
915 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* global __NEXT_DATA__ */
// tslint:disable:no-console
import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring'
import { ComponentType } from 'react'
import { UrlObject } from 'url'
import mitt, { MittEmitter } from '../mitt'
import {
} from '../utils'
import { isDynamicRoute } from './utils/is-dynamic'
import { getRouteMatcher } from './utils/route-matcher'
import { getRouteRegex } from './utils/route-regex'
import { searchParamsToUrlQuery } from './utils/search-params-to-url-query'
import { parseRelativeUrl } from './utils/parse-relative-url'
import {
} from '../../../client/normalize-trailing-slash'
const basePath = (process.env.__NEXT_ROUTER_BASEPATH as string) || ''
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
function buildCancellationError() {
return Object.assign(new Error('Route Cancelled'), {
cancelled: true,
export function hasBasePath(path: string): boolean {
return path === basePath || path.startsWith(basePath + '/')
export function addBasePath(path: string): string {
return basePath
? path === '/'
? normalizePathTrailingSlash(basePath)
: basePath + path
: path
export function delBasePath(path: string): string {
return path.slice(basePath.length) || '/'
type Url = UrlObject | string
* Resolves a given hyperlink with a certain router state (basePath not included).
* Preserves absolute urls.
export function resolveHref(currentPath: string, href: Url): string {
// we use a dummy base url for relative urls
const base = new URL(currentPath, 'http://n')
const urlAsString =
typeof href === 'string' ? href : formatWithValidation(href)
const finalUrl = new URL(urlAsString, base)
finalUrl.pathname = normalizePathTrailingSlash(finalUrl.pathname)
// if the origin didn't change, it means we received a relative href
return finalUrl.origin === base.origin
? finalUrl.href.slice(finalUrl.origin.length)
: finalUrl.href
function prepareUrlAs(router: NextRouter, url: Url, as: Url) {
// If url and as provided as an object representation,
// we'll format them into the string version here.
return {
url: addBasePath(resolveHref(router.pathname, url)),
as: as ? addBasePath(resolveHref(router.pathname, as)) : as,
function tryParseRelativeUrl(
url: string
): null | ReturnType<typeof parseRelativeUrl> {
try {
return parseRelativeUrl(url)
} catch (err) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
throw new Error(
`Invalid href passed to router: ${url}`
return null
type ComponentRes = { page: ComponentType; mod: any }
2019-04-26 09:37:57 +02:00
export type BaseRouter = {
route: string
pathname: string
query: ParsedUrlQuery
asPath: string
basePath: string
export type NextRouter = BaseRouter &
| 'push'
| 'replace'
| 'reload'
| 'back'
| 'prefetch'
| 'beforePopState'
| 'events'
| 'isFallback'
export type PrefetchOptions = {
priority?: boolean
type RouteInfo = {
Component: ComponentType
__N_SSG?: boolean
__N_SSP?: boolean
props?: any
err?: Error
error?: any
type Subscription = (data: RouteInfo, App?: ComponentType) => Promise<void>
type BeforePopStateCallback = (state: any) => boolean
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
type ComponentLoadCancel = (() => void) | null
type HistoryMethod = 'replaceState' | 'pushState'
const manualScrollRestoration =
typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
'scrollRestoration' in window.history
Fix static data fetching when using absolute assetprefix (#15287) Fixes `parseRelativeUrl` was used on urls that weren't always relative. It was used to generate a cache key, but we actually don't need these cache keys to be relative if the urls aren't relative. Also took a look at the overall static data fetching logic and found a few things: - [x] cache key is unnecessarily transformed through `prepareRoute`, we can just cache by resolved `dataHref` and remove that function. Pretty sure that `prepareRoute` was also introducing edge cases with `assetPath` and `delBasePath` - [x] there is [a bug in the caching logic]( that made it fail on the second visit: it should be `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[pathname])` instead of `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[dataHref])`. Also added a test for this - [x] ~converted to async await to improve stacktraces and readability.~ I assumed this was fine since I saw some async/awaits in that file already but it seems to just blow up the size of the non-modern bundle. - [x] extracted nested `getResponse` function and define it top level. this should improve runtime performance - [x] convert `_getStaticData` and `_getServerData` to class methods instead of properties. Not sure why they were defined as properties but I think they belong on the prototype instead. - [x] remove `cb` property from `fetchNextData`, it's unnecessary and makes the async flow hard to understand. The exact same logic can go in the `.then` instead. - [ ] data fetching logic [retries on 5xx errors](, but not on network level errors. It should also retry on those. It should also not retry on every 5xx, probably only makes sense on 502, 503 and 504. (e.g. 500 is a server error that I wouldn't expect to succeed on a retry) The overall result also is a few bytes smaller in size
2020-07-19 06:02:01 +02:00
function fetchRetry(url: string, attempts: number): Promise<any> {
return fetch(url, {
// Cookies are required to be present for Next.js' SSG "Preview Mode".
// Cookies may also be required for `getServerSideProps`.
// > `fetch` wont send cookies, unless you set the credentials init
// > option.
