JJ Kasper e09efd5e5c
land: Include charset=utf-8 with x-component Content-Type header (#50314)
Lands with lint fixes and
updated tests.



Co-authored-by: Leah Lundqvist <>
2023-05-24 21:05:12 -07:00

1851 lines
67 KiB

import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils'
import crypto from 'crypto'
import { check, getRedboxHeader, hasRedbox, waitFor } from 'next-test-utils'
import cheerio from 'cheerio'
import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi'
'app dir',
files: __dirname,
({ next, isNextDev: isDev, isNextStart, isNextDeploy }) => {
if (isNextStart) {
it('should have correct preferredRegion values in manifest', async () => {
const middlewareManifest = JSON.parse(
await next.readFile('.next/server/middleware-manifest.json')
).toEqual(['iad1', 'sfo1'])
// Inherits from the root layout.
it('should work for catch-all edge page', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/catch-all-edge/hello123')
const $ = cheerio.load(html)
slug: ['hello123'],
it('should have correct searchParams and params (server)', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/dynamic/category-1/id-2?query1=value2')
const $ = cheerio.load(html)
category: 'category-1',
id: 'id-2',
query1: 'value2',
it('should have correct searchParams and params (client)', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser(
const html = await browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML')
const $ = cheerio.load(html)
category: 'category-1',
id: 'id-2',
query1: 'value2',
if (!isDev) {
it('should successfully detect app route during prefetch', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/')
await check(async () => {
const found = await browser.eval(
return found
? 'success'
: await browser.eval('Object.keys(')
}, 'success')
await browser.elementByCss('a').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#from-dashboard')
it('should encode chunk path correctly', async () => {
await next.fetch('/dynamic-client/first/second')
const browser = await next.browser('/')
const requests = []
browser.on('request', (req) => {
await browser.eval(
'window.location.href = "/dynamic-client/first/second"'
await check(async () => {
return requests.some(
(req) =>
req.includes(encodeURI('/[category]/[id]')) && req.endsWith('.js')
? 'found'
: JSON.stringify(requests)
}, 'found')
{ pathname: '/redirect-1' },
{ pathname: '/redirect-2' },
{ pathname: '/blog/old-post' },
{ pathname: '/redirect-3/some' },
{ pathname: '/redirect-4' },
'should match redirects in pages correctly $path',
async ({ pathname }) => {
let browser = await next.browser('/')
await browser.eval(`next.router.push("${pathname}")`)
await check(async () => {
const href = await browser.eval('location.href')
return href.includes('') ? 'yes' : href
}, 'yes')
if (pathname.includes('/blog')) {
browser = await next.browser('/blog/first')
await browser.eval('window.beforeNav = 1')
// check 5 times to ensure a reload didn't occur
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await waitFor(500)
await browser.eval('document.documentElement.innerHTML')
).toContain('hello from pages/blog/[slug]')
expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNav')).toBe(1)
it('should not apply client router filter on shallow', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/')
await browser.eval('window.beforeNav = 1')
await check(async () => {
await browser.eval(
`'/', '/redirect-1', { shallow: true })`
return await browser.eval('window.location.pathname')
}, '/redirect-1')
expect(await browser.eval('window.beforeNav')).toBe(1)
if (isDev) {
it('should not have duplicate config warnings', async () => {
await next.fetch('/')
/You have enabled experimental feature/g
/Experimental features are not covered by semver/g
if (!isNextDeploy) {
it('should not share edge workers', async () => {
const controller1 = new AbortController()
const controller2 = new AbortController()
.fetch('/slow-page-no-loading', {
signal: controller1.signal,
.catch(() => {})
.fetch('/slow-page-no-loading', {
signal: controller2.signal,
.catch(() => {})
await waitFor(1000)
const controller3 = new AbortController()
.fetch('/slow-page-no-loading', {
signal: controller3.signal,
.catch(() => {})
await waitFor(1000)
const res = await next.fetch('/slow-page-no-loading')
expect(await res.text()).toContain('hello from slow page')
'A separate worker must be used for each render'
if (isNextStart) {
it('should generate build traces correctly', async () => {
const trace = JSON.parse(
await next.readFile(
) as { files: string[] }
expect(trace.files.some((file) => file.endsWith('data.json'))).toBe(
it('should use text/x-component; charset=utf-8 for flight', async () => {
const res = await next.fetch('/dashboard/deployments/123', {
headers: {
['RSC'.toString()]: '1',
'text/x-component; charset=utf-8'
it('should use text/x-component; charset=utf-8 for flight with edge runtime', async () => {
const res = await next.fetch('/dashboard', {
headers: {
