JJ Kasper b2d1d87e7f
Add initial changes for i18n support (#17370)
This adds the initial changes outlined in the [i18n routing RFC]( This currently treats the locale prefix on routes similar to how the basePath is treated in that the config doesn't require any changes to your pages directory and is automatically stripped/added based on the detected locale that should be used. 

Currently redirecting occurs on the `/` route if a locale is detected regardless of if an optional catch-all route would match the `/` route or not we may want to investigate whether we want to disable this redirection automatically if an `/index.js` file isn't present at root of the pages directory. 


- [x] ensure locale detection/populating works in serverless mode correctly
- [x] add tests for locale handling in different modes, fallback/getStaticProps/getServerSideProps

To be continued in fall-up PRs

- [ ] add tests for revalidate, auto-export, basePath + i18n
- [ ] add mapping of domains with locales
- [ ] investigate detecting locale against non-index routes and populating the locale in a cookie

2020-10-07 21:11:01 +00:00

1497 lines
49 KiB

import { codeFrameColumns } from '@babel/code-frame'
import ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin from '@next/react-refresh-utils/ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin'
import crypto from 'crypto'
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import chalk from 'next/dist/compiled/chalk'
import semver from 'next/dist/compiled/semver'
import TerserPlugin from 'next/dist/compiled/terser-webpack-plugin'
import path from 'path'
import webpack from 'webpack'
import type { Configuration } from 'webpack'
import {
} from '../lib/constants'
import { fileExists } from '../lib/file-exists'
import { getPackageVersion } from '../lib/get-package-version'
import { Rewrite } from '../lib/load-custom-routes'
import { resolveRequest } from '../lib/resolve-request'
import { getTypeScriptConfiguration } from '../lib/typescript/getTypeScriptConfiguration'
import {
} from '../next-server/lib/constants'
import { execOnce } from '../next-server/lib/utils'
import { findPageFile } from '../server/lib/find-page-file'
import { WebpackEntrypoints } from './entries'
import * as Log from './output/log'
import {
} from './plugins/collect-plugins'
import { build as buildConfiguration } from './webpack/config'
import { __overrideCssConfiguration } from './webpack/config/blocks/css/overrideCssConfiguration'
import { pluginLoaderOptions } from './webpack/loaders/next-plugin-loader'
import BuildManifestPlugin from './webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin'
import ChunkNamesPlugin from './webpack/plugins/chunk-names-plugin'
import { CssMinimizerPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/css-minimizer-plugin'
import { JsConfigPathsPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/jsconfig-paths-plugin'
import { DropClientPage } from './webpack/plugins/next-drop-client-page-plugin'
import NextJsSsrImportPlugin from './webpack/plugins/nextjs-ssr-import'
import NextJsSSRModuleCachePlugin from './webpack/plugins/nextjs-ssr-module-cache'
import PagesManifestPlugin from './webpack/plugins/pages-manifest-plugin'
import { ProfilingPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/profiling-plugin'
import { ReactLoadablePlugin } from './webpack/plugins/react-loadable-plugin'
import { ServerlessPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/serverless-plugin'
import WebpackConformancePlugin, {
} from './webpack/plugins/webpack-conformance-plugin'
import { WellKnownErrorsPlugin } from './webpack/plugins/wellknown-errors-plugin'
type ExcludesFalse = <T>(x: T | false) => x is T
const isWebpack5 = parseInt(webpack.version!) === 5
const escapePathVariables = (value: any) => {
return typeof value === 'string'
? value.replace(/\[(\\*[\w:]+\\*)\]/gi, '[\\$1\\]')
: value
const devtoolRevertWarning = execOnce((devtool: Configuration['devtool']) => {
chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') +
chalk.bold(`Reverting webpack devtool to '${devtool}'.\n`) +
'Changing the webpack devtool in development mode will cause severe performance regressions.\n' +
'Read more:'
function parseJsonFile(filePath: string) {
const JSON5 = require('next/dist/compiled/json5')
const contents = readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8')
// Special case an empty file
if (contents.trim() === '') {
return {}
try {
return JSON5.parse(contents)
} catch (err) {
const codeFrame = codeFrameColumns(
{ start: { line: err.lineNumber, column: err.columnNumber } },
{ message: err.message, highlightCode: true }
throw new Error(`Failed to parse "${filePath}":\n${codeFrame}`)
function getOptimizedAliases(isServer: boolean): { [pkg: string]: string } {
if (isServer) {
return {}
const stubWindowFetch = path.join(__dirname, 'polyfills', 'fetch', 'index.js')
const stubObjectAssign = path.join(__dirname, 'polyfills', 'object-assign.js')