// > For maximum browser compatibility when it comes to sending &
// > receiving cookies, always supply the `credentials: 'same-origin'`
// > option instead of relying on the default.
credentials: 'same-origin',
}).then((res) => {
if (!res.ok) {
if (attempts > 1 && res.status >= 500) {
return fetchRetry(url, attempts - 1)
Fix static data fetching when using absolute assetprefix (#15287) Fixes `parseRelativeUrl` was used on urls that weren't always relative. It was used to generate a cache key, but we actually don't need these cache keys to be relative if the urls aren't relative. Also took a look at the overall static data fetching logic and found a few things: - [x] cache key is unnecessarily transformed through `prepareRoute`, we can just cache by resolved `dataHref` and remove that function. Pretty sure that `prepareRoute` was also introducing edge cases with `assetPath` and `delBasePath` - [x] there is [a bug in the caching logic]( that made it fail on the second visit: it should be `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[pathname])` instead of `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[dataHref])`. Also added a test for this - [x] ~converted to async await to improve stacktraces and readability.~ I assumed this was fine since I saw some async/awaits in that file already but it seems to just blow up the size of the non-modern bundle. - [x] extracted nested `getResponse` function and define it top level. this should improve runtime performance - [x] convert `_getStaticData` and `_getServerData` to class methods instead of properties. Not sure why they were defined as properties but I think they belong on the prototype instead. - [x] remove `cb` property from `fetchNextData`, it's unnecessary and makes the async flow hard to understand. The exact same logic can go in the `.then` instead. - [ ] data fetching logic [retries on 5xx errors](, but not on network level errors. It should also retry on those. It should also not retry on every 5xx, probably only makes sense on 502, 503 and 504. (e.g. 500 is a server error that I wouldn't expect to succeed on a retry) The overall result also is a few bytes smaller in size
2020-07-19 06:02:01 +02:00
throw new Error(`Failed to load static props`)
Fix static data fetching when using absolute assetprefix (#15287) Fixes `parseRelativeUrl` was used on urls that weren't always relative. It was used to generate a cache key, but we actually don't need these cache keys to be relative if the urls aren't relative. Also took a look at the overall static data fetching logic and found a few things: - [x] cache key is unnecessarily transformed through `prepareRoute`, we can just cache by resolved `dataHref` and remove that function. Pretty sure that `prepareRoute` was also introducing edge cases with `assetPath` and `delBasePath` - [x] there is [a bug in the caching logic]( that made it fail on the second visit: it should be `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[pathname])` instead of `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[dataHref])`. Also added a test for this - [x] ~converted to async await to improve stacktraces and readability.~ I assumed this was fine since I saw some async/awaits in that file already but it seems to just blow up the size of the non-modern bundle. - [x] extracted nested `getResponse` function and define it top level. this should improve runtime performance - [x] convert `_getStaticData` and `_getServerData` to class methods instead of properties. Not sure why they were defined as properties but I think they belong on the prototype instead. - [x] remove `cb` property from `fetchNextData`, it's unnecessary and makes the async flow hard to understand. The exact same logic can go in the `.then` instead. - [ ] data fetching logic [retries on 5xx errors](, but not on network level errors. It should also retry on those. It should also not retry on every 5xx, probably only makes sense on 502, 503 and 504. (e.g. 500 is a server error that I wouldn't expect to succeed on a retry) The overall result also is a few bytes smaller in size
2020-07-19 06:02:01 +02:00
return res.json()
function fetchNextData(dataHref: string, isServerRender: boolean) {
return fetchRetry(dataHref, isServerRender ? 3 : 1).catch((err: Error) => {
// We should only trigger a server-side transition if this was caused
// on a client-side transition. Otherwise, we'd get into an infinite
// loop.
if (!isServerRender) {
;(err as any).code = 'PAGE_LOAD_ERROR'
throw err
2019-04-26 09:37:57 +02:00
export default class Router implements BaseRouter {
route: string
pathname: string
query: ParsedUrlQuery
asPath: string
basePath: string
* Map of all components loaded in `Router`
components: { [pathname: string]: RouteInfo }
// Static Data Cache
sdc: { [asPath: string]: object } = {}
sub: Subscription
clc: ComponentLoadCancel
pageLoader: any
_bps: BeforePopStateCallback | undefined
events: MittEmitter
_wrapApp: (App: ComponentType) => any
isSsr: boolean
isFallback: boolean
_inFlightRoute?: string
static events: MittEmitter = mitt()
pathname: string,
query: ParsedUrlQuery,
as: string,
}: {
subscription: Subscription
initialProps: any
pageLoader: any
Component: ComponentType
App: ComponentType
wrapApp: (App: ComponentType) => any
err?: Error
isFallback: boolean
) {
2016-10-08 07:12:51 +02:00
// represents the current component key
this.route = removePathTrailingSlash(pathname)
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
// set up the component cache (by route keys)
this.components = {}
// We should not keep the cache, if there's an error
// Otherwise, this cause issues when when going back and
// come again to the errored page.
