Arunoda Susiripala 8bf376737f Remove patch-react.js (#1420)
This is a pretty complex code base and it cause
issues for some React components.
And React/fiber is coming with a proper solution.
2017-03-14 11:57:41 -07:00

38 lines
1 KiB

import evalScript from '../lib/eval-script'
const { __NEXT_DATA__: { errorComponent } } = window
const ErrorComponent = evalScript(errorComponent).default
const next = = require('./')
const emitter = next.default(onError)
function onError (err) {
// just show the debug screen but don't render ErrorComponent
// so that the current component doesn't lose props
next.render({ err, emitter })
let lastScroll
emitter.on('before-reactdom-render', ({ Component }) => {
// Remember scroll when ErrorComponent is being rendered to later restore it
if (!lastScroll && Component === ErrorComponent) {
const { pageXOffset, pageYOffset } = window
lastScroll = {
x: pageXOffset,
y: pageYOffset
emitter.on('after-reactdom-render', ({ Component }) => {
if (lastScroll && Component !== ErrorComponent) {
// Restore scroll after ErrorComponent was replaced with a page component by HMR
const { x, y } = lastScroll
window.scroll(x, y)
lastScroll = null