const shimAssign = path.join(__dirname, 'polyfills', 'object.assign')
return Object.assign(
unfetch$: stubWindowFetch,
'isomorphic-unfetch$': stubWindowFetch,
'whatwg-fetch$': path.join(
'object-assign$': stubObjectAssign,
// Stub Package: object.assign
'object.assign/auto': path.join(shimAssign, 'auto.js'),
'object.assign/implementation': path.join(
'object.assign$': path.join(shimAssign, 'index.js'),
'object.assign/polyfill': path.join(shimAssign, 'polyfill.js'),
'object.assign/shim': path.join(shimAssign, 'shim.js'),
// Replace: full URL polyfill with platform-based polyfill
url: require.resolve('native-url'),
type ClientEntries = {
[key: string]: string | string[]
export function attachReactRefresh(
webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration,
targetLoader: webpack.RuleSetUseItem
) {
let injections = 0
const reactRefreshLoaderName = '@next/react-refresh-utils/loader'
const reactRefreshLoader = require.resolve(reactRefreshLoaderName)
webpackConfig.module?.rules.forEach((rule) => {
const curr = rule.use
// When the user has configured `defaultLoaders.babel` for a input file:
if (curr === targetLoader) {
rule.use = [reactRefreshLoader, curr as webpack.RuleSetUseItem]
} else if (
Array.isArray(curr) &&
curr.some((r) => r === targetLoader) &&
// Check if loader already exists:
(r) => r === reactRefreshLoader || r === reactRefreshLoaderName
) {
const idx = curr.findIndex((r) => r === targetLoader)
// Clone to not mutate user input
rule.use = [...curr]
// inject / input: [other, babel] output: [other, refresh, babel]:
rule.use.splice(idx, 0, reactRefreshLoader)
if (injections) {
`automatically enabled Fast Refresh for ${injections} custom loader${
injections > 1 ? 's' : ''
export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig(
dir: string,
dev = false,
isServer = false,
target = 'server',
reactProductionProfiling = false,
}: {
buildId: string
config: any
dev?: boolean
isServer?: boolean
pagesDir: string
target?: string
tracer?: any
reactProductionProfiling?: boolean
entrypoints: WebpackEntrypoints
rewrites: Rewrite[]
): Promise<webpack.Configuration> {
const productionBrowserSourceMaps =
config.experimental.productionBrowserSourceMaps && !isServer
let plugins: PluginMetaData[] = []
let babelPresetPlugins: { dir: string; config: any }[] = []
const hasRewrites = rewrites.length > 0 || dev
if (config.experimental.plugins) {
plugins = await collectPlugins(dir, config.env, config.plugins)
pluginLoaderOptions.plugins = plugins
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if (plugin.middleware.includes('babel-preset-build')) {
config: plugin.config,
const reactVersion = await getPackageVersion({ cwd: dir, name: 'react' })
const hasReactRefresh: boolean = dev && !isServer
const hasJsxRuntime: boolean =
Boolean(reactVersion) &&
// 17.0.0-rc.0 had a breaking change not compatible with Next.js, but was
// fixed in rc.1.
semver.gte(reactVersion!, '17.0.0-rc.1')
const distDir = path.join(dir, config.distDir)
const defaultLoaders = {
babel: {
loader: 'next-babel-loader',
options: {
cwd: dir,
// Webpack 5 has a built-in loader cache
cache: !isWebpack5,
hasModern: !!config.experimental.modern,
development: dev,
// Backwards compat
hotSelfAccept: {
loader: 'noop-loader',
const babelIncludeRegexes: RegExp[] = [
? => new RegExp(`src(\\\\|/)${name}`))
: []),
// Support for NODE_PATH
const nodePathList = (process.env.NODE_PATH || '')
.split(process.platform === 'win32' ? ';' : ':')
.filter((p) => !!p)
const isServerless = target === 'serverless'
const isServerlessTrace = target === 'experimental-serverless-trace'
// Intentionally not using isTargetLikeServerless helper
const isLikeServerless = isServerless || isServerlessTrace
const outputDir = isLikeServerless ? SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : SERVER_DIRECTORY
const outputPath = path.join(distDir, isServer ? outputDir : '')
const totalPages = Object.keys(entrypoints).length
const clientEntries = !isServer
? ({
// Backwards compatibility
'main.js': [],
`./` +
dev ? `next-dev.js` : 'next.js'
.replace(/\\/g, '/'),
} as ClientEntries)
: undefined
let typeScriptPath: string | undefined
try {
typeScriptPath = resolveRequest('typescript', `${dir}/`)
} catch (_) {}
const tsConfigPath = path.join(dir, 'tsconfig.json')
const useTypeScript = Boolean(
typeScriptPath && (await fileExists(tsConfigPath))
let jsConfig
// jsconfig is a subset of tsconfig
if (useTypeScript) {
const ts = (await import(typeScriptPath!)) as typeof import('typescript')
const tsConfig = await getTypeScriptConfiguration(ts, tsConfigPath)
jsConfig = { compilerOptions: tsConfig.options }
const jsConfigPath = path.join(dir, 'jsconfig.json')
if (!useTypeScript && (await fileExists(jsConfigPath))) {
jsConfig = parseJsonFile(jsConfigPath)
let resolvedBaseUrl
if (jsConfig?.compilerOptions?.baseUrl) {
resolvedBaseUrl = path.resolve(dir, jsConfig.compilerOptions.baseUrl)
function getReactProfilingInProduction() {
if (reactProductionProfiling) {
return {
'react-dom$': 'react-dom/profiling',
