Braden Kelley d08b3ffa50
graceful shutdown (#60059)
- Both the standalone server and the `startServer` function it calls
attempt to stop the server on `SIGINT` and `SIGTERM` in different ways.
This lets `server.js` yield to `startServer`
- The cleanup function in `startServer` was not waiting for the server
to close before calling `process.exit`. This lets it wait for any
in-flight requests to finish processing before exiting the process
- Sends `SIGKILL` to the child process in `next dev`, which should have
the same effect of immediately shutting down the server on `SIGTERM` or

fixes: #53661
refs: #59551


Previously #59551 attempted to fix #53661, but had broken some tests in
the process. It looks like the final commit was also missing an intended
change to `utils.ts`. This should fix those issues as well as introduce
a new set of tests for the graceful shutdown feature.

In the last PR I was squashing and force-pushing updates along the way
but it made it difficult to track the changes. This time I'm pushing
quite a few commits to make it easier to track the changes and refactors
I've made, with the idea that this should be squashed before being

<!-- Thanks for opening a PR! Your contribution is much appreciated.
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## For Contributors

### Improving Documentation

- Run `pnpm prettier-fix` to fix formatting issues before opening the
- Read the Docs Contribution Guide to ensure your contribution follows
the docs guidelines:

### Adding or Updating Examples

- The "examples guidelines" are followed from our contributing doc
- Make sure the linting passes by running `pnpm build && pnpm lint`. See

### Fixing a bug

- Related issues linked using `fixes #number`
- Tests added. See:
- Errors have a helpful link attached, see

### Adding a feature

- Implements an existing feature request or RFC. Make sure the feature
request has been accepted for implementation before opening a PR. (A
discussion must be opened, see
- Related issues/discussions are linked using `fixes #number`
- e2e tests added
- Documentation added
- Telemetry added. In case of a feature if it's used or not.
- Errors have a helpful link attached, see

## For Maintainers

- Minimal description (aim for explaining to someone not on the team to
understand the PR)
- When linking to a Slack thread, you might want to share details of the
- Link both the Linear (Fixes NEXT-xxx) and the GitHub issues
- Add review comments if necessary to explain to the reviewer the logic
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### What?

