Steven 5e29723b05
Bump squoosh to the latest version (#29506)
Bump `squoosh` to the latest version, currently commit [cad09160](cad09160b6).

Ideally, we would use the version published to npm but it hasn't been published in [two months]( and we have a patch (#23565) that isn't available upstream.

This also is a precursor to getting support for AVIF.

- Fixes #27092
- Fixes #26527 
- Reapplies the patch from #23565
2021-10-06 14:47:48 +00:00

374 lines
9.6 KiB

import { promises as fsp } from 'fs'
import * as path from 'path'
import { instantiateEmscriptenWasm, pathify } from './emscripten-utils.js'
interface DecodeModule extends EmscriptenWasm.Module {
decode: (data: Uint8Array) => ImageData
type DecodeModuleFactory = EmscriptenWasm.ModuleFactory<DecodeModule>
interface RotateModuleInstance {
exports: {
memory: WebAssembly.Memory
rotate(width: number, height: number, rotate: number): void
interface ResizeWithAspectParams {
input_width: number
input_height: number
target_width?: number
target_height?: number
export interface ResizeOptions {
width?: number
height?: number
method: 'triangle' | 'catrom' | 'mitchell' | 'lanczos3'
premultiply: boolean
linearRGB: boolean
export interface RotateOptions {
numRotations: number
// MozJPEG
import type { MozJPEGModule as MozJPEGEncodeModule } from './mozjpeg/mozjpeg_enc'
// @ts-ignore
import mozEnc from './mozjpeg/mozjpeg_node_enc.js'
const mozEncWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './mozjpeg/mozjpeg_node_enc.wasm')
// @ts-ignore
import mozDec from './mozjpeg/mozjpeg_node_dec.js'
const mozDecWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './mozjpeg/mozjpeg_node_dec.wasm')
// WebP
import type { WebPModule as WebPEncodeModule } from './webp/webp_enc'
// @ts-ignore
import webpEnc from './webp/webp_node_enc.js'
const webpEncWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './webp/webp_node_enc.wasm')
// @ts-ignore
import webpDec from './webp/webp_node_dec.js'
const webpDecWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './webp/webp_node_dec.wasm')
import type { AVIFModule as AVIFEncodeModule } from './avif/avif_enc'
// @ts-ignore
import avifEnc from './avif/avif_node_enc.js'
const avifEncWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './avif/avif_node_enc.wasm')
// @ts-ignore
import avifDec from './avif/avif_node_dec.js'
const avifDecWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './avif/avif_node_dec.wasm')
// PNG
// @ts-ignore
import * as pngEncDec from './png/squoosh_png.js'
const pngEncDecWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './png/squoosh_png_bg.wasm')
const pngEncDecInit = () =>
// OxiPNG
// @ts-ignore
import * as oxipng from './png/squoosh_oxipng.js'
const oxipngWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './png/squoosh_oxipng_bg.wasm')
const oxipngInit = () => oxipng.default(fsp.readFile(pathify(oxipngWasm)))
// Resize
// @ts-ignore
import * as resize from './resize/squoosh_resize.js'
const resizeWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './resize/squoosh_resize_bg.wasm')
const resizeInit = () => resize.default(fsp.readFile(pathify(resizeWasm)))
// rotate
const rotateWasm = path.resolve(__dirname, './rotate/rotate.wasm')
// Our decoders currently rely on a `ImageData` global.
import ImageData from './image_data'
;(global as any).ImageData = ImageData
function resizeNameToIndex(
name: 'triangle' | 'catrom' | 'mitchell' | 'lanczos3'
) {
switch (name) {
case 'triangle':
return 0
case 'catrom':
return 1
case 'mitchell':
return 2
case 'lanczos3':
return 3
throw Error(`Unknown resize algorithm "${name}"`)
function resizeWithAspect({
}: ResizeWithAspectParams): { width: number; height: number } {
if (!target_width && !target_height) {
throw Error('Need to specify at least width or height when resizing')
if (target_width && target_height) {
return { width: target_width, height: target_height }
if (!target_width) {
return {
width: Math.round((input_width / input_height) * target_height!),
height: target_height!,
return {
width: target_width,
height: Math.round((input_height / input_width) * target_width),
export const preprocessors = {
resize: {