'scheduler/tracing': 'scheduler/tracing-profiling',
const clientResolveRewrites = require.resolve(
const resolveConfig = {
// Disable .mjs for node_modules bundling
extensions: isServer
? [
...(useTypeScript ? ['.tsx', '.ts'] : []),
: [
...(useTypeScript ? ['.tsx', '.ts'] : []),
modules: [
...nodePathList, // Support for NODE_PATH environment variable
alias: {
// These aliases make sure the wrapper module is not included in the bundles
// Which makes bundles slightly smaller, but also skips parsing a module that we know will result in this alias
'next/head': 'next/dist/next-server/lib/head.js',
'next/router': 'next/dist/client/router.js',
'next/config': 'next/dist/next-server/lib/runtime-config.js',
'next/dynamic': 'next/dist/next-server/lib/dynamic.js',
...(isWebpack5 && !isServer
? {
stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'),
path: require.resolve('path-browserify'),
crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'),
buffer: require.resolve('buffer'),
vm: require.resolve('vm-browserify'),
: undefined),
[PAGES_DIR_ALIAS]: pagesDir,
[DOT_NEXT_ALIAS]: distDir,
[clientResolveRewrites]: hasRewrites
? clientResolveRewrites
: require.resolve('next/dist/client/dev/noop.js'),
mainFields: isServer ? ['main', 'module'] : ['browser', 'module', 'main'],
plugins: isWebpack5
? // webpack 5+ has the PnP resolver built-in by default:
: [require('pnp-webpack-plugin')],
const webpackMode = dev ? 'development' : 'production'
const terserOptions: any = {
parse: {
ecma: 8,
compress: {
ecma: 5,
warnings: false,
// The following two options are known to break valid JavaScript code
comparisons: false,
inline: 2, //
mangle: { safari10: true },
output: {
ecma: 5,
safari10: true,
comments: false,
// Fixes usage of Emoji and certain Regex
ascii_only: true,
const isModuleCSS = (module: { type: string }): boolean => {
return (
// mini-css-extract-plugin
module.type === `css/mini-extract` ||
// extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin (old)
module.type === `css/extract-chunks` ||
// extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin (new)
module.type === `css/extract-css-chunks`
// Contains various versions of the Webpack SplitChunksPlugin used in different build types
const splitChunksConfigs: {
[propName: string]: webpack.Options.SplitChunksOptions
} = {
dev: {
cacheGroups: {
default: false,
vendors: false,
// In webpack 5 vendors was renamed to defaultVendors
defaultVendors: false,
prodGranular: {
chunks: 'all',
cacheGroups: {
default: false,
vendors: false,
// In webpack 5 vendors was renamed to defaultVendors
defaultVendors: false,
framework: {
chunks: 'all',
name: 'framework',
// This regex ignores nested copies of framework libraries so they're
// bundled with their issuer.
test: /(?<!node_modules.*)[\\/]node_modules[\\/](react|react-dom|scheduler|prop-types|use-subscription)[\\/]/,
priority: 40,
// Don't let webpack eliminate this chunk (prevents this chunk from
// becoming a part of the commons chunk)
enforce: true,
lib: {
test(module: { size: Function; identifier: Function }): boolean {
return (
module.size() > 160000 &&
name(module: {
type: string
libIdent?: Function
updateHash: (hash: crypto.Hash) => void
}): string {
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha1')
if (isModuleCSS(module)) {
} else {
if (!module.libIdent) {
throw new Error(
`Encountered unknown module type: ${module.type}. Please open an issue.`
hash.update(module.libIdent({ context: dir }))
return hash.digest('hex').substring(0, 8)
priority: 30,
minChunks: 1,
reuseExistingChunk: true,
commons: {
name: 'commons',
minChunks: totalPages,
priority: 20,
shared: {
name(module, chunks) {
return (
(acc: string, chunk: webpack.compilation.Chunk) => {
return acc +
.digest('hex') + (isModuleCSS(module) ? '_CSS' : '')
priority: 10,
minChunks: 2,
reuseExistingChunk: true,
maxInitialRequests: 25,
minSize: 20000,
// Select appropriate SplitChunksPlugin config for this build
let splitChunksConfig: webpack.Options.SplitChunksOptions
if (dev) {
splitChunksConfig =
} else {
splitChunksConfig = splitChunksConfigs.prodGranular
const crossOrigin =
!config.crossOrigin && config.experimental.modern
? 'anonymous'
: config.crossOrigin
let customAppFile: string | null = await findPageFile(
if (customAppFile) {
customAppFile = path.resolve(path.join(pagesDir, customAppFile))
const conformanceConfig = Object.assign(
ReactSyncScriptsConformanceCheck: {
enabled: true,
MinificationConformanceCheck: {
enabled: true,
DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck: {
enabled: true,
BlockedAPIToBePolyfilled: Object.assign(
?.BlockedAPIToBePolyfilled || []
GranularChunksConformanceCheck: {
enabled: true,
function handleExternals(context: any, request: any, callback: any) {
if (request === 'next') {
return callback(undefined, `commonjs ${request}`)
const notExternalModules = [
if (notExternalModules.indexOf(request) !== -1) {
return callback()
// We need to externalize internal requests for files intended to
// not be bundled.