### Why?

### How?

Closes NEXT-
Fixes #

2024-01-16 18:25:49 +01:00

1054 lines
27 KiB

import express from 'express'
import {
} from 'fs'
import { promisify } from 'util'
import http from 'http'
import path from 'path'
import spawn from 'cross-spawn'
import { writeFile } from 'fs-extra'
import getPort from 'get-port'
import { getRandomPort } from 'get-port-please'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import qs from 'querystring'
import treeKill from 'tree-kill'
import { once } from 'events'
import server from 'next/dist/server/next'
import _pkg from 'next/package.json'
import type { SpawnOptions, ChildProcess } from 'child_process'
import type { RequestInit, Response } from 'node-fetch'
import type { NextServer } from 'next/dist/server/next'
import type { BrowserInterface } from './browsers/base'
import { getTurbopackFlag, shouldRunTurboDevTest } from './turbo'
import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi'
export { shouldRunTurboDevTest }
export const nextServer = server
export const pkg = _pkg
export function initNextServerScript(
scriptPath: string,
successRegexp: RegExp,
env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv,
failRegexp?: RegExp,
opts?: {
cwd?: string
nodeArgs?: string[]
onStdout?: (data: any) => void
onStderr?: (data: any) => void
): Promise<ChildProcess> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const instance = spawn(
[...((opts && opts.nodeArgs) || []), '--no-deprecation', scriptPath],
cwd: opts && opts.cwd,
function handleStdout(data) {
const message = data.toString()
if (successRegexp.test(message)) {
if (opts && opts.onStdout) {
function handleStderr(data) {
const message = data.toString()
if (failRegexp && failRegexp.test(message)) {
return reject(new Error('received failRegexp'))
if (opts && opts.onStderr) {
instance.stdout.on('data', handleStdout)
instance.stderr.on('data', handleStderr)
instance.on('close', () => {
instance.stdout.removeListener('data', handleStdout)
instance.stderr.removeListener('data', handleStderr)
instance.on('error', (err) => {
export function getFullUrl(
appPortOrUrl: string | number,
url?: string,
hostname?: string
) {
let fullUrl =
typeof appPortOrUrl === 'string' && appPortOrUrl.startsWith('http')
? appPortOrUrl
: `http://${hostname ? hostname : 'localhost'}:${appPortOrUrl}${url}`
if (typeof appPortOrUrl === 'string' && url) {
const parsedUrl = new URL(fullUrl)
const parsedPathQuery = new URL(url, fullUrl)
parsedUrl.hash = parsedPathQuery.hash =
parsedUrl.pathname = parsedPathQuery.pathname
if (hostname && parsedUrl.hostname === 'localhost') {
parsedUrl.hostname = hostname
fullUrl = parsedUrl.toString()
return fullUrl
* Appends the querystring to the url
* @param pathname the pathname
* @param query the query object to add to the pathname
* @returns the pathname with the query
export function withQuery(
pathname: string,
query: Record<string, any> | string
) {
const querystring = typeof query === 'string' ? query : qs.stringify(query)
if (querystring.length === 0) {
return pathname
// If there's a `?` between the pathname and the querystring already, then
// don't add another one.
if (querystring.startsWith('?') || pathname.endsWith('?')) {
return `${pathname}${querystring}`
return `${pathname}?${querystring}`
export function fetchViaHTTP(
appPort: string | number,
pathname: string,
query?: Record<string, any> | string | null | undefined,
opts?: RequestInit
): Promise<Response> {
const url = query ? withQuery(pathname, query) : pathname
return fetch(getFullUrl(appPort, url), opts)
export function renderViaHTTP(
appPort: string | number,
pathname: string,
query?: Record<string, any> | string | undefined,
opts?: RequestInit
) {
return fetchViaHTTP(appPort, pathname, query, opts).then((res) => res.text())
export function findPort() {
// [NOTE] What are we doing here?
// There are some flaky tests failures caused by `No available ports found` from 'get-port'.
// This may be related / fixed by upstream,
// however it happened after get-port switched to pure esm which is not easy to adapt by bump.
// get-port-please seems to offer the feature parity so we'll try to use it, and leave get-port as fallback
// for a while until we are certain to switch to get-port-please entirely.
try {
return getRandomPort()
} catch (e) {
require('console').warn('get-port-please failed, falling back to get-port')
return getPort()
export interface NextOptions {