if (pathname !== '/_error') {
this.components[this.route] = {
props: initialProps,
__N_SSG: initialProps && initialProps.__N_SSG,
__N_SSP: initialProps && initialProps.__N_SSP,
2017-02-15 20:29:42 +01:00
this.components['/_app'] = { Component: App }
// Backwards compat for
// TODO: Should be remove the following major version as it was never documented =
this.pageLoader = pageLoader
this.pathname = pathname
this.query = query
// if auto prerendered and dynamic route wait to update asPath
// until after mount to prevent hydration mismatch
this.asPath =
// @ts-ignore this is temporarily global (attached to window)
isDynamicRoute(pathname) && __NEXT_DATA__.autoExport ? pathname : as
this.basePath = basePath
this.sub = subscription
this.clc = null
this._wrapApp = wrapApp
// make sure to ignore extra popState in safari on navigating
// back from external site
this.isSsr = true
2016-10-08 07:12:51 +02:00
this.isFallback = isFallback
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
// make sure "as" doesn't start with double slashes or else it can
// throw an error as it's considered invalid
if (as.substr(0, 2) !== '//') {
// in order for `e.state` to work on the `onpopstate` event
// we have to register the initial route upon initialization
formatWithValidation({ pathname: addBasePath(pathname), query }),
2016-12-24 18:29:23 +01:00
2016-10-08 12:16:22 +02:00
window.addEventListener('popstate', this.onPopState)
// enable custom scroll restoration handling when available
// otherwise fallback to browser's default handling
if (process.env.__NEXT_SCROLL_RESTORATION) {
if (manualScrollRestoration) {
window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'
let scrollDebounceTimeout: undefined | NodeJS.Timeout
const debouncedScrollSave = () => {
if (scrollDebounceTimeout) clearTimeout(scrollDebounceTimeout)
scrollDebounceTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
const { url, as: curAs, options } = history.state
Object.assign({}, options, {
_N_X: window.scrollX,
_N_Y: window.scrollY,
}, 10)
window.addEventListener('scroll', debouncedScrollSave)
2016-10-08 12:16:22 +02:00
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
// @deprecated backwards compatibility even though it's a private method.
static _rewriteUrlForNextExport(url: string): string {
if (process.env.__NEXT_EXPORT_TRAILING_SLASH) {
const rewriteUrlForNextExport = require('./rewrite-url-for-export')
return rewriteUrlForNextExport(url)
} else {
return url
onPopState = (e: PopStateEvent): void => {
if (!e.state) {
// We get state as undefined for two reasons.
// 1. With older safari (< 8) and older chrome (< 34)
// 2. When the URL changed with #
// In the both cases, we don't need to proceed and change the route.
// (as it's already changed)
// But we can simply replace the state with the new changes.
// Actually, for (1) we don't need to nothing. But it's hard to detect that event.
// So, doing the following for (1) does no harm.
const { pathname, query } = this
formatWithValidation({ pathname: addBasePath(pathname), query }),
const { url, as, options, __N } = e.state
if (!__N) {
// this history state wasn't created by next.js so it can be ignored
const { pathname } = parseRelativeUrl(url)
// Make sure we don't re-render on initial load,
// can be caused by navigating back from an external site
if (this.isSsr && as === this.asPath && pathname === this.pathname) {
// If the downstream application returns falsy, return.
// They will then be responsible for handling the event.
if (this._bps && !this._bps(e.state)) {
this.change('replaceState', url, as, options)
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
update(route: string, mod: any) {
const Component: ComponentType = mod.default || mod
const data = this.components[route]
if (!data) {
throw new Error(`Cannot update unavailable route: ${route}`)
const newData = Object.assign({}, data, {
__N_SSG: mod.__N_SSG,
__N_SSP: mod.__N_SSP,
2016-10-17 16:35:31 +02:00
this.components[route] = newData
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
// pages/_app.js updated
if (route === '/_app') {
2016-10-08 07:12:51 +02:00
if (route === this.route) {
2016-10-17 16:35:31 +02:00
2016-10-08 07:12:51 +02:00
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
reload(): void {
2016-10-24 09:22:15 +02:00
* Go back in history
back() {
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
* Performs a `pushState` with arguments
* @param url of the route
* @param as masks `url` for the browser
* @param options object you can define `shallow` and other options
push(url: Url, as: Url = url, options = {}) {
;({ url, as } = prepareUrlAs(this, url, as))
return this.change('pushState', url, as, options)
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
* Performs a `replaceState` with arguments
* @param url of the route
* @param as masks `url` for the browser
* @param options object you can define `shallow` and other options
replace(url: Url, as: Url = url, options = {}) {
;({ url, as } = prepareUrlAs(this, url, as))
return this.change('replaceState', url, as, options)
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
async change(
method: HistoryMethod,
url: string,
as: string,
options: any
): Promise<boolean> {
if (!options._h) {
this.isSsr = false
// marking route changes as a navigation start entry
if (ST) {
// Add the ending slash to the paths. So, we can serve the
// "<page>/index.html" directly for the SSR page.
if (process.env.__NEXT_EXPORT_TRAILING_SLASH) {
const rewriteUrlForNextExport = require('./rewrite-url-for-export')
// @ts-ignore this is temporarily global (attached to window)
if (__NEXT_DATA__.nextExport) {
as = rewriteUrlForNextExport(as)
if (this._inFlightRoute) {
const cleanedAs = hasBasePath(as) ? delBasePath(as) : as
this._inFlightRoute = as
// If the url change is only related to a hash change
// We should not proceed. We should only change the state.