const isLocal: boolean =
request.startsWith('.') ||
// Always check for unix-style path, as webpack sometimes
// normalizes as posix.
path.posix.isAbsolute(request) ||
// When on Windows, we also want to check for Windows-specific
// absolute paths.
(process.platform === 'win32' && path.win32.isAbsolute(request))
const isLikelyNextExternal =
isLocal && /[/\\]next-server[/\\]/.test(request)
// Relative requires don't need custom resolution, because they
// are relative to requests we've already resolved here.
// Absolute requires (require('/foo')) are extremely uncommon, but
// also have no need for customization as they're already resolved.
if (isLocal && !isLikelyNextExternal) {
return callback()
// Resolve the import with the webpack provided context, this
// ensures we're resolving the correct version when multiple
// exist.
let res: string
try {
res = resolveRequest(request, `${context}/`)
} catch (err) {
// If the request cannot be resolved, we need to tell webpack to
// "bundle" it so that webpack shows an error (that it cannot be
// resolved).
return callback()
// Same as above, if the request cannot be resolved we need to have
// webpack "bundle" it so it surfaces the not found error.
if (!res) {
return callback()
let isNextExternal: boolean = false
if (isLocal) {
// we need to process next-server/lib/router/router so that
// the DefinePlugin can inject process.env values
isNextExternal = /next[/\\]dist[/\\]next-server[/\\](?!lib[/\\]router[/\\]router)/.test(
if (!isNextExternal) {
return callback()
// `isNextExternal` special cases Next.js' internal requires that
// should not be bundled. We need to skip the base resolve routine
// to prevent it from being bundled (assumes Next.js version cannot
// mismatch).
if (!isNextExternal) {
// Bundled Node.js code is relocated without its node_modules tree.
// This means we need to make sure its request resolves to the same
// package that'll be available at runtime. If it's not identical,
// we need to bundle the code (even if it _should_ be external).
let baseRes: string | null
try {
baseRes = resolveRequest(request, `${dir}/`)
} catch (err) {
baseRes = null
// Same as above: if the package, when required from the root,
// would be different from what the real resolution would use, we
// cannot externalize it.
if (baseRes !== res) {
return callback()
// Default pages have to be transpiled
if (
!res.match(/next[/\\]dist[/\\]next-server[/\\]/) &&
(res.match(/[/\\]next[/\\]dist[/\\]/) ||
// This is the @babel/plugin-transform-runtime "helpers: true" option
) {
return callback()
// Webpack itself has to be compiled because it doesn't always use module relative paths
if (
res.match(/node_modules[/\\]webpack/) ||
) {
return callback()
// Anything else that is standard JavaScript within `node_modules`
// can be externalized.
if (isNextExternal || res.match(/node_modules[/\\].*\.js$/)) {
const externalRequest = isNextExternal
? // Generate Next.js external import
// Root of Next.js package:
path.join(__dirname, '..'),
// Windows path normalization
.replace(/\\/g, '/')
: request
return callback(undefined, `commonjs ${externalRequest}`)
// Default behavior: bundle the code!
let webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration = {
externals: !isServer
? // make sure importing "next" is handled gracefully for client
// bundles in case a user imported types and it wasn't removed
// TODO: should we warn/error for this instead?