['RSC'.toString()]: '1',
'text/x-component; charset=utf-8'
it('should return the `vary` header from edge runtime', async () => {
const res = await next.fetch('/dashboard')
? 'RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch'
: 'RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch, Accept-Encoding'
it('should return the `vary` header from pages for flight requests', async () => {
const res = await next.fetch('/', {
headers: {
['RSC'.toString()]: '1',
? 'RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch'
: 'RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch, Accept-Encoding'
it('should pass props from getServerSideProps in root layout', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard')
expect($('title').first().text()).toBe('hello world')
it('should serve from pages', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/')
expect(html).toContain('hello from pages/index')
it('should serve dynamic route from pages', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/blog/first')
expect(html).toContain('hello from pages/blog/[slug]')
it('should serve from public', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/hello.txt')
expect(html).toContain('hello world')
it('should serve from app', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/dashboard')
expect(html).toContain('hello from app/dashboard')
it('should ensure the </body></html> suffix is at the end of the stream', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/dashboard')
// It must end with the suffix and not contain it anywhere else.
const suffix = '</body></html>'
expect(html.slice(0, -suffix.length)).not.toContain(suffix)
if (!isNextDeploy) {
it('should serve /index as separate page', async () => {
const stderr = []
next.on('stderr', (err) => {
const html = await next.render('/dashboard/index')
expect(html).toContain('hello from app/dashboard/index')
expect(stderr.some((err) => err.includes('Invalid hook call'))).toBe(
it('should serve polyfills for browsers that do not support modules', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/dashboard/index')
/<script src="\/_next\/static\/chunks\/polyfills(-\w+)?\.js" noModule="">/
// TODO-APP: handle css modules fouc in dev
it.skip('should handle css imports in next/dynamic correctly', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/dashboard/index')
await browser.eval(
).toBe('rgb(0, 0, 255)')
await browser.eval(
).toBe('rgb(128, 0, 128)')
it('should include layouts when no direct parent layout', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard/integrations')
// Should not be nested in dashboard
// Should include the page text
expect($('p').text()).toBe('hello from app/dashboard/integrations')
// TODO-APP: handle new root layout
it.skip('should not include parent when not in parent directory with route in directory', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard/hello')
const html = $.html()
// new root has to provide it's own custom root layout or the default
// is used instead
// Should not be nested in dashboard
// Should render the page text
expect($('p').text()).toBe('hello from app/dashboard/rootonly/hello')
it('should use new root layout when provided', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard/another')
// new root has to provide it's own custom root layout or the default
// is used instead
// Should not be nested in dashboard
// Should render the page text
expect($('p').text()).toBe('hello from newroot/dashboard/another')
it('should not create new root layout when nested (optional)', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard/deployments/breakdown')
// new root has to provide it's own custom root layout or the default
// is used instead
// Should be nested in dashboard
expect($('h2').text()).toBe('Custom dashboard')
// Should render the page text
'hello from app/dashboard/(custom)/deployments/breakdown'
it('should include parent document when no direct parent layout', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard/integrations')
it('should not include parent when not in parent directory', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard/changelog')
// Should not be nested in dashboard
// Should include the page text
expect($('p').text()).toBe('hello from app/dashboard/changelog')
it('should serve nested parent', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard/deployments/123')
// Should be nested in dashboard
// Should be nested in deployments
expect($('h2').text()).toBe('Deployments hello')
it('should serve dynamic parameter', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard/deployments/123')
// Should include the page text with the parameter
'hello from app/dashboard/deployments/[id]. ID is: 123'
// TODO-APP: fix to ensure behavior matches on deploy
if (!isNextDeploy) {
it('should serve page as a segment name correctly', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/dashboard/page')
expect(html).toContain('hello dashboard/page!')
