JJ Kasper 2e8088e447
Add stats to build tree (#7194)
* Copy pretty-bytes instead of installing
2019-05-01 15:31:08 -05:00

243 lines
6.2 KiB

import crypto from 'crypto'
import findUp from 'find-up'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import { promisify } from 'util'
import prettyBytes from '../lib/pretty-bytes'
import { recursiveReadDir } from '../lib/recursive-readdir'
const fsStat = promisify(fs.stat)
const fsExists = promisify(fs.exists)
const fsReadFile = promisify(fs.readFile)
export function collectPages(
directory: string,
pageExtensions: string[]
): Promise<string[]> {
return recursiveReadDir(
new RegExp(`\\.(?:${pageExtensions.join('|')})$`)
interface ChunksItem {
external: Set<string>,
internal: Set<string>
interface PageInfo {
ampOnly: boolean,
serverSize: number,
clientSize: number,
chunks: ChunksItem
export function printTreeView(list: string[], pageInfos: Map<string, PageInfo>) {
red for >250kb
yellow for >100kb
green for <100kb
const getSizeColor = (size: number): string => {
if (size < 100 * 1000) return '\x1b[32m'
if (size < 250 * 1000) return '\x1b[33m'
return '\x1b[31m'
.sort((a, b) => (a > b ? 1 : -1))
.forEach((item, i) => {
const info = pageInfos.get(item)
let numExternal
let numInternal
let serverSize
let clientSize
let isAmp
if (info) {
isAmp = info.ampOnly
serverSize = info.serverSize
clientSize = info.clientSize
if (info.chunks) {
const { chunks } = info
numExternal = chunks.external.size
numInternal = chunks.internal.size
const corner =
i === 0
? list.length === 1
? '─'
: '┌'
: '├'
console.log(` \x1b[90m${corner}\x1b[39m ${item}${isAmp ? ' (AMP)' : ''}`)
if (typeof numExternal === 'number') {
console.log(` \x1b[90m| \x1b[39mPackages: ${numExternal} Local modules: ${numInternal}`);
let sizes = ' \x1b[90m|'
if (typeof serverSize === 'number') {
sizes += getSizeColor(serverSize) +
` Server size: ${prettyBytes(serverSize)}`
if (typeof clientSize === 'number') {
sizes += getSizeColor(clientSize) +
` Client size: ${prettyBytes(clientSize)}`
if (sizes) console.log(sizes)
console.log(` \x1b[90m${i === list.length - 1 ? '└' : '|'}`);
function flatten<T>(arr: T[][]): T[] {
return arr.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), [] as T[])
function getPossibleFiles(pageExtensions: string[], pages: string[]) {
const res = =>
.map(e => `${page}.${e}`)
.concat( => `${path.join(page, 'index')}.${e}`))
return flatten<string>(res)
export async function getFileForPage({
}: {
page: string
pagesDirectory: string
pageExtensions: string[]
}) {
const theFile = getPossibleFiles(pageExtensions, [
path.join(pagesDirectory, page),
]).find(f => fs.existsSync(f) && fs.lstatSync(f).isFile())
if (theFile) {
return path.sep + path.relative(pagesDirectory, theFile)
return theFile
export async function getSpecifiedPages(
dir: string,
pagesString: string,
pageExtensions: string[]
) {
const pagesDir = path.join(dir, 'pages')
const reservedPages = ['/_app', '/_document', '/_error']
const explodedPages = [ Set([...pagesString.split(','), ...reservedPages]),
].map(p => {
let resolvedPage: string | undefined
if (path.isAbsolute(p)) {
resolvedPage = getPossibleFiles(pageExtensions, [
path.join(pagesDir, p),
]).find(f => fs.existsSync(f) && fs.lstatSync(f).isFile())
} else {
resolvedPage = getPossibleFiles(pageExtensions, [
path.join(pagesDir, p),
path.join(dir, p),
]).find(f => fs.existsSync(f) && fs.lstatSync(f).isFile())
return { original: p, resolved: resolvedPage || null }
const missingPage = explodedPages.find(
({ original, resolved }) => !resolved && !reservedPages.includes(original)
if (missingPage) {
throw new Error(`Unable to identify page: ${missingPage.original}`)
const resolvedPagePaths = explodedPages
.filter(page => page.resolved)
.map(page => '/' + path.relative(pagesDir, page.resolved!))
return resolvedPagePaths.sort()
export async function getCacheIdentifier({
env = {},
}: {
pagesDirectory: string
env?: any
}) {
let selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier = ''
const envObject = env
? Object.keys(env)
// eslint-disable-next-line
.reduce((a, c) => ((a[c] = env[c]), a), {} as any)
: {}
selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier += JSON.stringify(envObject)
const pkgPath = await findUp('package.json', { cwd: pagesDirectory })
if (pkgPath) {
const yarnLock = path.join(path.dirname(pkgPath), 'yarn.lock')
const packageLock = path.join(path.dirname(pkgPath), 'package-lock.json')
if (await fsExists(yarnLock)) {
selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier += await fsReadFile(yarnLock, 'utf8')
} else if (await fsExists(packageLock)) {
selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier += await fsReadFile(
} else {
selectivePageBuildingCacheIdentifier += JSON.stringify(require(pkgPath))
return crypto
export async function getPageInfo(
page: string,
distPath: string,
buildId: string,
dev: boolean,
serverless?: boolean,
) {
const info: any = {}
const staticPath = dev ? 'development' : buildId
const clientBundle = path.join(
distPath, `static/${staticPath}/pages/`, `${page}.js`
const serverPath = serverless
? path.join(distPath, 'serverless/pages')
: path.join(distPath, 'server/static', staticPath, 'pages')
const serverBundle = path.join(serverPath, `${page}.js`)
info.clientBundle = clientBundle
if (!dev) {
try {
info.serverSize = (await fsStat(serverBundle)).size
} catch (_) {}
try {
info.clientSize = (await fsStat(clientBundle)).size
} catch (_) {}
if (page.match(/(_app|_error|_document)/)) return info
return info