Long Ho 6f60a22377
fix: fix hashing algo and locale value hydration (#16692)
- Fix hashing algo for extraction so it's the same as babel config
- Fix locale persistence issue
fix #16689
2020-09-01 01:33:24 +00:00

33 lines
1.2 KiB

import {basename} from 'path';
import {sync as globSync} from 'glob';
import {createServer} from 'http';
import accepts from 'accepts';
import next from 'next';
import {polyfill} from './polyfills';
import crypto from 'crypto';
// Get the supported languages by looking for translations in the `lang/` dir.
const supportedLanguages = globSync('./compiled-lang/*.json').map(f =>
basename(f, '.json')
const SUPPORTED_LOCALES = ['en', 'fr'];
const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 3000;
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const app = next({dev});
const handle = app.getRequestHandler();
Promise.all([app.prepare(),]).then(() => {
createServer((req, res) => {
const accept = accepts(req);
const locale = accept.language(supportedLanguages) || 'en';
(req as any).locale = locale;
const nonce = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
(req as any).nonce = nonce;
// TODO: This will blow up other next inline JS but next.js should prob fix this
// res.setHeader('Content-Security-Policy', `script-src 'nonce-${nonce}'`);
handle(req, res);
}).listen(port, () => {
console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`);