Alex Castle b6060fa4a5
Add experimental image post-processing (#15875)
This PR adds a second experimental post-processing step for the framework introduced by @prateekbh in #14746. The image post-processing step scans the rendered document for the first few images and uses a simple heuristic to determine if the images should be automatically preloaded.

Analysis of quite a few production Next apps has shown that a lot of sites are taking a substantial hit to their [LCP]( score because an image that's part of the "hero" element on the page is not preloaded and is getting downloaded with lower priority than the JavaScript bundles. This post-processor should automatically fix that for a lot of sites, without causing any real performance effects in cases where it fails to identify the hero image.

This feature is behind an experimental flag, and will be subject to quite a bit of experimentation and tweaking before it's ready to be made a default setting.
2020-08-05 17:49:44 +00:00

387 lines
12 KiB

import url from 'url'
import { extname, join, dirname, sep } from 'path'
import { renderToHTML } from '../next-server/server/render'
import { promises } from 'fs'
import AmpHtmlValidator from 'next/dist/compiled/amphtml-validator'
import { loadComponents } from '../next-server/server/load-components'
import { isDynamicRoute } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic'
import { getRouteMatcher } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'
import { getRouteRegex } from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/route-regex'
import { normalizePagePath } from '../next-server/server/normalize-page-path'
import { SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR } from '../lib/constants'
import 'next/dist/next-server/server/node-polyfill-fetch'
import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'
import { ComponentType } from 'react'
import { GetStaticProps } from '../types'
import { requireFontManifest } from '../next-server/server/require'
import { FontManifest } from '../next-server/server/font-utils'
const envConfig = require('../next-server/lib/runtime-config')
;(global as any).__NEXT_DATA__ = {
nextExport: true,
interface AmpValidation {
page: string
result: {
errors: AmpHtmlValidator.ValidationError[]
warnings: AmpHtmlValidator.ValidationError[]
interface PathMap {
page: string
query?: { [key: string]: string | string[] }
interface ExportPageInput {
path: string
pathMap: PathMap
distDir: string
outDir: string
pagesDataDir: string
renderOpts: RenderOpts
buildExport?: boolean
serverRuntimeConfig: string
subFolders: string
serverless: boolean
optimizeFonts: boolean
optimizeImages: boolean
interface ExportPageResults {
ampValidations: AmpValidation[]
fromBuildExportRevalidate?: number
error?: boolean
interface RenderOpts {
runtimeConfig?: { [key: string]: any }
params?: { [key: string]: string | string[] }
ampPath?: string
ampValidatorPath?: string
ampSkipValidation?: boolean
hybridAmp?: boolean
inAmpMode?: boolean
optimizeFonts?: boolean
optimizeImages?: boolean
fontManifest?: FontManifest
type ComponentModule = ComponentType<{}> & {
renderReqToHTML: typeof renderToHTML
getStaticProps?: GetStaticProps
export default async function exportPage({
}: ExportPageInput): Promise<ExportPageResults> {
let results: ExportPageResults = {
ampValidations: [],
try {
const { query: originalQuery = {} } = pathMap
const { page } = pathMap
const filePath = normalizePagePath(path)
const ampPath = `${filePath}.amp`
let query = { ...originalQuery }
let params: { [key: string]: string | string[] } | undefined
// We need to show a warning if they try to provide query values
// for an auto-exported page since they won't be available
const hasOrigQueryValues = Object.keys(originalQuery).length > 0
const queryWithAutoExportWarn = () => {
if (hasOrigQueryValues) {
throw new Error(
`\nError: you provided query values for ${path} which is an auto-exported page. These can not be applied since the page can no longer be re-rendered on the server. To disable auto-export for this page add \`getInitialProps\`\n`
// Check if the page is a specified dynamic route
if (isDynamicRoute(page) && page !== path) {
params = getRouteMatcher(getRouteRegex(page))(path) || undefined
if (params) {
// we have to pass these separately for serverless
if (!serverless) {
query = {
} else {
throw new Error(
`The provided export path '${path}' doesn't match the '${page}' page.\nRead more:`
const headerMocks = {
headers: {},
getHeader: () => ({}),
setHeader: () => {},
hasHeader: () => false,
removeHeader: () => {},
getHeaderNames: () => [],
const req = ({
url: path,
} as unknown) as IncomingMessage
const res = ({
} as unknown) as ServerResponse
publicRuntimeConfig: renderOpts.runtimeConfig,
let htmlFilename = `${filePath}${sep}index.html`
if (!subFolders) htmlFilename = `${filePath}.html`
const pageExt = extname(page)
const pathExt = extname(path)
// Make sure page isn't a folder with a dot in the name e.g. `v1.2`
if (pageExt !== pathExt && pathExt !== '') {