it('should include document html and body', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard')
it('should not serve when layout is provided but no folder index', async () => {
const res = await next.fetch('/dashboard/deployments')
expect(await res.text()).toContain('This page could not be found')
// TODO-APP: do we want to make this only work for /root or is it allowed
// to work for /pages as well?
it.skip('should match partial parameters', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/partial-match-123')
expect(html).toContain('hello from app/partial-match-[id]. ID is: 123')
describe('rewrites', () => {
// TODO-APP: rewrite url is broken
it('should support rewrites on initial load', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/rewritten-to-dashboard')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toBe('Dashboard')
expect(await browser.url()).toBe(`${next.url}/rewritten-to-dashboard`)
it('should support rewrites on client-side navigation from pages to app with existing pages path', async () => {
await next.fetch('/exists-but-not-routed')
const browser = await next.browser('/link-to-rewritten-path')
try {
// Click the link.
await check(async () => {
await browser.elementById('link-to-rewritten-path').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#from-dashboard', 5000)
// Check to see that we were rewritten and not redirected.
// TODO-APP: rewrite url is broken
// expect(await browser.url()).toBe(`${next.url}/rewritten-to-dashboard`)
// Check to see that the page we navigated to is in fact the dashboard.
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#from-dashboard').text()).toBe(
'hello from app/dashboard'
return 'success'
}, 'success')
} finally {
await browser.close()
it('should support rewrites on client-side navigation', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/rewrites')
try {
// Click the link.
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#from-dashboard')
// Check to see that we were rewritten and not redirected.
expect(await browser.url()).toBe(`${next.url}/rewritten-to-dashboard`)
// Check to see that the page we navigated to is in fact the dashboard.
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#from-dashboard').text()).toBe(
'hello from app/dashboard'
} finally {
await browser.close()
// TODO-APP: Enable in development
;(isDev ? it.skip : it)(
'should not rerender layout when navigating between routes in the same layout',
async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/same-layout/first')
try {
// Get the render id from the dom and click the first link.
const firstRenderID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#second-page')
// Get the render id from the dom again, it should be the same!
const secondRenderID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
// Navigate back to the first page again by clicking the link.
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#first-page')
// Get the render id from the dom again, it should be the same!
const thirdRenderID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
} finally {
await browser.close()
it('should handle hash in initial url', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/dashboard#abc')
try {
// Check if hash is preserved
expect(await browser.eval('window.location.hash')).toBe('#abc')
await waitFor(1000)
// Check again to be sure as it might be timed different
expect(await browser.eval('window.location.hash')).toBe('#abc')
} finally {
await browser.close()
describe('<Link />', () => {
it('should hard push', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/link-hard-push/123')
try {
// Click the link on the page, and verify that the history entry was
// added.
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#render-id-456')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(3)
// Go back, and redo the navigation by clicking the link.
await browser.back()
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#render-id-456')
} finally {
await browser.close()
it('should hard replace', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/link-hard-replace/123')
try {
// Click the link on the page, and verify that the history entry was NOT
// added.
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#render-id-456')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
// Navigate to the subpage, verify that the history entry was NOT added.
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#render-id-123')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
// Navigate back again, verify that the history entry was NOT added.
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#render-id-456')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
} finally {
await browser.close()
// TODO-APP: Re-enable this test.
it('should soft push', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/link-soft-push')
try {
// Click the link on the page, and verify that the history entry was
// added.
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#render-id')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(3)
// Get the id on the rendered page.
const firstID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
// Go back, and redo the navigation by clicking the link.
await browser.back()
await browser.elementById('link').click()
// Get the date again, and compare, they should be the same.
const secondID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
} finally {
await browser.close()
// TODO-APP: investigate this test
it.skip('should soft replace', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/link-soft-replace')
try {
// Get the render ID so we can compare it.
const firstID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
// Click the link on the page, and verify that the history entry was NOT
// added.
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
await browser.elementById('self-link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#render-id')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
// Get the id on the rendered page.
const secondID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
// Navigate to the subpage, verify that the history entry was NOT added.
await browser.elementById('subpage-link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#back-link')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
// Navigate back again, verify that the history entry was NOT added.
await browser.elementById('back-link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#render-id')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
// Get the date again, and compare, they should be the same.
const thirdID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
} finally {
await browser.close()
it('should be soft for back navigation', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/with-id')
try {
// Get the id on the rendered page.
const firstID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
// Click the link, and go back.