name: 'Resize',
description: 'Resize the image before compressing',
instantiate: async () => {
await resizeInit()
return (
buffer: Uint8Array,
input_width: number,
input_height: number,
{ width, height, method, premultiply, linearRGB }: ResizeOptions
) => {
;({ width, height } = resizeWithAspect({
target_width: width,
target_height: height,
const imageData = new ImageData(
return imageData
defaultOptions: {
method: 'lanczos3',
fitMethod: 'stretch',
premultiply: true,
linearRGB: true,
rotate: {
name: 'Rotate',
description: 'Rotate image',
instantiate: async () => {
return async (
buffer: Uint8Array,
width: number,
height: number,
{ numRotations }: RotateOptions
) => {
const degrees = (numRotations * 90) % 360
const sameDimensions = degrees === 0 || degrees === 180
const size = width * height * 4
const instance = (
await WebAssembly.instantiate(await fsp.readFile(pathify(rotateWasm)))
).instance as RotateModuleInstance
const { memory } = instance.exports
const additionalPagesNeeded = Math.ceil(
(size * 2 - memory.buffer.byteLength + 8) / (64 * 1024)
if (additionalPagesNeeded > 0) {
const view = new Uint8ClampedArray(memory.buffer)
view.set(buffer, 8)
instance.exports.rotate(width, height, degrees)
return new ImageData(
view.slice(size + 8, size * 2 + 8),
sameDimensions ? width : height,
sameDimensions ? height : width
defaultOptions: {
numRotations: 0,
} as const
export const codecs = {
mozjpeg: {
name: 'MozJPEG',
extension: 'jpg',
detectors: [/^\xFF\xD8\xFF/],
dec: () =>
instantiateEmscriptenWasm(mozDec as DecodeModuleFactory, mozDecWasm),
enc: () =>
mozEnc as EmscriptenWasm.ModuleFactory<MozJPEGEncodeModule>,
defaultEncoderOptions: {
quality: 75,
baseline: false,
arithmetic: false,
progressive: true,
optimize_coding: true,
smoothing: 0,
color_space: 3 /*YCbCr*/,
quant_table: 3,
trellis_multipass: false,
trellis_opt_zero: false,
trellis_opt_table: false,
trellis_loops: 1,
auto_subsample: true,
chroma_subsample: 2,
separate_chroma_quality: false,
chroma_quality: 75,
autoOptimize: {
option: 'quality',
min: 0,
max: 100,
webp: {
name: 'WebP',
extension: 'webp',
detectors: [/^RIFF....WEBPVP8[LX ]/s],
dec: () =>
instantiateEmscriptenWasm(webpDec as DecodeModuleFactory, webpDecWasm),
enc: () =>
webpEnc as EmscriptenWasm.ModuleFactory<WebPEncodeModule>,
defaultEncoderOptions: {
quality: 75,
target_size: 0,
target_PSNR: 0,
method: 4,
sns_strength: 50,
filter_strength: 60,
filter_sharpness: 0,
filter_type: 1,
partitions: 0,
segments: 4,
pass: 1,
show_compressed: 0,
preprocessing: 0,
autofilter: 0,
partition_limit: 0,
alpha_compression: 1,
alpha_filtering: 1,
alpha_quality: 100,
lossless: 0,
exact: 0,
image_hint: 0,
emulate_jpeg_size: 0,
thread_level: 0,
low_memory: 0,
near_lossless: 100,
use_delta_palette: 0,
use_sharp_yuv: 0,
autoOptimize: {
option: 'quality',
min: 0,
max: 100,
avif: {
name: 'AVIF',
extension: 'avif',
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
detectors: [/^\x00\x00\x00 ftypavif\x00\x00\x00\x00/],
dec: () =>
instantiateEmscriptenWasm(avifDec as DecodeModuleFactory, avifDecWasm),
enc: async () => {
return instantiateEmscriptenWasm(
avifEnc as EmscriptenWasm.ModuleFactory<AVIFEncodeModule>,
defaultEncoderOptions: {
cqLevel: 33,
cqAlphaLevel: -1,
denoiseLevel: 0,
tileColsLog2: 0,
tileRowsLog2: 0,
speed: 6,
subsample: 1,
chromaDeltaQ: false,
sharpness: 0,
tune: 0 /* */,
autoOptimize: {
option: 'cqLevel',
min: 62,
max: 0,
oxipng: {
name: 'OxiPNG',
extension: 'png',
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
detectors: [/^\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A/],
dec: async () => {
await pngEncDecInit()
return {
decode: (buffer: Buffer | Uint8Array) => {
const imageData = pngEncDec.decode(buffer)
return imageData
enc: async () => {
await pngEncDecInit()
await oxipngInit()
return {
encode: (
buffer: Uint8ClampedArray | ArrayBuffer,
width: number,
height: number,
opts: { level: number }
) => {
const simplePng = pngEncDec.encode(
new Uint8Array(buffer),
const imageData = oxipng.optimise(simplePng, opts.level, false)
return imageData
defaultEncoderOptions: {
level: 2,
autoOptimize: {
option: 'level',
min: 6,
max: 1,
} as const