cwd?: string
env?: NodeJS.Dict<string>
nodeArgs?: string[]
spawnOptions?: SpawnOptions
instance?: (instance: ChildProcess) => void
stderr?: true | 'log'
stdout?: true | 'log'
ignoreFail?: boolean
onStdout?: (data: any) => void
onStderr?: (data: any) => void
export function runNextCommand(
argv: string[],
options: NextOptions = {}
): Promise<{
code: number
signal: NodeJS.Signals
stdout: string
stderr: string
}> {
const nextDir = path.dirname(require.resolve('next/package'))
const nextBin = path.join(nextDir, 'dist/bin/next')
const cwd = options.cwd || nextDir
// Let Next.js decide the environment
const env = {
NODE_ENV: undefined,
__NEXT_TEST_MODE: 'true',
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log(`Running command "next ${argv.join(' ')}"`)
const instance = spawn(
[...(options.nodeArgs || []), '--no-deprecation', nextBin, ...argv],
stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'],
if (typeof options.instance === 'function') {
let mergedStdio = ''
let stderrOutput = ''
if (options.stderr || options.onStderr) {
instance.stderr.on('data', function (chunk) {
mergedStdio += chunk
stderrOutput += chunk
if (options.stderr === 'log') {
if (typeof options.onStderr === 'function') {
} else {
instance.stderr.on('data', function (chunk) {
mergedStdio += chunk
let stdoutOutput = ''
if (options.stdout || options.onStdout) {
instance.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) {
mergedStdio += chunk
stdoutOutput += chunk
if (options.stdout === 'log') {
if (typeof options.onStdout === 'function') {
} else {
instance.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) {
mergedStdio += chunk
instance.on('close', (code, signal) => {
if (
!options.stderr &&
!options.stdout &&
!options.ignoreFail &&
(code !== 0 || signal)
) {
return reject(
new Error(
`command failed with code ${code} signal ${signal}\n${mergedStdio}`
if (code || signal) {
console.error(`process exited with code ${code} and signal ${signal}`)
stdout: stdoutOutput,
stderr: stderrOutput,
instance.on('error', (err) => {
err['stdout'] = stdoutOutput
err['stderr'] = stderrOutput
export interface NextDevOptions {
cwd?: string
env?: NodeJS.Dict<string>
nodeArgs?: string[]
nextBin?: string
bootupMarker?: RegExp
nextStart?: boolean
turbo?: boolean
stderr?: false
stdout?: false
onStdout?: (data: any) => void
onStderr?: (data: any) => void
export function runNextCommandDev(
argv: string[],
stdOut?: boolean,
opts: NextDevOptions = {}
): Promise<(typeof stdOut extends true ? string : ChildProcess) | undefined> {
const nextDir = path.dirname(require.resolve('next/package'))
const nextBin = opts.nextBin || path.join(nextDir, 'dist/bin/next')
const cwd = opts.cwd || nextDir
const env = {
NODE_ENV: undefined,
__NEXT_TEST_MODE: 'true',
const nodeArgs = opts.nodeArgs || []
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const instance = spawn(
[...nodeArgs, '--no-deprecation', nextBin, ...argv],
let didResolve = false
const bootType =
opts.nextStart || stdOut ? 'start' : opts?.turbo ? 'turbo' : 'dev'
function handleStdout(data) {
const message = data.toString()
const bootupMarkers = {
dev: /✓ ready/i,
turbo: /✓ ready/i,
start: /✓ ready/i,
const strippedMessage = stripAnsi(message) as any
if (
(opts.bootupMarker && opts.bootupMarker.test(strippedMessage)) ||
) {
if (!didResolve) {
didResolve = true
// Pass down the original message
resolve(stdOut ? message : instance)
if (typeof opts.onStdout === 'function') {
if (opts.stdout !== false) {
function handleStderr(data) {
const message = data.toString()
if (typeof opts.onStderr === 'function') {
if (opts.stderr !== false) {
instance.stderr.on('data', handleStderr)
instance.stdout.on('data', handleStdout)
instance.on('close', () => {
instance.stderr.removeListener('data', handleStderr)
instance.stdout.removeListener('data', handleStdout)
if (!didResolve) {
didResolve = true
instance.on('error', (err) => {
// Launch the app in dev mode.
export function launchApp(
dir: string,
port: string | number,
opts?: NextDevOptions
) {
const options = opts ?? {}
const useTurbo = shouldRunTurboDevTest()
return runNextCommandDev(
useTurbo ? getTurbopackFlag() : undefined,
port as string,
turbo: useTurbo,
export function nextBuild(
dir: string,
args: string[] = [],
opts: NextOptions = {}
) {
return runNextCommand(['build', dir, ...args], opts)
export function nextLint(
dir: string,
args: string[] = [],
opts: NextOptions = {}