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#from-navigation')
await browser.back()
// Get the date again, and compare, they should be the same.
const secondID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
} finally {
await browser.close()
it('should be soft for forward navigation', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/with-id')
try {
// Click the link.
await browser.elementById('link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#from-navigation')
// Get the id on the rendered page.
const firstID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
// Go back, then forward.
await browser.back()
await browser.forward()
// Get the date again, and compare, they should be the same.
const secondID = await browser.elementById('render-id').text()
} finally {
await browser.close()
it('should allow linking from app page to pages page', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/pages-linking')
try {
// Click the link.
await browser.elementById('app-link').click()
expect(await browser.waitForElementByCss('#pages-link').text()).toBe(
'To App Page'
// Click the other link.
await browser.elementById('pages-link').click()
expect(await browser.waitForElementByCss('#app-link').text()).toBe(
'To Pages Page'
} finally {
await browser.close()
it('should navigate to pages dynamic route from pages page if it overlaps with an app page', async () => {
await next.fetch('/dynamic-pages-route-app-overlap/app-dir')
const browser = await next.browser('/dynamic-pages-route-app-overlap')
try {
// Click the link.
await check(async () => {
await browser.elementById('pages-link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#app-text', 5000).text()
'hello from app/dynamic-pages-route-app-overlap/app-dir/page'
// When refreshing the browser, the app page should be rendered
await browser.refresh()
expect(await browser.waitForElementByCss('#app-text').text()).toBe(
'hello from app/dynamic-pages-route-app-overlap/app-dir/page'
return 'success'
}, 'success')
} finally {
await browser.close()
it('should push to external url', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/link-external/push')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
await browser.elementByCss('#external-link').click()
expect(await browser.waitForElementByCss('h1').text()).toBe(
'Example Domain'
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(3)
it('should replace to external url', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/link-external/replace')
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
await browser.elementByCss('#external-link').click()
expect(await browser.waitForElementByCss('h1').text()).toBe(
'Example Domain'
expect(await browser.eval('window.history.length')).toBe(2)
describe('server components', () => {
// TODO-APP: why is this not servable but /dashboard+rootonly/hello.server.js
// should be? Seems like they both either should be servable or not
it('should not serve .server.js as a path', async () => {
// Without .server.js should serve
const html = await next.render('/should-not-serve-server')
expect(html).toContain('hello from app/should-not-serve-server')
// Should not serve `.server`
const res = await next.fetch('/should-not-serve-server.server')
expect(await res.text()).toContain('This page could not be found')
// Should not serve `.server.js`
const res2 = await next.fetch('/should-not-serve-server.server.js')
expect(await res2.text()).toContain('This page could not be found')
it('should not serve .client.js as a path', async () => {
// Without .client.js should serve
const html = await next.render('/should-not-serve-client')
expect(html).toContain('hello from app/should-not-serve-client')
// Should not serve `.client`
const res = await next.fetch('/should-not-serve-client.client')
expect(await res.text()).toContain('This page could not be found')
// Should not serve `.client.js`
const res2 = await next.fetch('/should-not-serve-client.client.js')
expect(await res2.text()).toContain('This page could not be found')
it('should serve shared component', async () => {
// Without .client.js should serve
const html = await next.render('/shared-component-route')
expect(html).toContain('hello from app/shared-component-route')
describe('dynamic routes', () => {
it('should only pass params that apply to the layout', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dynamic/books/hello-world')
describe('catch-all routes', () => {
it('should handle optional segments', async () => {
const params = ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
const route = params.join('/')
const $ = await next.render$(`/catch-all-optional/${route}`)
it('should handle optional segments root', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$(`/catch-all-optional`)
it('should handle optional catch-all segments link', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/catch-all-link')
await browser
).toBe(`hello from /catch-all-optional/this/is/a/test`)
it('should handle required segments', async () => {
const params = ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
const route = params.join('/')
const $ = await next.render$(`/catch-all/${route}`)
expect($('#not-a-page').text()).toBe('Not a page')
// Components under catch-all should not be treated as route that errors during build.