: !isServerless
? [
? ({ context, request }, callback) =>
handleExternals(context, request, callback)
: (context, request, callback) =>
handleExternals(context, request, callback),
: [
// When the 'serverless' target is used all node_modules will be compiled into the output bundles
// So that the 'serverless' bundles have 0 runtime dependencies
'@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer', // except this one
optimization: {
// Webpack 5 uses a new property for the same functionality
...(isWebpack5 ? { emitOnErrors: !dev } : { noEmitOnErrors: dev }),
checkWasmTypes: false,
nodeEnv: false,
splitChunks: isServer ? false : splitChunksConfig,
runtimeChunk: isServer
? isWebpack5 && !isLikeServerless
? { name: 'webpack-runtime' }
: undefined
minimize: !(dev || isServer),
minimizer: [
// Minify JavaScript
new TerserPlugin({
extractComments: false,
cache: path.join(distDir, 'cache', 'next-minifier'),
parallel: config.experimental.cpus || true,
// Minify CSS
new CssMinimizerPlugin({
postcssOptions: {
map: {
// `inline: false` generates the source map in a separate file.
// Otherwise, the CSS file is needlessly large.
inline: false,
// `annotation: false` skips appending the `sourceMappingURL`
// to the end of the CSS file. Webpack already handles this.
annotation: false,
context: dir,
node: {
setImmediate: false,
// Kept as function to be backwards compatible
entry: async () => {
return {
...(clientEntries ? clientEntries : {}),
? {
'init-server.js': 'next-plugin-loader?middleware=on-init-server!',
: {}),
watchOptions: {
ignored: ['**/.git/**', '**/node_modules/**', '**/.next/**'],
output: {
? {
environment: {
arrowFunction: false,
bigIntLiteral: false,
const: false,
destructuring: false,
dynamicImport: false,
forOf: false,
module: false,
: {}),
path: outputPath,
// On the server we don't use the chunkhash
filename: isServer
? '[name].js'
: `static/chunks/[name]${dev ? '' : '-[chunkhash]'}.js`,
library: isServer ? undefined : '_N_E',
libraryTarget: isServer ? 'commonjs2' : 'assign',
hotUpdateChunkFilename: isWebpack5
? 'static/webpack/[id].[fullhash].hot-update.js'
: 'static/webpack/[id].[hash].hot-update.js',
hotUpdateMainFilename: isWebpack5
? 'static/webpack/[fullhash].hot-update.json'
: 'static/webpack/[hash].hot-update.json',
// This saves chunks with the name given via `import()`
chunkFilename: isServer
? `${dev ? '[name]' : '[name].[contenthash]'}.js`
: `static/chunks/${dev ? '[name]' : '[name].[contenthash]'}.js`,
strictModuleExceptionHandling: true,
crossOriginLoading: crossOrigin,
futureEmitAssets: !dev,
webassemblyModuleFilename: 'static/wasm/[modulehash].wasm',
performance: false,
resolve: resolveConfig,
resolveLoader: {
// The loaders Next.js provides
alias: [
].reduce((alias, loader) => {
// using multiple aliases to replace `resolveLoader.modules`
alias[loader] = path.join(__dirname, 'webpack', 'loaders', loader)
return alias
}, {} as Record<string, string>),
modules: [
...nodePathList, // Support for NODE_PATH environment variable
plugins: isWebpack5 ? [] : [require('pnp-webpack-plugin')],
module: {
rules: [
? [
// TODO: FIXME: do NOT webpack 5 support with this
// x-ref:
test: /\.m?js/,
resolve: {
fullySpecified: false,
} as any,
: []),
test: /\.(tsx|ts|js|mjs|jsx)$/,
include: [dir, ...babelIncludeRegexes],
exclude: (excludePath: string) => {
if (babelIncludeRegexes.some((r) => r.test(excludePath))) {
return false
return /node_modules/.test(excludePath)
use: config.experimental.babelMultiThread
? [
// Move Babel transpilation into a thread pool (2 workers, unlimited batch size).
// Applying a cache to the off-thread work avoids paying transfer costs for unchanged modules.
loader: 'next/dist/compiled/cache-loader',
options: {
cacheContext: dir,
cacheDirectory: path.join(dir, '.next', 'cache', 'webpack'),
cacheIdentifier: `webpack${isServer ? '-server' : ''}${
config.experimental.modern ? '-hasmodern' : ''
loader: require.resolve('next/dist/compiled/thread-loader'),
options: {
workers: 2,
workerParallelJobs: Infinity,
? require.resolve('@next/react-refresh-utils/loader')
: '',
: hasReactRefresh
? [
: defaultLoaders.babel,
plugins: [
hasReactRefresh && new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin(),
// Makes sure `Buffer` is polyfilled in client-side bundles (same behavior as webpack 4)
isWebpack5 &&
!isServer &&
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'] }),
// Makes sure `process` is polyfilled in client-side bundles (same behavior as webpack 4)
isWebpack5 &&
!isServer &&
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ process: ['process'] }),
// This plugin makes sure `output.filename` is used for entry chunks
!isWebpack5 && new ChunkNamesPlugin(),
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
(prev: { [key: string]: string }, key: string) => {
if (key.startsWith('NEXT_PUBLIC_')) {
prev[`process.env.${key}`] = JSON.stringify(process.env[key]!)