) {
return runNextCommand(['lint', dir, ...args], opts)
export function nextStart(
dir: string,
port: string | number,
opts: NextDevOptions = {}
) {
return runNextCommandDev(['start', '-p', port as string, dir], undefined, {
nextStart: true,
export function buildTS(
args: string[] = [],
cwd?: string,
env?: any
): Promise<void> {
cwd = cwd || path.dirname(require.resolve('next/package'))
env = { ...process.env, NODE_ENV: undefined, ...env }
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const instance = spawn(
['--no-deprecation', require.resolve('typescript/lib/tsc'), ...args],
{ cwd, env }
let output = ''
const handleData = (chunk) => {
output += chunk.toString()
instance.stdout.on('data', handleData)
instance.stderr.on('data', handleData)
instance.on('exit', (code) => {
if (code) {
return reject(new Error('exited with code: ' + code + '\n' + output))
export async function killProcess(
pid: number,
signal: NodeJS.Signals | number = 'SIGTERM'
): Promise<void> {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
treeKill(pid, signal, (err) => {
if (err) {
if (
process.platform === 'win32' &&
typeof err.message === 'string' &&
(err.message.includes(`no running instance of the task`) ||
err.message.includes(`not found`))
) {
// Windows throws an error if the process is already dead
// Command failed: taskkill /pid 6924 /T /F
// ERROR: The process with PID 6924 (child process of PID 6736) could not be terminated.
// Reason: There is no running instance of the task.
return resolve()
return reject(err)
// Kill a launched app
export async function killApp(
instance?: ChildProcess,
signal: NodeJS.Signals | number = 'SIGKILL'
) {
if (
instance?.pid &&
instance.exitCode === null &&
instance.signalCode === null
) {
const exitPromise = once(instance, 'exit')
await killProcess(, signal)
await exitPromise
export async function startApp(app: NextServer) {
// force require usage instead of dynamic import in jest
// x-ref:
process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE = 'jest'
// TODO: tests that use this should be migrated to use
// the nextStart test function instead as it tests outside
// of jest's context
await app.prepare()
const handler = app.getRequestHandler()
const server = http.createServer(handler)
server['__app'] = app
await promisify(server.listen).apply(server)
return server
export async function stopApp(server: http.Server) {
if (server['__app']) {
await server['__app'].close()
await promisify(server.close).apply(server)
export function waitFor(millis: number) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, millis))
export async function startStaticServer(
dir: string,
notFoundFile?: string,
fixedPort?: number
) {
const app = express()
const server = http.createServer(app)
if (notFoundFile) {
app.use((req, res) => {
await promisify(server.listen).call(server, fixedPort)
return server
export async function startCleanStaticServer(dir: string) {
const app = express()
const server = http.createServer(app)
app.use(express.static(dir, { extensions: ['html'] }))
await promisify(server.listen).apply(server)
return server
* Check for content in 1 second intervals timing out after 30 seconds.
* @param {() => Promise<unknown> | unknown} contentFn
* @param {RegExp | string | number} regex
* @param {boolean} hardError
* @param {number} maxRetries
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
export async function check(
contentFn: () => any | Promise<any>,
regex: any,
hardError = true,
maxRetries = 30
) {
let content
let lastErr
for (let tries = 0; tries < maxRetries; tries++) {
try {
content = await contentFn()
if (typeof regex !== typeof /regex/) {
if (regex === content) {
return true
} else if (regex.test(content)) {
// found the content
return true
await waitFor(1000)
} catch (err) {
await waitFor(1000)
lastErr = err
console.error('TIMED OUT CHECK: ', { regex, content, lastErr })
if (hardError) {
throw new Error('TIMED OUT: ' + regex + '\n\n' + content + '\n\n' + lastErr)
return false
export class File {
path: string
originalContent: string
constructor(path: string) {
this.path = path
this.originalContent = existsSync(this.path)
? readFileSync(this.path, 'utf8')
: null
write(content: string) {
if (!this.originalContent) {
this.originalContent = content
writeFileSync(this.path, content, 'utf8')
replace(pattern: RegExp | string, newValue: string) {
const currentContent = readFileSync(this.path, 'utf8')