// They should be rendered properly when imported in page route.
it('should handle required segments root as not found', async () => {
const res = await next.fetch(`/catch-all`)
expect(await res.text()).toContain('This page could not be found')
it('should handle catch-all segments link', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/catch-all-link')
await browser
).toBe(`hello from /catch-all/this/is/a/test`)
describe('should serve client component', () => {
it('should serve server-side', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/client-component-route')
'hello from app/client-component-route. count: 0'
// TODO-APP: investigate hydration not kicking in on some runs
it('should serve client-side', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client-component-route')
// After hydration count should be 1
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toBe(
'hello from app/client-component-route. count: 1'
describe('should include client component layout with server component route', () => {
it('should include it server-side', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/client-nested')
// Should not be nested in dashboard
expect($('h1').text()).toBe('Client Nested. Count: 0')
// Should include the page text
expect($('p').text()).toBe('hello from app/client-nested')
it('should include it client-side', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/client-nested')
// After hydration count should be 1
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toBe(
'Client Nested. Count: 1'
// After hydration count should be 1
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toBe(
'hello from app/client-nested'
describe('Loading', () => {
it('should render loading.js in initial html for slow page', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/slow-page-with-loading')
it('should render loading.js in browser for slow page', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/slow-page-with-loading', {
waitHydration: false,
// TODO-APP: `await next.browser()` causes waiting for the full page to complete streaming. At that point "Loading..." is replaced by the actual content
// expect(await browser.elementByCss('#loading').text()).toBe('Loading...')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#slow-page-message').text()).toBe(
'hello from slow page'
it('should render loading.js in initial html for slow layout', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/slow-layout-with-loading/slow')
it('should render loading.js in browser for slow layout', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/slow-layout-with-loading/slow', {
waitHydration: false,
// TODO-APP: `await next.browser()` causes waiting for the full page to complete streaming. At that point "Loading..." is replaced by the actual content
// expect(await browser.elementByCss('#loading').text()).toBe('Loading...')
await browser.elementByCss('#slow-layout-message').text()
).toBe('hello from slow layout')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#page-message').text()).toBe(
'Hello World'
it('should render loading.js in initial html for slow layout and page', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$(
expect($('#loading-layout').text()).toBe('Loading layout...')
expect($('#loading-page').text()).toBe('Loading page...')
it('should render loading.js in browser for slow layout and page', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser(
waitHydration: false,
// TODO-APP: `await next.browser()` causes waiting for the full page to complete streaming. At that point "Loading..." is replaced by the actual content
// expect(await browser.elementByCss('#loading-layout').text()).toBe('Loading...')
// expect(await browser.elementByCss('#loading-page').text()).toBe('Loading...')
await browser.elementByCss('#slow-layout-message').text()
).toBe('hello from slow layout')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#slow-page-message').text()).toBe(
'hello from slow page'
describe('middleware', () => {
it.each(['rewrite', 'redirect'])(
`should strip internal query parameters from requests to middleware for %s`,
async (method) => {
const browser = await next.browser('/internal')
// Wait for and click the navigation element, this should trigger
// the flight request that'll be caught by the middleware. If the
// middleware sees any flight data on the request it'll redirect to
// a page with an element of #failure, otherwise, we'll see the
// element for #success.
await browser
await check(
async () => await browser.elementByCss('#success').text(),
describe('next/router', () => {
it('should support router.back and router.forward', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/back-forward/1')
const firstMessage = 'Hello from 1'
const secondMessage = 'Hello from 2'
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#message-1').text()).toBe(
try {
const message2 = await browser
const message1 = await browser
const message2Again = await browser
} finally {
await browser.close()
describe('client components', () => {
if (!isNextDeploy) {
it('should have consistent query and params handling', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/param-and-query/params?slug=query')
const el = $('#params-and-query')
if (isDev) {
describe('HMR', () => {
it('should HMR correctly for server component', async () => {
const filePath = 'app/dashboard/index/page.js'
const origContent = await next.readFile(filePath)
try {
const browser = await next.browser('/dashboard/index')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toContain(
'hello from app/dashboard/index'
await next.patchFile(
origContent.replace('hello from', 'swapped from')
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(), /swapped from/)
} finally {
await next.patchFile(filePath, origContent)
it('should HMR correctly for client component', async () => {
const filePath = 'app/client-component-route/page.js'
const origContent = await next.readFile(filePath)
try {
const browser = await next.browser('/client-component-route')
const ssrInitial = await next.render('/client-component-route')
'hello from app/client-component-route'
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toContain(
'hello from app/client-component-route'
await next.patchFile(
origContent.replace('hello from', 'swapped from')
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(), /swapped from/)
const ssrUpdated = await next.render('/client-component-route')
expect(ssrUpdated).toContain('swapped from')
await next.patchFile(filePath, origContent)
await check(() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(), /hello from/)
expect(await next.render('/client-component-route')).toContain(
'hello from'
} finally {
await next.patchFile(filePath, origContent)
it('should HMR correctly when changing the component type', async () => {
const filePath = 'app/dashboard/page/page.jsx'
const origContent = await next.readFile(filePath)
try {
const browser = await next.browser('/dashboard/page')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toContain(
'hello dashboard/page!'
