Keen Yee Liau c7ab8314d7
add attribution to web vitals (#39368)
This commit implements the main proposal presented in
to add attribution to web vitals.

Attribution adds more specific debugging info to web vitals,
for example in the case of Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS),
we might want to know
> What's the first element that shifted when the single largest layout shift occurred?

on in the case of Largest Contentful Paint (LCP),
> What's the element corresponding to the LCP for the page?
> If it is an image, what's the URL of the image resource?

Attribution is *disabled* by default because it could potentially
generate a lot data and overwhelm the RUM backend.
It is enabled *per metric* (LCP, FCP, CLS, etc)

As part of this change, `web-vitals` has been upgraded to v3.0.0
This version contains minor bug fixes, please see changelog at

Fixes #39241 

## Bug

- [ ] Related issues linked using `fixes #number`
- [ ] Integration tests added
- [ ] Errors have helpful link attached, see ``

## Feature

- [x] Implements an existing feature request or RFC. Make sure the feature request has been accepted for implementation before opening a PR.
- [x] Related issues linked using `fixes #number`
- [x] Integration tests added
- [x] Documentation added
- [ ] Telemetry added. In case of a feature if it's used or not.
- [ ] Errors have helpful link attached, see ``

## Documentation / Examples

- [ ] Make sure the linting passes by running `pnpm lint`
- [x] The examples guidelines are followed from [our contributing doc](

Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-10-04 00:17:30 +00:00

457 lines
11 KiB

import type { HtmlProps } from './html-context'
import type { ComponentType } from 'react'
import type { DomainLocale } from '../../server/config'
import type { Env } from '@next/env'
import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'
import type { NextRouter } from './router/router'
import type { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring'
import type { PreviewData } from 'next/types'
import { COMPILER_NAMES } from './constants'
export type NextComponentType<
C extends BaseContext = NextPageContext,
IP = {},
P = {}
> = ComponentType<P> & {
* Used for initial page load data population. Data returned from `getInitialProps` is serialized when server rendered.
* Make sure to return plain `Object` without using `Date`, `Map`, `Set`.
* @param ctx Context of `page`
getInitialProps?(context: C): IP | Promise<IP>
export type DocumentType = NextComponentType<
export type AppType<P = {}> = NextComponentType<
AppPropsType<any, P>
export type AppTreeType = ComponentType<
AppInitialProps & { [name: string]: any }
* Web vitals provided to _app.reportWebVitals by Core Web Vitals plugin developed by Google Chrome team.
export const WEB_VITALS = ['CLS', 'FCP', 'FID', 'INP', 'LCP', 'TTFB'] as const
export type NextWebVitalsMetric = {
id: string
startTime: number
value: number
attribution?: { [key: string]: unknown }
} & (
| {
label: 'web-vital'
name: typeof WEB_VITALS[number]
| {
label: 'custom'
| 'Next.js-hydration'
| 'Next.js-route-change-to-render'
| 'Next.js-render'
export type Enhancer<C> = (Component: C) => C
export type ComponentsEnhancer =
| {
enhanceApp?: Enhancer<AppType>
enhanceComponent?: Enhancer<NextComponentType>
| Enhancer<NextComponentType>
export type RenderPageResult = {
html: string
head?: Array<JSX.Element | null>
export type RenderPage = (
options?: ComponentsEnhancer
) => DocumentInitialProps | Promise<DocumentInitialProps>
export type BaseContext = {
res?: ServerResponse
[k: string]: any
export type NEXT_DATA = {
props: Record<string, any>
page: string
query: ParsedUrlQuery
buildId: string
assetPrefix?: string
runtimeConfig?: { [key: string]: any }
nextExport?: boolean
autoExport?: boolean
isFallback?: boolean
dynamicIds?: (string | number)[]
err?: Error & {
statusCode?: number
source?: typeof COMPILER_NAMES.server | typeof COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer
gsp?: boolean
gssp?: boolean
customServer?: boolean
gip?: boolean
appGip?: boolean
locale?: string
locales?: string[]
defaultLocale?: string
domainLocales?: DomainLocale[]
scriptLoader?: any[]
isPreview?: boolean
notFoundSrcPage?: string
* `Next` context
export interface NextPageContext {
* Error object if encountered during rendering
err?: (Error & { statusCode?: number }) | null
* `HTTP` request object.
req?: IncomingMessage
* `HTTP` response object.
res?: ServerResponse
* Path section of `URL`.
pathname: string
* Query string section of `URL` parsed as an object.
query: ParsedUrlQuery
* `String` of the actual path including query.
asPath?: string
* The currently active locale
locale?: string
* All configured locales
locales?: string[]
* The configured default locale
defaultLocale?: string
* `Component` the tree of the App to use if needing to render separately
AppTree: AppTreeType
export type AppContextType<R extends NextRouter = NextRouter> = {
Component: NextComponentType<NextPageContext>
AppTree: AppTreeType
ctx: NextPageContext
router: R
export type AppInitialProps<P = any> = {
pageProps: P
export type AppPropsType<
R extends NextRouter = NextRouter,
P = {}
> = AppInitialProps<P> & {
Component: NextComponentType<NextPageContext, any, any>
router: R
__N_SSG?: boolean
__N_SSP?: boolean
export type DocumentContext = NextPageContext & {
renderPage: RenderPage
ctx: DocumentContext,
options?: { nonce?: string }
): Promise<DocumentInitialProps>
export type DocumentInitialProps = RenderPageResult & {
styles?: React.ReactElement[] | React.ReactFragment | JSX.Element
export type DocumentProps = DocumentInitialProps & HtmlProps
* Next `API` route request
export interface NextApiRequest extends IncomingMessage {
* Object of `query` values from url
query: Partial<{
[key: string]: string | string[]
* Object of `cookies` from header
cookies: Partial<{
[key: string]: string
body: any
env: Env
preview?: boolean
* Preview data set on the request, if any
* */
previewData?: PreviewData
* Send body of response
type Send<T> = (body: T) => void
* Next `API` route response
export type NextApiResponse<T = any> = ServerResponse & {
* Send data `any` data in response
send: Send<T>
* Send data `json` data in response
json: Send<T>
status: (statusCode: number) => NextApiResponse<T>
redirect(url: string): NextApiResponse<T>
redirect(status: number, url: string): NextApiResponse<T>
* Set preview data for Next.js' prerender mode
setPreviewData: (
data: object | string,
options?: {
* Specifies the number (in seconds) for the preview session to last for.
* The given number will be converted to an integer by rounding down.
* By default, no maximum age is set and the preview session finishes
* when the client shuts down (browser is closed).
maxAge?: number
* Specifies the path for the preview session to work under. By default,
* the path is considered the "default path", i.e., any pages under "/".
path?: string
) => NextApiResponse<T>
* Clear preview data for Next.js' prerender mode
clearPreviewData: (options?: { path?: string }) => NextApiResponse<T>
* @deprecated `unstable_revalidate` has been renamed to `revalidate`
unstable_revalidate: () => void
revalidate: (
urlPath: string,
opts?: {
unstable_onlyGenerated?: boolean
) => Promise<void>
* Next `API` route handler
export type NextApiHandler<T = any> = (
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse<T>
) => unknown | Promise<unknown>
* Utils
export function execOnce<T extends (...args: any[]) => ReturnType<T>>(
fn: T
): T {
let used = false
let result: ReturnType<T>
return ((...args: any[]) => {
if (!used) {
used = true
result = fn(...args)
return result
}) as T
// Scheme:
// Absolute URL:
const ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+\-.]*?:/
export const isAbsoluteUrl = (url: string) => ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX.test(url)
export function getLocationOrigin() {
const { protocol, hostname, port } = window.location
return `${protocol}//${hostname}${port ? ':' + port : ''}`
export function getURL() {
const { href } = window.location
const origin = getLocationOrigin()
return href.substring(origin.length)
export function getDisplayName<P>(Component: ComponentType<P>) {
return typeof Component === 'string'
? Component
: Component.displayName || || 'Unknown'
export function isResSent(res: ServerResponse) {
return res.finished || res.headersSent
export function normalizeRepeatedSlashes(url: string) {
const urlParts = url.split('?')
const urlNoQuery = urlParts[0]
return (
// first we replace any non-encoded backslashes with forward
// then normalize repeated forward slashes
.replace(/\\/g, '/')
.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/') +
(urlParts[1] ? `?${urlParts.slice(1).join('?')}` : '')
export async function loadGetInitialProps<
C extends BaseContext,
IP = {},
P = {}
>(App: NextComponentType<C, IP, P>, ctx: C): Promise<IP> {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (App.prototype?.getInitialProps) {
const message = `"${getDisplayName(
)}.getInitialProps()" is defined as an instance method - visit for more information.`
throw new Error(message)
// when called from _app `ctx` is nested in `ctx`
const res = ctx.res || (ctx.ctx && ctx.ctx.res)
if (!App.getInitialProps) {
if (ctx.ctx && ctx.Component) {
// @ts-ignore pageProps default
return {
pageProps: await loadGetInitialProps(ctx.Component, ctx.ctx),
return {} as IP
const props = await App.getInitialProps(ctx)
if (res && isResSent(res)) {
return props
if (!props) {
const message = `"${getDisplayName(
)}.getInitialProps()" should resolve to an object. But found "${props}" instead.`
throw new Error(message)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (Object.keys(props).length === 0 && !ctx.ctx) {
)} returned an empty object from \`getInitialProps\`. This de-optimizes and prevents automatic static optimization.`
return props
let warnOnce = (_: string) => {}
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const warnings = new Set<string>()
warnOnce = (msg: string) => {
if (!warnings.has(msg)) {
export { warnOnce }
export const SP = typeof performance !== 'undefined'
export const ST =
SP &&
(['mark', 'measure', 'getEntriesByName'] as const).every(
(method) => typeof performance[method] === 'function'
export class DecodeError extends Error {}
export class NormalizeError extends Error {}
export class PageNotFoundError extends Error {
code: string
constructor(page: string) {
this.code = 'ENOENT'
this.message = `Cannot find module for page: ${page}`
export class MissingStaticPage extends Error {
constructor(page: string, message: string) {
this.message = `Failed to load static file for page: ${page} ${message}`
export class MiddlewareNotFoundError extends Error {
code: string
constructor() {
this.code = 'ENOENT'
this.message = `Cannot find the middleware module`
export interface CacheFs {
readFile(f: string): Promise<string>
readFileSync(f: string): string
writeFile(f: string, d: any): Promise<void>
mkdir(dir: string): Promise<void | string>
stat(f: string): Promise<{ mtime: Date }>