if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
if (!pattern.test(currentContent)) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to replace content.\n\nPattern: ${pattern.toString()}\n\nContent: ${currentContent}`
} else if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
if (!currentContent.includes(pattern)) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to replace content.\n\nPattern: ${pattern}\n\nContent: ${currentContent}`
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown replacement attempt type: ${pattern}`)
const newContent = currentContent.replace(pattern, newValue)
prepend(str: string) {
const content = readFileSync(this.path, 'utf8')
this.write(str + content)
delete() {
restore() {
export async function evaluate(
browser: BrowserInterface,
input: string | Function
) {
if (typeof input === 'function') {
const result = await browser.eval(input)
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 30))
return result
} else {
throw new Error(`You must pass a function to be evaluated in the browser.`)
export async function retry<T>(
fn: () => T | Promise<T>,
duration: number = 3000,
interval: number = 500,
description?: string
): Promise<T> {
if (duration % interval !== 0) {
throw new Error(
`invalid duration ${duration} and interval ${interval} mix, duration must be evenly divisible by interval`
for (let i = duration; i >= 0; i -= interval) {
try {
return await fn()
} catch (err) {
if (i === 0) {
`Failed to retry${
description ? ` ${description}` : ''
} within ${duration}ms`
throw err
`Retrying${description ? ` ${description}` : ''} in ${interval}ms`
await waitFor(interval)
export async function hasRedbox(browser: BrowserInterface): Promise<boolean> {
await waitFor(5000)
const result = await evaluate(browser, () => {
return Boolean(
.find((p) =>
'#nextjs__container_errors_label, #nextjs__container_build_error_label, #nextjs__container_root_layout_error_label'
return result
export async function getRedboxHeader(browser: BrowserInterface) {
return retry(
() => {
return evaluate(browser, () => {
const portal = [].slice
.find((p) =>
const root = portal?.shadowRoot
return root?.querySelector('[data-nextjs-dialog-header]')?.innerText
export async function getRedboxSource(browser: BrowserInterface) {
return retry(
() =>
evaluate(browser, () => {
const portal = [].slice
.find((p) =>
'#nextjs__container_errors_label, #nextjs__container_build_error_label, #nextjs__container_root_layout_error_label'
const root = portal.shadowRoot
return root.querySelector(
'[data-nextjs-codeframe], [data-nextjs-terminal]'
export async function getRedboxDescription(browser: BrowserInterface) {
return retry(
() =>
evaluate(browser, () => {
const portal = [].slice
.find((p) =>
const root = portal.shadowRoot
const text = root.querySelector(
if (text === null) throw new Error('No redbox description found')
return text
export function getBrowserBodyText(browser: BrowserInterface) {
return browser.eval('document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerText')
export function normalizeRegEx(src: string) {
return new RegExp(src).source.replace(/\^\//g, '^\\/')
function readJson(path: string) {
return JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'))
export function getBuildManifest(dir: string) {
return readJson(path.join(dir, '.next/build-manifest.json'))
export function getPageFileFromBuildManifest(dir: string, page: string) {
const buildManifest = getBuildManifest(dir)
const pageFiles = buildManifest.pages[page]
if (!pageFiles) {
throw new Error(`No files for page ${page}`)
const pageFile = pageFiles.find(
(file) =>
file.endsWith('.js') &&
file.includes(`pages${page === '' ? '/index' : page}`)
if (!pageFile) {
throw new Error(`No page file for page ${page}`)
return pageFile
export function readNextBuildClientPageFile(appDir: string, page: string) {
const pageFile = getPageFileFromBuildManifest(appDir, page)
return readFileSync(path.join(appDir, '.next', pageFile), 'utf8')
export function getPagesManifest(dir: string) {
const serverFile = path.join(dir, '.next/server/pages-manifest.json')
return readJson(serverFile)
export function updatePagesManifest(dir: string, content: any) {
const serverFile = path.join(dir, '.next/server/pages-manifest.json')
return writeFile(serverFile, content)
export function getPageFileFromPagesManifest(dir: string, page: string) {
const pagesManifest = getPagesManifest(dir)
