Timon Borter cf31021e25 Bugfix/redux saga 1 0 0 not ready (#6176)
This reverts the changes made in [this pr](
`redux-saga: "1.0.0"` changed the way it handles it's queues. Because of that we're still having trouble to implement the synchronous side-effects flow in `next-redux-saga`. See [this discussion]( for more information.
Therefore I would feel more comfortable not to mislead users by giving them a non-working example in the main branch.
2019-01-30 15:34:18 +01:00

37 lines
825 B

/* global fetch */
import { delay } from 'redux-saga'
import { all, call, put, take, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import es6promise from 'es6-promise'
import 'isomorphic-unfetch'
import { actionTypes, failure, loadDataSuccess, tickClock } from './actions'
function * runClockSaga () {
yield take(actionTypes.START_CLOCK)
while (true) {
yield put(tickClock(false))
yield call(delay, 1000)
function * loadDataSaga () {
try {
const res = yield fetch('')
const data = yield res.json()
yield put(loadDataSuccess(data))
} catch (err) {
yield put(failure(err))
function * rootSaga () {
yield all([
takeLatest(actionTypes.LOAD_DATA, loadDataSaga)
export default rootSaga