Jamie 397a375b37
Ensure next commands respect termination signals (#19433)
Fixes #16173

## What

Restores handling of termination signals, `SIGTERM` and `SIGINT`, to allow graceful termination of next commands. Seems to have been removed during a child process refactor #6450, was this intentional?

## Why 

Currently the command processes have to be forcefully killed. This would help those using Next.js with custom servers and tools like Docker and Kubernetes that rely on termination signals to shutdown instances.


Where would be a good location to add some tests? [test/integration/cli/test/index.test.js](fc98c13a2e/test/integration/cli/test/index.test.js)?
2020-11-25 13:30:06 +00:00

123 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env node
import * as log from '../build/output/log'
import arg from 'next/dist/compiled/arg/index.js'
import { NON_STANDARD_NODE_ENV } from '../lib/constants'
;['react', 'react-dom'].forEach((dependency) => {
try {
// When 'npm link' is used it checks the clone location. Not the project.
} catch (err) {
`The module '${dependency}' was not found. Next.js requires that you include it in 'dependencies' of your 'package.json'. To add it, run 'npm install ${dependency}'`
const defaultCommand = 'dev'
export type cliCommand = (argv?: string[]) => void
const commands: { [command: string]: () => Promise<cliCommand> } = {
build: async () => await import('../cli/next-build').then((i) => i.nextBuild),
start: async () => await import('../cli/next-start').then((i) => i.nextStart),
export: async () =>
await import('../cli/next-export').then((i) => i.nextExport),
dev: async () => await import('../cli/next-dev').then((i) => i.nextDev),
telemetry: async () =>
await import('../cli/next-telemetry').then((i) => i.nextTelemetry),
const args = arg(
// Types
'--version': Boolean,
'--help': Boolean,
'--inspect': Boolean,
// Aliases
'-v': '--version',
'-h': '--help',
permissive: true,
// Version is inlined into the file using taskr build pipeline
if (args['--version']) {
console.log(`Next.js v${process.env.__NEXT_VERSION}`)
// Check if we are running `next <subcommand>` or `next`
const foundCommand = Boolean(commands[args._[0]])
// Makes sure the `next --help` case is covered
// This help message is only showed for `next --help`
// `next <subcommand> --help` falls through to be handled later
if (!foundCommand && args['--help']) {
$ next <command>
Available commands
${Object.keys(commands).join(', ')}
--version, -v Version number
--help, -h Displays this message
For more information run a command with the --help flag
$ next build --help
const command = foundCommand ? args._[0] : defaultCommand
const forwardedArgs = foundCommand ? args._.slice(1) : args._
if (args['--inspect'])
throw new Error(
`--inspect flag is deprecated. Use env variable NODE_OPTIONS instead: NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next ${command}`
// Make sure the `next <subcommand> --help` case is covered
if (args['--help']) {
const defaultEnv = command === 'dev' ? 'development' : 'production'
const standardEnv = ['production', 'development', 'test']
if (process.env.NODE_ENV && !standardEnv.includes(process.env.NODE_ENV)) {
;(process.env as any).NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || defaultEnv
// this needs to come after we set the correct NODE_ENV or
// else it might cause SSR to break
const React = require('react')
if (typeof React.Suspense === 'undefined') {
throw new Error(
`The version of React you are using is lower than the minimum required version needed for Next.js. Please upgrade "react" and "react-dom": "npm install react react-dom"`
// Make sure commands gracefully respect termination signals (e.g. from Docker)
process.on('SIGTERM', () => process.exit(0))
process.on('SIGINT', () => process.exit(0))
commands[command]().then((exec) => exec(forwardedArgs))
if (command === 'dev') {
const { CONFIG_FILE } = require('../next-server/lib/constants')
const { watchFile } = require('fs')
watchFile(`${process.cwd()}/${CONFIG_FILE}`, (cur: any, prev: any) => {
if (cur.size > 0 || prev.size > 0) {
`\n> Found a change in ${CONFIG_FILE}. Restart the server to see the changes in effect.`