const pageFile = pagesManifest[page]
if (!pageFile) {
throw new Error(`No file for page ${page}`)
return pageFile
export function readNextBuildServerPageFile(appDir: string, page: string) {
const pageFile = getPageFileFromPagesManifest(appDir, page)
return readFileSync(path.join(appDir, '.next', 'server', pageFile), 'utf8')
function runSuite(
suiteName: string,
context: { env: 'prod' | 'dev'; appDir: string } & Partial<{
stderr: string
stdout: string
appPort: number
code: number
server: ChildProcess
options: {
beforeAll?: Function
afterAll?: Function
runTests: Function
} & NextDevOptions
) {
const { appDir, env } = context
describe(`${suiteName} ${env}`, () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
context.stderr = ''
const onStderr = (msg) => {
context.stderr += msg
context.stdout = ''
const onStdout = (msg) => {
context.stdout += msg
if (env === 'prod') {
context.appPort = await findPort()
const { stdout, stderr, code } = await nextBuild(appDir, [], {
stderr: true,
stdout: true,
env: options.env || {},
nodeArgs: options.nodeArgs,
context.stdout = stdout
context.stderr = stderr
context.code = code
context.server = await nextStart(context.appDir, context.appPort, {
env: options.env || {},
nodeArgs: options.nodeArgs,
} else if (env === 'dev') {
context.appPort = await findPort()
context.server = await launchApp(context.appDir, context.appPort, {
env: options.env || {},
nodeArgs: options.nodeArgs,
afterAll(async () => {
if (context.server) {
await killApp(context.server)
options.runTests(context, env)
export function runDevSuite(
suiteName: string,
appDir: string,
options: {
beforeAll?: Function
afterAll?: Function
runTests: Function
env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
) {
return runSuite(suiteName, { appDir, env: 'dev' }, options)
export function runProdSuite(
suiteName: string,
appDir: string,
options: {
beforeAll?: Function
afterAll?: Function
runTests: Function
env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
) {
;(process.env.TURBOPACK ? describe.skip : describe)('production mode', () => {
runSuite(suiteName, { appDir, env: 'prod' }, options)
* Parse the output and return all entries that match the provided `eventName`
* @param {string} output output of the console
* @param {string} eventName
* @returns {Array<{}>}
export function findAllTelemetryEvents(output: string, eventName: string) {
const regex = /\[telemetry\] ({.+?^})/gms
// Pop the last element of each entry to retrieve contents of the capturing group
const events = [...output.matchAll(regex)].map((entry) =>
return events.filter((e) => e.eventName === eventName).map((e) => e.payload)
type TestVariants = 'default' | 'turbo'
// WEB-168: There are some differences / incompletes in turbopack implementation enforces jest requires to update
// test snapshot when run against turbo. This fn returns describe, or describe.skip dependes on the running context
// to avoid force-snapshot update per each runs until turbopack update includes all the changes.
export function getSnapshotTestDescribe(variant: TestVariants) {
const runningEnv = variant ?? 'default'
if (runningEnv !== 'default' && runningEnv !== 'turbo') {
throw new Error(
`An invalid test env was passed: ${variant} (only "default" and "turbo" are valid options)`
const shouldRunTurboDev = shouldRunTurboDevTest()
const shouldSkip =
(runningEnv === 'turbo' && !shouldRunTurboDev) ||
(runningEnv === 'default' && shouldRunTurboDev)
return shouldSkip ? describe.skip : describe
export async function getRedboxComponentStack(
browser: BrowserInterface
): Promise<string> {
await browser.waitForElementByCss(
// TODO: the type for elementsByCss is incorrect
const componentStackFrameElements: any = await browser.elementsByCss(
const componentStackFrameTexts = await Promise.all( => f.innerText())
return componentStackFrameTexts.join('\n')
* For better editor support, pass in the variants this should run on (`default` and/or `turbo`) as cases.
* This is necessary if separate snapshots are needed for next.js with webpack vs turbopack.
export const describeVariants = {
each(variants: TestVariants[]) {
return (name: string, fn: (variants: TestVariants) => any) => {
if (
!Array.isArray(variants) ||
!variants.every((val) => typeof val === 'string')
) {
throw new Error('variants need to be an array of strings')
for (const variant of variants) {
getSnapshotTestDescribe(variant).each([variant])(name, fn)