00:00

266 lines
6 KiB

import type { DomainLocale, I18NConfig } from '../config-shared'
import { detectDomainLocale } from '../../shared/lib/i18n/detect-domain-locale'
import { formatNextPathnameInfo } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/format-next-pathname-info'
import { getHostname } from '../../shared/lib/get-hostname'
import { getNextPathnameInfo } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/get-next-pathname-info'
interface Options {
base?: string | URL
headers?: { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }
forceLocale?: boolean
nextConfig?: {
basePath?: string
i18n?: I18NConfig | null
trailingSlash?: boolean
const Internal = Symbol('NextURLInternal')
export class NextURL {
[Internal]: {
basePath: string
buildId?: string
defaultLocale?: string
domainLocale?: DomainLocale
locale?: string
options: Options
trailingSlash?: boolean
url: URL
constructor(input: string | URL, base?: string | URL, opts?: Options)
constructor(input: string | URL, opts?: Options)
input: string | URL,
baseOrOpts?: string | URL | Options,
opts?: Options
) {
let base: undefined | string | URL
let options: Options
if (
(typeof baseOrOpts === 'object' && 'pathname' in baseOrOpts) ||
typeof baseOrOpts === 'string'
) {
base = baseOrOpts
options = opts || {}
} else {
options = opts || baseOrOpts || {}
this[Internal] = {
url: parseURL(input, base ?? options.base),
options: options,
basePath: '',
private analyzeUrl() {
const pathnameInfo = getNextPathnameInfo(this[Internal].url.pathname, {
nextConfig: this[Internal].options.nextConfig,
parseData: true,
this[Internal].domainLocale = detectDomainLocale(
getHostname(this[Internal].url, this[Internal].options.headers)
const defaultLocale =
this[Internal].domainLocale?.defaultLocale ||
this[Internal].url.pathname = pathnameInfo.pathname
this[Internal].defaultLocale = defaultLocale
this[Internal].basePath = pathnameInfo.basePath ?? ''
this[Internal].buildId = pathnameInfo.buildId
this[Internal].locale = pathnameInfo.locale ?? defaultLocale
this[Internal].trailingSlash = pathnameInfo.trailingSlash
private formatPathname() {
return formatNextPathnameInfo({
basePath: this[Internal].basePath,
buildId: this[Internal].buildId,
defaultLocale: !this[Internal].options.forceLocale
? this[Internal].defaultLocale
: undefined,
locale: this[Internal].locale,
pathname: this[Internal].url.pathname,
trailingSlash: this[Internal].trailingSlash,
public get buildId() {
return this[Internal].buildId
public set buildId(buildId: string | undefined) {
this[Internal].buildId = buildId
public get locale() {
return this[Internal].locale ?? ''
public set locale(locale: string) {
if (
!this[Internal].locale ||
) {
throw new TypeError(
`The NextURL configuration includes no locale "${locale}"`
this[Internal].locale = locale
get defaultLocale() {
return this[Internal].defaultLocale
get domainLocale() {
return this[Internal].domainLocale
get searchParams() {
return this[Internal].url.searchParams
get host() {
return this[Internal]
set host(value: string) {
this[Internal] = value
get hostname() {
return this[Internal].url.hostname
set hostname(value: string) {
this[Internal].url.hostname = value
get port() {
return this[Internal].url.port
set port(value: string) {
this[Internal].url.port = value
get protocol() {
return this[Internal].url.protocol
set protocol(value: string) {
this[Internal].url.protocol = value
get href() {
const pathname = this.formatPathname()
return `${this.protocol}//${}${pathname}${this[Internal]}`
set href(url: string) {
this[Internal].url = parseURL(url)
get origin() {
return this[Internal].url.origin
get pathname() {
return this[Internal].url.pathname
set pathname(value: string) {
this[Internal].url.pathname = value
get hash() {
return this[Internal].url.hash
set hash(value: string) {
this[Internal].url.hash = value
get search() {
return this[Internal]
set search(value: string) {
this[Internal] = value
get password() {
return this[Internal].url.password
set password(value: string) {
this[Internal].url.password = value
get username() {
return this[Internal].url.username
set username(value: string) {
this[Internal].url.username = value
get basePath() {
return this[Internal].basePath
set basePath(value: string) {
this[Internal].basePath = value.startsWith('/') ? value : `/${value}`
toString() {
return this.href
toJSON() {
return this.href
[Symbol.for('edge-runtime.inspect.custom')]() {
return {
href: this.href,
origin: this.origin,
protocol: this.protocol,
username: this.username,
password: this.password,
hostname: this.hostname,
port: this.port,
pathname: this.pathname,
searchParams: this.searchParams,
hash: this.hash,
clone() {
return new NextURL(String(this), this[Internal].options)
function parseURL(url: string | URL, base?: string | URL) {
return new URL(
String(url).replace(REGEX_LOCALHOST_HOSTNAME, 'localhost'),
base && String(base).replace(REGEX_LOCALHOST_HOSTNAME, 'localhost')