return prev
...Object.keys(config.env).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (/^(?:NODE_.+)|^(?:__.+)$/i.test(key)) {
throw new Error(
`The key "${key}" under "env" in next.config.js is not allowed.`
return {
[`process.env.${key}`]: JSON.stringify(config.env[key]),
}, {}),
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(webpackMode),
'process.env.__NEXT_CROSS_ORIGIN': JSON.stringify(crossOrigin),
'process.browser': JSON.stringify(!isServer),
'process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE': JSON.stringify(
// This is used in client/dev-error-overlay/hot-dev-client.js to replace the dist directory
...(dev && !isServer
? {
'process.env.__NEXT_DIST_DIR': JSON.stringify(distDir),
: {}),
'process.env.__NEXT_TRAILING_SLASH': JSON.stringify(
'process.env.__NEXT_MODERN_BUILD': JSON.stringify(
config.experimental.modern && !dev
'process.env.__NEXT_BUILD_INDICATOR': JSON.stringify(
'process.env.__NEXT_PRERENDER_INDICATOR': JSON.stringify(
'process.env.__NEXT_PLUGINS': JSON.stringify(
'process.env.__NEXT_STRICT_MODE': JSON.stringify(
'process.env.__NEXT_REACT_MODE': JSON.stringify(
'process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS': JSON.stringify(
config.experimental.optimizeFonts && !dev
'process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES': JSON.stringify(
'process.env.__NEXT_SCROLL_RESTORATION': JSON.stringify(
'process.env.__NEXT_ROUTER_BASEPATH': JSON.stringify(config.basePath),
'process.env.__NEXT_HAS_REWRITES': JSON.stringify(hasRewrites),
'process.env.__NEXT_i18n_SUPPORT': JSON.stringify(
? {
// Fix bad-actors in the npm ecosystem (e.g. `node-formidable`)
// This is typically found in unmaintained modules from the
// pre-webpack era (common in server-side code)
'global.GENTLY': JSON.stringify(false),
: undefined),
// stub process.env with proxy to warn a missing value is
// being accessed in development mode
...(config.experimental.pageEnv && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
? {
'process.env': `
new Proxy(${isServer ? 'process.env' : '{}'}, {
get(target, prop) {
if (typeof target[prop] === 'undefined') {
console.warn(\`An environment variable (\${prop}) that was not provided in the environment was accessed.\nSee more info here:\`)
return target[prop]
: {}),
!isServer &&
new ReactLoadablePlugin({
!isServer && new DropClientPage(),
// Moment.js is an extremely popular library that bundles large locale files
// by default due to how Webpack interprets its code. This is a practical
// solution that requires the user to opt into importing specific locales.
config.future.excludeDefaultMomentLocales &&
new webpack.IgnorePlugin({
resourceRegExp: /^\.\/locale$/,
contextRegExp: /moment$/,
? (() => {
// Even though require.cache is server only we have to clear assets from both compilations
// This is because the client compilation generates the build manifest that's used on the server side
const {
} = require('./webpack/plugins/nextjs-require-cache-hot-reloader')
const devPlugins = [new NextJsRequireCacheHotReloader()]
if (!isServer) {
devPlugins.push(new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin())
return devPlugins
: []),
// Webpack 5 no longer requires this plugin in production:
!isWebpack5 && !dev && new webpack.HashedModuleIdsPlugin(),
!dev &&
new webpack.IgnorePlugin({
resourceRegExp: /react-is/,
contextRegExp: /(next-server|next)[\\/]dist[\\/]/,
isServerless && isServer && new ServerlessPlugin(),
isServer && new PagesManifestPlugin(isLikeServerless),
!isWebpack5 &&
target === 'server' &&
isServer &&
new NextJsSSRModuleCachePlugin({ outputPath }),
isServer && new NextJsSsrImportPlugin(),
!isServer &&
new BuildManifestPlugin({
modern: config.experimental.modern,
tracer &&
new ProfilingPlugin({
!isWebpack5 &&
config.experimental.modern &&
!isServer &&
!dev &&
(() => {
const { NextEsmPlugin } = require('./webpack/plugins/next-esm-plugin')
return new NextEsmPlugin({
filename: (getFileName: Function | string) => (...args: any[]) => {