// Test HMR with server component
await next.patchFile(
'hello dashboard/page!',
'hello dashboard/page in server component!'
await check(
() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(),
/in server component/
// Change to client component
await next.patchFile(
.replace("// 'use client'", "'use client'")
'hello dashboard/page!',
'hello dashboard/page in client component!'
await check(
() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(),
/in client component/
// Change back to server component
await next.patchFile(
'hello dashboard/page!',
'hello dashboard/page in server component2!'
await check(
() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(),
/in server component2/
// Change to client component again
await next.patchFile(
.replace("// 'use client'", "'use client'")
'hello dashboard/page!',
'hello dashboard/page in client component2!'
await check(
() => browser.elementByCss('p').text(),
/in client component2/
} finally {
await next.patchFile(filePath, origContent)
describe('searchParams prop', () => {
describe('client component', () => {
it('should have the correct search params', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$(
const el = $('#params')
expect(el.attr('data-param-second')).toBe('other value')
it('should have the correct search params on rewrite', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/search-params-prop-rewrite')
const el = $('#params')
expect(el.attr('data-param-second')).toBe('other value')
it('should have the correct search params on middleware rewrite', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/search-params-prop-middleware-rewrite')
const el = $('#params')
expect(el.attr('data-param-second')).toBe('other value')
describe('server component', () => {
it('should have the correct search params', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$(
const el = $('#params')
expect(el.attr('data-param-second')).toBe('other value')
it('should have the correct search params on rewrite', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/search-params-prop-server-rewrite')
const el = $('#params')
expect(el.attr('data-param-second')).toBe('other value')
it('should have the correct search params on middleware rewrite', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$(
const el = $('#params')
expect(el.attr('data-param-second')).toBe('other value')
;(isDev || isNextDeploy ? describe.skip : describe)(
'Subresource Integrity',
() => {
function fetchWithPolicy(policy: string | null) {
return next.fetch('/dashboard', {
headers: policy
? {
'Content-Security-Policy': policy,
: {},
async function renderWithPolicy(policy: string | null) {
const res = await fetchWithPolicy(policy)
const html = await res.text()
return cheerio.load(html)
it('does not include nonce when not enabled', async () => {
const policies = [
`script-src 'nonce-'`, // invalid nonce
'style-src "nonce-cmFuZG9tCg=="', // no script or default src
'', // empty string
for (const policy of policies) {
const $ = await renderWithPolicy(policy)
// Find all the script tags without src attributes and with nonce
// attributes.
const elements = $('script[nonce]:not([src])')
// Expect there to be none.
it('includes a nonce value with inline scripts when Content-Security-Policy header is defined', async () => {
// A random nonce value, base64 encoded.
const nonce = 'cmFuZG9tCg=='
// Validate all the cases where we could parse the nonce.
const policies = [
`script-src 'nonce-${nonce}'`, // base case
` script-src 'nonce-${nonce}' `, // extra space added around sources and directive
`style-src 'self'; script-src 'nonce-${nonce}'`, // extra directives
`script-src 'self' 'nonce-${nonce}' 'nonce-othernonce'`, // extra nonces
`default-src 'nonce-othernonce'; script-src 'nonce-${nonce}';`, // script and then fallback case
`default-src 'nonce-${nonce}'`, // fallback case
for (const policy of policies) {
const $ = await renderWithPolicy(policy)
// Find all the script tags without src attributes.
const elements = $('script:not([src])')
// Expect there to be at least 1 script tag without a src attribute.