// WARNING: `_h` is an internal option for handing Next.js client-side
// hydration. Your app should _never_ use this property. It may change at
// any time without notice.
if (!options._h && this.onlyAHashChange(cleanedAs)) {
this.asPath = cleanedAs'hashChangeStart', as)
this.changeState(method, url, as, options)
this.scrollToHash(cleanedAs)'hashChangeComplete', as)
return true
const parsed = tryParseRelativeUrl(url)
if (!parsed) return false
let { pathname, searchParams } = parsed
const query = searchParamsToUrlQuery(searchParams)
// url and as should always be prefixed with basePath by this
// point by either next/link or router.push/replace so strip the
// basePath from the pathname to match the pages dir 1-to-1
pathname = pathname
? removePathTrailingSlash(delBasePath(pathname))
: pathname
// If asked to change the current URL we should reload the current page
// (not location.reload() but reload getInitialProps and other Next.js stuffs)
// We also need to set the method = replaceState always
// as this should not go into the history (That's how browsers work)
// We should compare the new asPath to the current asPath, not the url
if (!this.urlIsNew(cleanedAs)) {
method = 'replaceState'
2016-10-08 07:12:51 +02:00
const route = removePathTrailingSlash(pathname)
const { shallow = false } = options
if (isDynamicRoute(route)) {
const { pathname: asPathname } = parseRelativeUrl(cleanedAs)
const routeRegex = getRouteRegex(route)
const routeMatch = getRouteMatcher(routeRegex)(asPathname)
if (!routeMatch) {
const missingParams = Object.keys(routeRegex.groups).filter(
(param) => !query[param]
if (missingParams.length > 0) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
`Mismatching \`as\` and \`href\` failed to manually provide ` +
`the params: ${missingParams.join(
', '
)} in the \`href\`'s \`query\``
throw new Error(
`The provided \`as\` value (${asPathname}) is incompatible with the \`href\` value (${route}). ` +
`Read more:`
} else {
// Merge params into `query`, overwriting any specified in search
Object.assign(query, routeMatch)
}'routeChangeStart', as)
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
try {
const routeInfo = await this.getRouteInfo(
const { error } = routeInfo
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00'beforeHistoryChange', as)
this.changeState(method, url, as, options)
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const appComp: any = this.components['/_app'].Component
;(window as any).next.isPrerendered =
appComp.getInitialProps === appComp.origGetInitialProps &&
!(routeInfo.Component as any).getInitialProps
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
await this.set(route, pathname!, query, cleanedAs, routeInfo)
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
if (error) {'routeChangeError', error, cleanedAs)
throw error
if (process.env.__NEXT_SCROLL_RESTORATION) {
if (manualScrollRestoration && '_N_X' in options) {
window.scrollTo(options._N_X, options._N_Y)
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
}'routeChangeComplete', as)
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
return true
} catch (err) {
if (err.cancelled) {
return false
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
throw err
method: HistoryMethod,
url: string,
as: string,
options = {}
): void {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (typeof window.history === 'undefined') {
console.error(`Warning: window.history is not available.`)
if (typeof window.history[method] === 'undefined') {
console.error(`Warning: window.history.${method} is not available`)
if (method !== 'pushState' || getURL() !== as) {
__N: true,
// Most browsers currently ignores this parameter, although they may use it in the future.
// Passing the empty string here should be safe against future changes to the method.
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
async handleRouteInfoError(
err: Error & { code: any; cancelled: boolean },
pathname: string,
query: any,
as: string,
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
loadErrorFail?: boolean
): Promise<RouteInfo> {
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
if (err.cancelled) {
// bubble up cancellation errors
throw err
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
if (err.code === 'PAGE_LOAD_ERROR' || loadErrorFail) {'routeChangeError', err, as)
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
// If we can't load the page it could be one of following reasons
// 1. Page doesn't exists
// 2. Page does exist in a different zone
// 3. Internal error while loading the page
// So, doing a hard reload is the proper way to deal with this.
window.location.href = as
// Changing the URL doesn't block executing the current code path.
// So let's throw a cancellation error stop the routing logic.
throw buildCancellationError()
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
try {
const { page: Component } = await this.fetchComponent('/_error')
const routeInfo: RouteInfo = { Component, err, error: err }
try {
routeInfo.props = await this.getInitialProps(Component, {
} as any)
} catch (gipErr) {
console.error('Error in error page `getInitialProps`: ', gipErr)
routeInfo.props = {}
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
return routeInfo
} catch (routeInfoErr) {
return this.handleRouteInfoError(routeInfoErr, pathname, query, as, true)
async getRouteInfo(
route: string,
pathname: string,
query: any,
as: string,
shallow: boolean = false
): Promise<RouteInfo> {
try {
const cachedRouteInfo = this.components[route]
if (shallow && cachedRouteInfo && this.route === route) {
return cachedRouteInfo
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
const routeInfo = cachedRouteInfo
? cachedRouteInfo
: await this.fetchComponent(route).then(
(res) =>
__N_SSG: res.mod.__N_SSG,
__N_SSP: res.mod.__N_SSP,
} as RouteInfo)
const { Component, __N_SSG, __N_SSP } = routeInfo
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const { isValidElementType } = require('react-is')
if (!isValidElementType(Component)) {
throw new Error(
`The default export is not a React Component in page: "${pathname}"`
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
let dataHref: string | undefined
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
if (__N_SSG || __N_SSP) {
dataHref = this.pageLoader.getDataHref(
formatWithValidation({ pathname, query }),
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00
const props = await this._getData<RouteInfo>(() =>
? this._getStaticData(dataHref!)