// If the path has an extension, use that as the filename instead
htmlFilename = path
} else if (path === '/') {
// If the path is the root, just use index.html
htmlFilename = 'index.html'
const baseDir = join(outDir, dirname(htmlFilename))
let htmlFilepath = join(outDir, htmlFilename)
await promises.mkdir(baseDir, { recursive: true })
let html
let curRenderOpts: RenderOpts = {}
let renderMethod = renderToHTML
const renderedDuringBuild = (getStaticProps: any) => {
return !buildExport && getStaticProps && !isDynamicRoute(path)
if (serverless) {
const curUrl = url.parse(req.url!, true)
req.url = url.format({
query: {
const { Component: mod, getServerSideProps } = await loadComponents(
if (getServerSideProps) {
throw new Error(`Error for page ${page}: ${SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR}`)
// if it was auto-exported the HTML is loaded here
if (typeof mod === 'string') {
html = mod
} else {
// for non-dynamic SSG pages we should have already
// prerendered the file
if (renderedDuringBuild((mod as ComponentModule).getStaticProps))
return results
if (
(mod as ComponentModule).getStaticProps &&
) {
// make sure it ends with .html if the name contains a dot
htmlFilename += '.html'
htmlFilepath += '.html'
renderMethod = (mod as ComponentModule).renderReqToHTML
const result = await renderMethod(
/// @ts-ignore
/// @ts-ignore
fontManifest: optimizeFonts
? requireFontManifest(distDir, serverless)
: null,
// @ts-ignore
curRenderOpts = result.renderOpts || {}
html = result.html
if (!html) {
throw new Error(`Failed to render serverless page`)
} else {
const components = await loadComponents(distDir, page, serverless)
if (components.getServerSideProps) {
throw new Error(`Error for page ${page}: ${SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR}`)
// for non-dynamic SSG pages we should have already
// prerendered the file
if (renderedDuringBuild(components.getStaticProps)) {
return results
// TODO: de-dupe the logic here between serverless and server mode
if (components.getStaticProps && !htmlFilepath.endsWith('.html')) {
// make sure it ends with .html if the name contains a dot
htmlFilepath += '.html'
htmlFilename += '.html'
if (typeof components.Component === 'string') {
html = components.Component
} else {
* This sets environment variable to be used at the time of static export by head.tsx.
* Using this from process.env allows targetting both serverless and SSR by calling
* `process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS`.
* TODO(prateekbh@): Remove this when experimental.optimizeFonts are being clened up.
if (optimizeFonts) {
process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS = JSON.stringify(true)
if (optimizeImages) {
process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES = JSON.stringify(true)
curRenderOpts = {
fontManifest: optimizeFonts
? requireFontManifest(distDir, serverless)
: null,
// @ts-ignore
html = await renderMethod(req, res, page, query, curRenderOpts)
const validateAmp = async (
rawAmpHtml: string,
ampPageName: string,
validatorPath?: string
) => {
const validator = await AmpHtmlValidator.getInstance(validatorPath)
const result = validator.validateString(rawAmpHtml)
const errors = result.errors.filter((e) => e.severity === 'ERROR')
const warnings = result.errors.filter((e) => e.severity !== 'ERROR')
if (warnings.length || errors.length) {
page: ampPageName,
result: {
if (curRenderOpts.inAmpMode && !curRenderOpts.ampSkipValidation) {
await validateAmp(html, path, curRenderOpts.ampValidatorPath)
} else if (curRenderOpts.hybridAmp) {
// we need to render the AMP version
let ampHtmlFilename = `${ampPath}${sep}index.html`
if (!subFolders) {
ampHtmlFilename = `${ampPath}.html`
const ampBaseDir = join(outDir, dirname(ampHtmlFilename))
const ampHtmlFilepath = join(outDir, ampHtmlFilename)
try {
await promises.access(ampHtmlFilepath)
} catch (_) {
// make sure it doesn't exist from manual mapping
let ampHtml
if (serverless) {
req.url += (req.url!.includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + 'amp=1'
// @ts-ignore
ampHtml = (await renderMethod(req, res, 'export')).html
} else {
ampHtml = await renderMethod(
// @ts-ignore
{ ...query, amp: 1 },
if (!curRenderOpts.ampSkipValidation) {
await validateAmp(ampHtml, page + '?amp=1')
await promises.mkdir(ampBaseDir, { recursive: true })
await promises.writeFile(ampHtmlFilepath, ampHtml, 'utf8')
if ((curRenderOpts as any).pageData) {
const dataFile = join(
htmlFilename.replace(/\.html$/, '.json')
await promises.mkdir(dirname(dataFile), { recursive: true })
await promises.writeFile(
JSON.stringify((curRenderOpts as any).pageData),
if (curRenderOpts.hybridAmp) {
await promises.writeFile(
dataFile.replace(/\.json$/, '.amp.json'),
JSON.stringify((curRenderOpts as any).pageData),
results.fromBuildExportRevalidate = (curRenderOpts as any).revalidate
await promises.writeFile(htmlFilepath, html, 'utf8')
return results
} catch (error) {
`\nError occurred prerendering page "${path}". Read more:\n` +
return { ...results, error: true }