// Expect all inline scripts to have the nonce value.
elements.each((i, el) => {
it('includes an integrity attribute on scripts', async () => {
const $ = await next.render$('/dashboard')
// Find all the script tags with src attributes.
const elements = $('script[src]')
// Expect there to be at least 1 script tag with a src attribute.
// Collect all the scripts with integrity hashes so we can verify them.
const files: [string, string][] = []
// For each of these attributes, ensure that there's an integrity
// attribute and starts with the correct integrity hash prefix.
elements.each((i, el) => {
const integrity = el.attribs['integrity']
const src = el.attribs['src']
files.push([src, integrity])
// For each script tag, ensure that the integrity attribute is the
// correct hash of the script tag.
for (const [src, integrity] of files) {
const res = await next.fetch(src)
const content = await res.text()
const hash = crypto
it('throws when escape characters are included in nonce', async () => {
const res = await fetchWithPolicy(
`script-src 'nonce-"><script></script>"'`
describe('template component', () => {
it('should render the template that holds state in a client component and reset on navigation', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/template/clientcomponent')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toBe('Template 0')
await browser.elementByCss('button').click()
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toBe('Template 1')
await browser.elementByCss('#link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#other-page')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toBe('Template 0')
await browser.elementByCss('button').click()
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toBe('Template 1')
await browser.elementByCss('#link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#page')
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toBe('Template 0')
// TODO-APP: disable failing test and investigate later
;(isDev ? it.skip : it)(
'should render the template that is a server component and rerender on navigation',
async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/template/servercomponent')
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-standalone-expect
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toStartWith(
const currentTime = await browser
await browser.elementByCss('#link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#other-page')
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-standalone-expect
expect(await browser.elementByCss('h1').text()).toStartWith(
// template should rerender on navigation even when it's a server component
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-standalone-expect
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#performance-now').text()).toBe(
await browser.elementByCss('#link').click()
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#page')
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-standalone-expect
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#performance-now').text()).toBe(
describe('error component', () => {
it('should trigger error component when an error happens during rendering', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/error/client-component')
await browser.elementByCss('#error-trigger-button').click()
if (isDev) {
// TODO: investigate desired behavior here as it is currently
// minimized by default
// expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
// expect(await getRedboxHeader(browser)).toMatch(/this is a test/)
} else {
await browser
await browser
).toBe('An error occurred: this is a test')
it('should trigger error component when an error happens during server components rendering', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/error/server-component')
if (isDev) {
await browser
).toBe('this is a test')
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#error-boundary-digest').text()
// Digest of the error message should be stable.
// TODO-APP: ensure error overlay is shown for errors that happened before/during hydration
// expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
// expect(await getRedboxHeader(browser)).toMatch(/this is a test/)
} else {
await browser
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#error-boundary-message').text()
'An error occurred in the Server Components render. The specific message is omitted in production builds to avoid leaking sensitive details. A digest property is included on this error instance which may provide additional details about the nature of the error.'
await browser.waitForElementByCss('#error-boundary-digest').text()
// Digest of the error message should be stable.
it('should use default error boundary for prod and overlay for dev when no error component specified', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser(
await browser.elementByCss('#error-trigger-button').click()
if (isDev) {
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
expect(await getRedboxHeader(browser)).toMatch(/this is a test/)
} else {
await browser.waitForElementByCss('body').elementByCss('h2').text()
'Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).'
it('should display error digest for error in server component with default error boundary', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser(
if (isDev) {
expect(await hasRedbox(browser, true)).toBe(true)
expect(await getRedboxHeader(browser)).toMatch(/custom server error/)
} else {
await browser.waitForElementByCss('body').elementByCss('h2').text()
'Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).'
await browser.waitForElementByCss('body').elementByCss('p').text()
).toMatch(/Digest: \w+/)
if (!isDev) {
it('should allow resetting error boundary', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/error/client-component')
// Try triggering and resetting a few times in a row
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await browser
await browser.elementByCss('#error-boundary-message').text()
).toBe('An error occurred: this is a test')
await browser
await browser.elementByCss('#error-trigger-button').text()
).toBe('Trigger Error!')