: __N_SSP
? this._getServerData(dataHref!)
: this.getInitialProps(
// we provide AppTree later so this needs to be `any`
asPath: as,
} as any
routeInfo.props = props
this.components[route] = routeInfo
return routeInfo
} catch (err) {
return this.handleRouteInfoError(err, pathname, query, as)
route: string,
pathname: string,
query: any,
as: string,
data: RouteInfo
): Promise<void> {
this.isFallback = false
this.route = route
this.pathname = pathname
this.query = query
this.asPath = as
return this.notify(data)
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
* Callback to execute before replacing router state
* @param cb callback to be executed
beforePopState(cb: BeforePopStateCallback) {
this._bps = cb
onlyAHashChange(as: string): boolean {
if (!this.asPath) return false
const [oldUrlNoHash, oldHash] = this.asPath.split('#')
const [newUrlNoHash, newHash] = as.split('#')
// Makes sure we scroll to the provided hash if the url/hash are the same
if (newHash && oldUrlNoHash === newUrlNoHash && oldHash === newHash) {
return true
// If the urls are change, there's more than a hash change
if (oldUrlNoHash !== newUrlNoHash) {
return false
// If the hash has changed, then it's a hash only change.
// This check is necessary to handle both the enter and
// leave hash === '' cases. The identity case falls through
// and is treated as a next reload.
return oldHash !== newHash
scrollToHash(as: string): void {
const [, hash] = as.split('#')
// Scroll to top if the hash is just `#` with no value
if (hash === '') {
window.scrollTo(0, 0)
// First we check if the element by id is found
const idEl = document.getElementById(hash)
if (idEl) {
// If there's no element with the id, we check the `name` property
// To mirror browsers
const nameEl = document.getElementsByName(hash)[0]
if (nameEl) {
urlIsNew(asPath: string): boolean {
return this.asPath !== asPath
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
* Prefetch page code, you may wait for the data during page rendering.
* This feature only works in production!
* @param url the href of prefetched page
* @param asPath the as path of the prefetched page
async prefetch(
url: string,
asPath: string = url,
options: PrefetchOptions = {}
): Promise<void> {
const parsed = tryParseRelativeUrl(url)
if (!parsed) return
const { pathname } = parsed
// Prefetch is not supported in development mode because it would trigger on-demand-entries
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const route = removePathTrailingSlash(pathname)
await Promise.all([
this.pageLoader.prefetchData(url, asPath),
this.pageLoader[options.priority ? 'loadPage' : 'prefetch'](route),
async fetchComponent(route: string): Promise<ComponentRes> {
let cancelled = false
const cancel = (this.clc = () => {
cancelled = true
const componentResult = await this.pageLoader.loadPage(route)
Universal Webpack (#3578) * Speed up next build * Document webpack config * Speed up next build * Remove comment * Add comment * Clean up rules * Add comments * Run in parallel * Push plugins seperately * Create a new chunk for react * Don’t uglify react since it’s already uglified. Move react to commons in development * Use the minified version directly * Re-add globpattern * Move loaders into a separate variable * Add comment linking to Dan’s explanation * Remove dot * Add universal webpack * Initial dev support * Fix linting * Add changes from Arunoda's work * Made next dev works. But super slow and no HMR support. * Fix client side hot reload * Server side hmr * Only in dev * Add on-demand-entries client + hot-middleware * Add .babelrc support * Speed up on demand entries by running in parallel * Serve static generated files * Add missing config in dev * Add sass support * Add support for .map * Add cssloader config and fix .jsx support * Rename * use same defaults as css-loader. Fix linting * Add NoEmitErrorsPlugin * Add clientBootstrap * Use webpackhotmiddleware on the multi compiler * alpha.3 * Use babel 16.2.x * Fix reloading after error * Remove comment * Release 5.0.0-univeral-alpha.1 * Remove check for React 16 * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.2 * React hot loader v4 * Use our static file rendering machanism to serve pages. This should work well since the file path for a page is predictable. * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.3 * Remove optional loaders * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.4 * Remove clientBootstrap * Remove renderScript * Make sure pages bundles are served correctly * Remove unused import * Revert to using the same code as canary * Fix hot loader * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.5 * Check if externals dir exist before applying config * Add typescript support * Add support for transpiling certain packages in node_modules Thanks to @giuseppeg’s work in * Add BABEL_DISABLE_CACHE support * Make sourcemaps in production opt-in * Revert "Add support for transpiling certain packages in node_modules" This reverts commit d4b1d9babfb4b9ed4f4b12d56d52dee233e862da. In favor of a better api around this. * Support typescript through next.config.js * Remove comments * Bring back commons.js calculation * Remove unused dependencies * Move base.config.js to webpack.js * Make sure to only invalidate webpackDevMiddleware one after other. * Allow babel-loder caching by default. * Add comment about preact support * Bring back buildir replace * Remove obsolete plugin * Remove build replace, speed up build * Resolve page entries like pages/day/index.js to pages/day.js * Add componentDidCatch back * Compile to bundles * Use config.distDir everywhere * Make sure the file is an array * Remove console.log * Apply optimization to uglifyjs * Add comment pointing to source * Create entries the same way in dev and production * Remove unused and broken pagesGlobPattern * day/index.js is automatically turned into day.js at build time * Remove poweredByHeader option * Load pages with the correct path. * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.6 * Make sure react-dom/server can be overwritten by