const name =
typeof getFileName === 'function'
? getFileName(...args)
: getFileName
return name.includes('.js')
? name.replace(/\.js$/, '.module.js')
: escapePathVariables(
args[0]\.js$/, '.module.js')
chunkFilename: (inputChunkName: string) =>
inputChunkName.replace(/\.js$/, '.module.js'),
config.experimental.optimizeFonts &&
!dev &&
isServer &&
(function () {
const {
} = require('./webpack/plugins/font-stylesheet-gathering-plugin')
return new FontStylesheetGatheringPlugin()
config.experimental.conformance &&
!isWebpack5 &&
!dev &&
new WebpackConformancePlugin({
tests: [
!isServer &&
conformanceConfig.MinificationConformanceCheck.enabled &&
new MinificationConformanceCheck(),
conformanceConfig.ReactSyncScriptsConformanceCheck.enabled &&
new ReactSyncScriptsConformanceCheck({
.allowedSources || [],
!isServer &&
conformanceConfig.DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck.enabled &&
new DuplicatePolyfillsConformanceCheck({
!isServer &&
conformanceConfig.GranularChunksConformanceCheck.enabled &&
new GranularChunksConformanceCheck(
new WellKnownErrorsPlugin(),
].filter((Boolean as any) as ExcludesFalse),
// Support tsconfig and jsconfig baseUrl
if (resolvedBaseUrl) {
if (jsConfig?.compilerOptions?.paths && resolvedBaseUrl) {
new JsConfigPathsPlugin(jsConfig.compilerOptions.paths, resolvedBaseUrl)
if (isWebpack5) {
// futureEmitAssets is on by default in webpack 5
delete webpackConfig.output?.futureEmitAssets
// webpack 5 no longer polyfills Node.js modules:
if (webpackConfig.node) delete webpackConfig.node.setImmediate
if (dev) {
if (!webpackConfig.optimization) {
webpackConfig.optimization = {}
webpackConfig.optimization.usedExports = false
const nextPublicVariables = Object.keys(process.env).reduce(
(prev: string, key: string) => {
if (key.startsWith('NEXT_PUBLIC_')) {
return `${prev}|${key}=${process.env[key]}`
return prev
const nextEnvVariables = Object.keys(config.env).reduce(
(prev: string, key: string) => {
return `${prev}|${key}=${config.env[key]}`
const configVars = JSON.stringify({
crossOrigin: config.crossOrigin,
pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions,
trailingSlash: config.trailingSlash,
modern: config.experimental.modern,
buildActivity: config.devIndicators.buildActivity,
autoPrerender: config.devIndicators.autoPrerender,
plugins: config.experimental.plugins,
reactStrictMode: config.reactStrictMode,
reactMode: config.experimental.reactMode,
optimizeFonts: config.experimental.optimizeFonts,
optimizeImages: config.experimental.optimizeImages,
scrollRestoration: config.experimental.scrollRestoration,
basePath: config.basePath,
pageEnv: config.experimental.pageEnv,
excludeDefaultMomentLocales: config.future.excludeDefaultMomentLocales,
assetPrefix: config.assetPrefix,
const cache: any = {
type: 'filesystem',
// Includes:
// - Next.js version
// - NEXT_PUBLIC_ variable values (they affect caching) TODO: make this module usage only
// - next.config.js `env` key
// - next.config.js keys that affect compilation
version: `${process.env.__NEXT_VERSION}|${nextPublicVariables}|${nextEnvVariables}|${configVars}`,
cacheDirectory: path.join(dir, '.next', 'cache', 'webpack'),
// Adds `next.config.js` as a buildDependency when custom webpack config is provided
if (config.webpack && config.configFile) {
cache.buildDependencies = {
config: [config.configFile],
webpackConfig.cache = cache
// @ts-ignore TODO: remove ignore when webpack 5 is stable
webpackConfig.optimization.realContentHash = false
webpackConfig = await buildConfiguration(webpackConfig, {
rootDirectory: dir,
isDevelopment: dev,
assetPrefix: config.assetPrefix || '',
sassOptions: config.sassOptions,
let originalDevtool = webpackConfig.devtool
if (typeof config.webpack === 'function') {
webpackConfig = config.webpack(webpackConfig, {
if (dev && originalDevtool !== webpackConfig.devtool) {
webpackConfig.devtool = originalDevtool
if (typeof (webpackConfig as any).then === 'function') {
'> Promise returned in next config.'