it('should hydrate empty shell to handle server-side rendering errors', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser(
const logs = await browser.log()
const errors = logs
.filter((x) => x.source === 'error')
.map((x) => x.message)
expect(errors).toInclude('Error during SSR')
describe('known bugs', () => {
describe('should support React cache', () => {
it('server component', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/react-cache/server-component')
const val1 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-1').text()
const val2 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-2').text()
it('server component client-navigation', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/react-cache')
await browser
.waitForElementByCss('#value-1', 10000)
const val1 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-1').text()
const val2 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-2').text()
it('client component', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/react-cache/client-component')
const val1 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-1').text()
const val2 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-2').text()
it('client component client-navigation', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/react-cache')
await browser
.waitForElementByCss('#value-1', 10000)
const val1 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-1').text()
const val2 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-2').text()
it('middleware overriding headers', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/searchparams-normalization-bug')
await browser.eval(`window.didFullPageTransition = 'no'`)
expect(await browser.elementByCss('#header-empty').text()).toBe(
'Header value: empty'
await browser
).toBe('Header value: a')
await browser
).toBe('Header value: b')
await browser
).toBe('Header value: c')
expect(await browser.eval(`window.didFullPageTransition`)).toBe('no')
describe('should support React fetch instrumentation', () => {
it('server component', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/react-fetch/server-component')
const val1 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-1').text()
const val2 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-2').text()
// TODO: enable when fetch cache is enabled in dev
if (!isDev) {
it('server component client-navigation', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/react-fetch')
await browser
.waitForElementByCss('#value-1', 10000)
const val1 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-1').text()
const val2 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-2').text()
// TODO: enable when fetch cache is enabled in dev
if (!isDev) {
// TODO-APP: React doesn't have fetch deduping for client components yet.
it.skip('client component', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/react-fetch/client-component')
const val1 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-1').text()
const val2 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-2').text()
// TODO-APP: React doesn't have fetch deduping for client components yet.
it.skip('client component client-navigation', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/react-fetch')
await browser
.waitForElementByCss('#value-1', 10000)
const val1 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-1').text()
const val2 = await browser.elementByCss('#value-2').text()
it('should not share flight data between requests', async () => {
const fetches = await Promise.all(
[ Array(5)].map(() => next.render('/loading-bug/electronics'))
for (const text of fetches) {
const $ = cheerio.load(text)
it('should handle router.refresh without resetting state', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser(
await browser
// Navigate to the page
// Wait for new page to be loaded
// Click the refresh button to trigger a refresh
// Wait for element that is shown when refreshed and verify text
expect(await browser.waitForElementByCss('#refreshed').text()).toBe(
'Refreshed page successfully!'
await browser.eval(
).toBe('rgb(34, 139, 34)')
it('should handle as on next/link', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/link-with-as')
await browser
).toBe(`hello from app/dashboard/deployments/info/[id]. ID is: 123`)
it('should handle next/link back to initially loaded page', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/linking/about')
await browser
).toBe(`Home page`)
await browser
).toBe(`About page`)
it('should not do additional pushState when already on the page', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/linking/about')
const goToLinkingPage = async () => {
await browser
).toBe(`Home page`)
await goToLinkingPage()
await waitFor(1000)
await goToLinkingPage()
await waitFor(1000)
await goToLinkingPage()
await waitFor(1000)
await browser.back().waitForElementByCss('#about-page', 2000).text()
).toBe(`About page`)
describe('next/script', () => {
if (!isNextDeploy) {
it('should support next/script and render in correct order', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/script')
// Wait for lazyOnload scripts to be ready.
await check(async () => {
expect(await browser.eval(`window._script_order`)).toStrictEqual([
return 'yes'
}, 'yes')
it('should insert preload tags for beforeInteractive and afterInteractive scripts', async () => {
const html = await next.render('/script')
'<link rel="preload" as="script" href="/test1.js"/>'
'<link rel="preload" as="script" href="/test2.js"/>'
'<link rel="preload" as="script" href="/test3.js"/>'
// test4.js has lazyOnload which doesn't need to be preloaded
'<script rel="preload" as="script" src="/test4.js"/>'
describe('data fetch with response over 16KB with chunked encoding', () => {
it('should load page when fetching a large amount of data', async () => {
const browser = await next.browser('/very-large-data-fetch')
expect(await (await browser.waitForElementByCss('#done')).text()).toBe(
'Hello world'
expect(await browser.elementByCss('p').text()).toBe('item count 128000')