module-alias * Only add react-hot-loader babel plugin in dev * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.7 * Revert tests * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.10 * Make sure next/head is working properly. * Add wepack alias for 'next' back. * Make sure overriding className in next/head works * Alias react too * Add missing r * Fragment fallback has to wrap the children * Use min.js * Remove css.js * Remove wallaby.js * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.11 * Resolve relative to workdir instead of next * Make sure we touch the right file * Resolve next modules * Remove dotjsx removal plugins since we use webpack on the server * Revert "Resolve relative to workdir instead of next" This reverts commit a13f3e4ab565df9e2c9a3dfc8eb4009c0c2e02ed. * Externalize any locally loaded module lives outside of app dir. * Remove server aliases * Check node_modules reliably * Add symlink to next for tests * Make sure dynamic imports work locally. This is why we need it: We need to have the finally clause in the above in __webpack_require__. webpack output option strictModuleExceptionHandling does that. * dynmaic -> dynamic * Remove webpack-node-externals * Make sure dynamic imports support SSR. * Remove css support in favor of next-css * Make sure we load path from `/` since it’s included in the path matching * Catch when ensurepage couldn’t be fulfilled for `` * Register require cache flusher for both client and server * Add comment explaining this is to facilitate hot reloading * Only load module when needed * Remove unused modules * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.12 * Only log the `found babel` message once * Make sure ondemand entries working correctly. Now we are just using a single instance of OnDemandEntryHandler. * Better sourcemaps * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.13 * Lock uglify version to 1.1.6 * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.14 * Fix a typo. * Introduce multi-zones support for mircofrontends * Add section on css
2018-01-30 16:40:52 +01:00
if (cancelled) {
const error: any = new Error(
`Abort fetching component for route: "${route}"`
Universal Webpack (#3578) * Speed up next build * Document webpack config * Speed up next build * Remove comment * Add comment * Clean up rules * Add comments * Run in parallel * Push plugins seperately * Create a new chunk for react * Don’t uglify react since it’s already uglified. Move react to commons in development * Use the minified version directly * Re-add globpattern * Move loaders into a separate variable * Add comment linking to Dan’s explanation * Remove dot * Add universal webpack * Initial dev support * Fix linting * Add changes from Arunoda's work * Made next dev works. But super slow and no HMR support. * Fix client side hot reload * Server side hmr * Only in dev * Add on-demand-entries client + hot-middleware * Add .babelrc support * Speed up on demand entries by running in parallel * Serve static generated files * Add missing config in dev * Add sass support * Add support for .map * Add cssloader config and fix .jsx support * Rename * use same defaults as css-loader. Fix linting * Add NoEmitErrorsPlugin * Add clientBootstrap * Use webpackhotmiddleware on the multi compiler * alpha.3 * Use babel 16.2.x * Fix reloading after error * Remove comment * Release 5.0.0-univeral-alpha.1 * Remove check for React 16 * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.2 * React hot loader v4 * Use our static file rendering machanism to serve pages. This should work well since the file path for a page is predictable. * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.3 * Remove optional loaders * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.4 * Remove clientBootstrap * Remove renderScript * Make sure pages bundles are served correctly * Remove unused import * Revert to using the same code as canary * Fix hot loader * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.5 * Check if externals dir exist before applying config * Add typescript support * Add support for transpiling certain packages in node_modules Thanks to @giuseppeg’s work in * Add BABEL_DISABLE_CACHE support * Make sourcemaps in production opt-in * Revert "Add support for transpiling certain packages in node_modules" This reverts commit d4b1d9babfb4b9ed4f4b12d56d52dee233e862da. In favor of a better api around this. * Support typescript through next.config.js * Remove comments * Bring back commons.js calculation * Remove unused dependencies * Move base.config.js to webpack.js * Make sure to only invalidate webpackDevMiddleware one after other. * Allow babel-loder caching by default. * Add comment about preact support * Bring back buildir replace * Remove obsolete plugin * Remove build replace, speed up build * Resolve page entries like pages/day/index.js to pages/day.js * Add componentDidCatch back * Compile to bundles * Use config.distDir everywhere * Make sure the file is an array * Remove console.log * Apply optimization to uglifyjs * Add comment pointing to source * Create entries the same way in dev and production * Remove unused and broken pagesGlobPattern * day/index.js is automatically turned into day.js at build time * Remove poweredByHeader option * Load pages with the correct path. * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.6 * Make sure react-dom/server can be overwritten by module-alias * Only add react-hot-loader babel plugin in dev * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.7 * Revert tests * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.10 * Make sure next/head is working properly. * Add wepack alias for 'next' back. * Make sure overriding className in next/head works * Alias react too * Add missing r * Fragment fallback has to wrap the children * Use min.js * Remove css.js * Remove wallaby.js * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.11 * Resolve relative to workdir instead of next * Make sure we touch the right file * Resolve next modules * Remove dotjsx removal plugins since we use webpack