# Application environment # production or development SUPERKIT_ENV = development # HTTP listen port of the application HTTP_LISTEN_ADDR = :3000 # Database configuration DB_DRIVER = sqlite3 DB_USER = DB_HOST = DB_PASSWORD = DB_NAME = app_db MIGRATION_DIR = app/db/migrations # Application secret used to secure your sessions. # The secret will be auto generated on install. # If you still want to change it make sure its at # least 32 bytes long. # NOTE: You might want to change this secret when using # your app in production. SUPERKIT_SECRET = {{app_secret}} # Authentication Plugin SUPERKIT_AUTH_REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN = /profile SUPERKIT_AUTH_SESSION_EXPIRY_IN_HOURS = 48 # Skip user email verification after signup SUPERKIT_AUTH_SKIP_VERIFY = false SUPERKIT_AUTH_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_EXPIRY_IN_HOURS = 1