// Backwards compat with webpack-dev-middleware options object
if (typeof config.webpackDevMiddleware === 'function') {
const options = config.webpackDevMiddleware({
watchOptions: webpackConfig.watchOptions,
if (options.watchOptions) {
webpackConfig.watchOptions = options.watchOptions
function canMatchCss(rule: webpack.RuleSetCondition | undefined): boolean {
if (!rule) {
return false
const fileNames = [
if (rule instanceof RegExp && fileNames.some((input) => rule.test(input))) {
return true
if (typeof rule === 'function') {
if (
fileNames.some((input) => {
try {
if (rule(input)) {
return true
} catch (_) {}
return false
) {
return true
if (Array.isArray(rule) && rule.some(canMatchCss)) {
return true
return false
const hasUserCssConfig =
(rule) => canMatchCss(rule.test) || canMatchCss(rule.include)
) ?? false
if (hasUserCssConfig) {
// only show warning for one build
if (isServer) {
chalk.yellow.bold('Warning: ') +
'Built-in CSS support is being disabled due to custom CSS configuration being detected.\n'
) +
'See here for more info:\n'
if (webpackConfig.module?.rules.length) {
// Remove default CSS Loader
webpackConfig.module.rules = webpackConfig.module.rules.filter(
(r) =>
typeof r.oneOf?.[0]?.options === 'object' &&
r.oneOf[0].options.__next_css_remove === true
if (webpackConfig.plugins?.length) {
// Disable CSS Extraction Plugin
webpackConfig.plugins = webpackConfig.plugins.filter(
(p) => (p as any).__next_css_remove !== true
if (webpackConfig.optimization?.minimizer?.length) {
// Disable CSS Minifier
webpackConfig.optimization.minimizer = webpackConfig.optimization.minimizer.filter(
(e) => (e as any).__next_css_remove !== true
} else {
await __overrideCssConfiguration(dir, !dev, webpackConfig)
// Inject missing React Refresh loaders so that development mode is fast:
if (hasReactRefresh) {
attachReactRefresh(webpackConfig, defaultLoaders.babel)
// check if using @zeit/next-typescript and show warning
if (
isServer &&
webpackConfig.module &&
) {
let foundTsRule = false
webpackConfig.module.rules = webpackConfig.module.rules.filter(
(rule): boolean => {
if (!(rule.test instanceof RegExp)) return true
if ('noop.ts'.match(rule.test) && !'noop.js'.match(rule.test)) {
// remove if it matches @zeit/next-typescript
foundTsRule = rule.use === defaultLoaders.babel
return !foundTsRule
return true
if (foundTsRule) {
'\n@zeit/next-typescript is no longer needed since Next.js has built-in support for TypeScript now. Please remove it from your next.config.js and your .babelrc\n'
// Patch `@zeit/next-sass`, `@zeit/next-less`, `@zeit/next-stylus` for compatibility
if (webpackConfig.module && Array.isArray(webpackConfig.module.rules)) {
;[], function (
rule: webpack.RuleSetRule
) {
if (!(rule.test instanceof RegExp && Array.isArray(rule.use))) {
const isSass =
rule.test.source === '\\.scss$' || rule.test.source === '\\.sass$'
const isLess = rule.test.source === '\\.less$'
const isCss = rule.test.source === '\\.css$'
const isStylus = rule.test.source === '\\.styl$'
// Check if the rule we're iterating over applies to Sass, Less, or CSS
if (!(isSass || isLess || isCss || isStylus)) {
;[], function (use: webpack.RuleSetUseItem) {
if (
use &&
typeof use === 'object' &&
// Identify use statements only pertaining to `css-loader`
(use.loader === 'css-loader' ||
use.loader === 'css-loader/locals') &&
use.options &&
typeof use.options === 'object' &&
// The `minimize` property is a good heuristic that we need to
// perform this hack. The `minimize` property was only valid on
// old `css-loader` versions. Custom setups (that aren't next-sass,
// next-less or next-stylus) likely have the newer version.
// We still handle this gracefully below.
(, 'minimize') ||
) {
// Try to monkey patch within a try-catch. We shouldn't fail the build
// if we cannot pull this off.
// The user may not even be using the `next-sass` or `next-less` or
// `next-stylus` plugins.
// If it does work, great!
try {
// Resolve the version of `@zeit/next-css` as depended on by the Sass,
// Less or Stylus plugin.
const correctNextCss = resolveRequest(
? // Resolve `@zeit/next-css` from the base directory
: // Else, resolve it from the specific plugins
? '@zeit/next-sass'
: isLess
? '@zeit/next-less'
: isStylus
? '@zeit/next-stylus'
: 'next'
// If we found `@zeit/next-css` ...
if (correctNextCss) {
// ... resolve the version of `css-loader` shipped with that
// package instead of whichever was hoisted highest in your
// `node_modules` tree.
const correctCssLoader = resolveRequest(use.loader, correctNextCss)
if (correctCssLoader) {
// We saved the user from a failed build!
use.loader = correctCssLoader
} catch (_) {
// The error is not required to be handled.
// Backwards compat for `main.js` entry key
const originalEntry: any = webpackConfig.entry
if (typeof originalEntry !== 'undefined') {
webpackConfig.entry = async () => {
const entry: WebpackEntrypoints =
typeof originalEntry === 'function'
? await originalEntry()
: originalEntry
// Server compilation doesn't have main.js
if (clientEntries && entry['main.js'] && entry['main.js'].length > 0) {
const originalFile = clientEntries[
] as string
delete entry['main.js']
return entry
if (!dev) {
// entry is always a function
webpackConfig.entry = await (webpackConfig.entry as webpack.EntryFunc)()
return webpackConfig