Alex Kirszenberg f7f2db70bd Refactor the Next SSG transform to handle the inverse operation (vercel/turbo#2968)
## The original transform

The original behavior of the Next SSG transform is to remove `getServerSideProps`, `getStaticProps`, and `getStaticPaths` from Next.js page files so they can be bundled for the client. This is what enables the following code to work properly without advanced tree shaking:

import db from "db";
import PostCounter from 

export default function Home(props) {
  return <>{props.posts.length} post(s)</>;

const postsPromise = db.getPosts();

export async function getStaticProps() {
  return {
    props: {
      posts: await postsPromise,

The transform is able to remove both `getStaticProps` and all its exclusive, transitive dependencies, so this is what the client would see:

import PostCounter from "components/PostCounter";
export var __N_SSG = true;
export default function Home(props) {
    return __jsx(PostCounter, {
        count: props.posts.length

## Adding the inverse operation

However, to support proper HMR for these data exports, we need to be able to execute somewhat of an inverse operation: remove the default component export, but preserve all the rest. This allows Turbopack to bundle server-side only declarations, only re-rendering when one of these changes, instead of re-rendering on any server-side and client-side change.

From our module above, the updated transform is now also able to generate the following:

import db from "db";
const postsPromise = db.getPosts();
export async function getStaticProps() {
    return {
        props: {
            posts: await postsPromise

As you can see, this module is no longer importing the `PostCounter`, which means re-rendering will not invalidate when that counter changes. However, if the "db" module changes, we will still be able to detect a change and re-render.

## Other notes

* I renamed the transform from "next_ssg" to "next_transform_strip_page_exports". It's much more verbose, but hopefully also much clearer about what it does at a glance.
* I took the liberty to clean up and comment some parts of the transform to make it more easily understandable (at least for someone like me, who hasn't written a lot of SWC code). I also fixed a few bugs and edge cases.
* I brought over the tests from the transform in the Next.js and added a couple of them.
* For now, only the `StripDataExports` filter is used. A future PR will build on this and @ForsakenHarmony's PR to actually implement SSR/SSG HMR. 

## Reviewing guide

1. The crux of the change is the move (and refactor) of the next ssg transform from to
2. I also added the []( and []( tests. I adapted to execute on the two transform filters: data exports and default export.
3. Most of the tests in `tests/` are copied from The changes I made are:
  i. made this one symmetric for both strip data and strip default transforms.
  ii. wasn't supported before AFAIK.
  iii. similar to i.
2023-01-03 10:42:35 +00:00
crates Refactor the Next SSG transform to handle the inverse operation (vercel/turbo#2968) 2023-01-03 10:42:35 +00:00