on the server * Revert "Resolve relative to workdir instead of next" This reverts commit a13f3e4ab565df9e2c9a3dfc8eb4009c0c2e02ed. * Externalize any locally loaded module lives outside of app dir. * Remove server aliases * Check node_modules reliably * Add symlink to next for tests * Make sure dynamic imports work locally. This is why we need it: We need to have the finally clause in the above in __webpack_require__. webpack output option strictModuleExceptionHandling does that. * dynmaic -> dynamic * Remove webpack-node-externals * Make sure dynamic imports support SSR. * Remove css support in favor of next-css * Make sure we load path from `/` since it’s included in the path matching * Catch when ensurepage couldn’t be fulfilled for `` * Register require cache flusher for both client and server * Add comment explaining this is to facilitate hot reloading * Only load module when needed * Remove unused modules * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.12 * Only log the `found babel` message once * Make sure ondemand entries working correctly. Now we are just using a single instance of OnDemandEntryHandler. * Better sourcemaps * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.13 * Lock uglify version to 1.1.6 * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.14 * Fix a typo. * Introduce multi-zones support for mircofrontends * Add section on css
2018-01-30 16:40:52 +01:00
error.cancelled = true
throw error
if (cancel === this.clc) {
this.clc = null
Universal Webpack (#3578) * Speed up next build * Document webpack config * Speed up next build * Remove comment * Add comment * Clean up rules * Add comments * Run in parallel * Push plugins seperately * Create a new chunk for react * Don’t uglify react since it’s already uglified. Move react to commons in development * Use the minified version directly * Re-add globpattern * Move loaders into a separate variable * Add comment linking to Dan’s explanation * Remove dot * Add universal webpack * Initial dev support * Fix linting * Add changes from Arunoda's work * Made next dev works. But super slow and no HMR support. * Fix client side hot reload * Server side hmr * Only in dev * Add on-demand-entries client + hot-middleware * Add .babelrc support * Speed up on demand entries by running in parallel * Serve static generated files * Add missing config in dev * Add sass support * Add support for .map * Add cssloader config and fix .jsx support * Rename * use same defaults as css-loader. Fix linting * Add NoEmitErrorsPlugin * Add clientBootstrap * Use webpackhotmiddleware on the multi compiler * alpha.3 * Use babel 16.2.x * Fix reloading after error * Remove comment * Release 5.0.0-univeral-alpha.1 * Remove check for React 16 * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.2 * React hot loader v4 * Use our static file rendering machanism to serve pages. This should work well since the file path for a page is predictable. * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.3 * Remove optional loaders * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.4 * Remove clientBootstrap * Remove renderScript * Make sure pages bundles are served correctly * Remove unused import * Revert to using the same code as canary * Fix hot loader * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.5 * Check if externals dir exist before applying config * Add typescript support * Add support for transpiling certain packages in node_modules Thanks to @giuseppeg’s work in * Add BABEL_DISABLE_CACHE support * Make sourcemaps in production opt-in * Revert "Add support for transpiling certain packages in node_modules" This reverts commit d4b1d9babfb4b9ed4f4b12d56d52dee233e862da. In favor of a better api around this. * Support typescript through next.config.js * Remove comments * Bring back commons.js calculation * Remove unused dependencies * Move base.config.js to webpack.js * Make sure to only invalidate webpackDevMiddleware one after other. * Allow babel-loder caching by default. * Add comment about preact support * Bring back buildir replace * Remove obsolete plugin * Remove build replace, speed up build * Resolve page entries like pages/day/index.js to pages/day.js * Add componentDidCatch back * Compile to bundles * Use config.distDir everywhere * Make sure the file is an array * Remove console.log * Apply optimization to uglifyjs * Add comment pointing to source * Create entries the same way in dev and production * Remove unused and broken pagesGlobPattern * day/index.js is automatically turned into day.js at build time * Remove poweredByHeader option * Load pages with the correct path. * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.6 * Make sure react-dom/server can be overwritten by module-alias * Only add react-hot-loader babel plugin in dev * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.7 * Revert tests * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.10 * Make sure next/head is working properly. * Add wepack alias for 'next' back. * Make sure overriding className in next/head works * Alias react too * Add missing r * Fragment fallback has to wrap the children * Use min.js * Remove css.js * Remove wallaby.js * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.11 * Resolve relative to workdir instead of next * Make sure we touch the right file * Resolve next modules * Remove dotjsx removal plugins since we use webpack on the server * Revert "Resolve relative to workdir instead of next" This reverts commit a13f3e4ab565df9e2c9a3dfc8eb4009c0c2e02ed. * Externalize any locally loaded module lives outside of app dir. * Remove server aliases * Check node_modules reliably * Add symlink to next for tests * Make sure dynamic imports work locally. This is why we need it: We need to have the finally clause in the above in __webpack_require__. webpack output option strictModuleExceptionHandling does that. * dynmaic -> dynamic * Remove webpack-node-externals * Make sure dynamic imports support SSR. * Remove css support in favor of next-css * Make sure we load path from `/` since it’s included in the path matching * Catch when ensurepage couldn’t be fulfilled for `` * Register require cache flusher for both client and server * Add comment explaining this is to facilitate hot reloading * Only load module when needed * Remove unused modules * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.12 * Only log the `found babel` message once * Make sure ondemand entries working correctly. Now we are just using a single instance of OnDemandEntryHandler. * Better sourcemaps * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.13 * Lock uglify version to 1.1.6 * Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.14 * Fix a typo. * Introduce multi-zones support for mircofrontends * Add section on css
2018-01-30 16:40:52 +01:00
return componentResult
2016-10-08 07:12:51 +02:00
_getData<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
2016-10-08 07:12:51 +02:00
let cancelled = false
const cancel = () => {
cancelled = true
this.clc = cancel
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
return fn().then((data) => {
if (cancel === this.clc) {
this.clc = null
2016-10-08 07:12:51 +02:00
if (cancelled) {
const err: any = new Error('Loading initial props cancelled')
err.cancelled = true
throw err
return data
Fix static data fetching when using absolute assetprefix (#15287) Fixes `parseRelativeUrl` was used on urls that weren't always relative. It was used to generate a cache key, but we actually don't need these cache keys to be relative if the urls aren't relative. Also took a look at the overall static data fetching logic and found a few things: - [x] cache key is unnecessarily transformed through `prepareRoute`, we can just cache by resolved `dataHref` and remove that function. Pretty sure that `prepareRoute` was also introducing edge cases with `assetPath` and `delBasePath` - [x] there is [a bug in the caching logic]( that made it fail on the second visit: it should be `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[pathname])` instead of `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[dataHref])`. Also added a test for this - [x] ~converted to async await to improve stacktraces and readability.~ I assumed this was fine since I saw some async/awaits in that file already but it seems to just blow up the size of the non-modern bundle. - [x] extracted nested `getResponse` function and define it top level. this should improve runtime performance - [x] convert `_getStaticData` and `_getServerData` to class methods instead of properties. Not sure why they were defined as properties but I think they belong on the prototype instead. - [x] remove `cb` property from `fetchNextData`, it's unnecessary and makes the async flow hard to understand. The exact same logic can go in the `.then` instead. - [ ] data fetching logic [retries on 5xx errors](, but not on network level errors. It should also retry on those. It should also not retry on every 5xx, probably only makes sense on 502, 503 and 504. (e.g. 500 is a server error that I wouldn't expect to succeed on a retry) The overall result also is a few bytes smaller in size
2020-07-19 06:02:01 +02:00
_getStaticData(dataHref: string): Promise<object> {
const { href: cacheKey } = new URL(dataHref, window.location.href)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && this.sdc[cacheKey]) {
return Promise.resolve(this.sdc[cacheKey])
return fetchNextData(dataHref, this.isSsr).then((data) => {
this.sdc[cacheKey] = data
return data
Fix static data fetching when using absolute assetprefix (#15287) Fixes `parseRelativeUrl` was used on urls that weren't always relative. It was used to generate a cache key, but we actually don't need these cache keys to be relative if the urls aren't relative. Also took a look at the overall static data fetching logic and found a few things: - [x] cache key is unnecessarily transformed through `prepareRoute`, we can just cache by resolved `dataHref` and remove that function. Pretty sure that `prepareRoute` was also introducing edge cases with `assetPath` and `delBasePath` - [x] there is [a bug in the caching logic]( that made it fail on the second visit: it should be `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[pathname])` instead of `Promise.resolve(this.sdc[dataHref])`. Also added a test for this - [x] ~converted to async await to improve stacktraces and readability.~ I assumed this was fine since I saw some async/awaits in that file already but it seems to just blow up the size of the non-modern bundle. - [x] extracted nested `getResponse` function and define it top level. this should improve runtime performance - [x] convert `_getStaticData` and `_getServerData` to class methods instead of properties. Not sure why they were defined as properties but I think they belong on the prototype instead. - [x] remove `cb` property from `fetchNextData`, it's unnecessary and makes the async flow hard to understand. The exact same logic can go in the `.then` instead. - [ ] data fetching logic [retries on 5xx errors](, but not on network level errors. It should also retry on those. It should also not retry on every 5xx, probably only makes sense on 502, 503 and 504. (e.g. 500 is a server error that I wouldn't expect to succeed on a retry) The overall result also is a few bytes smaller in size
2020-07-19 06:02:01 +02:00
_getServerData(dataHref: string): Promise<object> {
return fetchNextData(dataHref, this.isSsr)
2019-12-30 19:40:23 +01:00
Component: ComponentType,
ctx: NextPageContext
): Promise<any> {
const { Component: App } = this.components['/_app']
const AppTree = this._wrapApp(App)
ctx.AppTree = AppTree
2019-12-30 19:40:23 +01:00
return loadGetInitialProps<AppContextType<Router>>(App, {
router: this,
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
abortComponentLoad(as: string): void {
if (this.clc) {
2020-07-21 19:33:11 +02:00'routeChangeError', buildCancellationError(), as)
this.clc = null
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00
notify(data: RouteInfo): Promise<void> {
return this.sub(data, this.components['/_app'].Component)
2016-10-06 01:52:50 +02:00