Shu Ding 83e19a2557
Fix entry creation on Windows (#42421)
In Windows absolute paths start with things like `C:\` instead of `/`.
This PR closes #42024 as I confirmed the reproduction app is working
properly with this fix.

## Bug

- [ ] Related issues linked using `fixes #number`
- [ ] Integration tests added
- [ ] Errors have a helpful link attached, see ``

## Feature

- [ ] Implements an existing feature request or RFC. Make sure the
feature request has been accepted for implementation before opening a
- [ ] Related issues linked using `fixes #number`
- [ ] Integration tests added
- [ ] Documentation added
- [ ] Telemetry added. In case of a feature if it's used or not.
- [ ] Errors have a helpful link attached, see ``

## Documentation / Examples

- [ ] Make sure the linting passes by running `pnpm build && pnpm lint`
- [ ] The "examples guidelines" are followed from [our contributing
2022-11-03 10:46:38 -07:00

365 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { webpack, sources } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack'
import { FLIGHT_MANIFEST } from '../../../shared/lib/constants'
import { relative } from 'path'
import { isClientComponentModule, regexCSS } from '../loaders/utils'
import {
} from './flight-client-entry-plugin'
import { traverseModules } from '../utils'
// This is the module that will be used to anchor all client references to.
// I.e. it will have all the client files as async deps from this point on.
// We use the Flight client implementation because you can't get to these
// without the client runtime so it's the first time in the loading sequence
// you might want them.
// const clientFileName = require.resolve('../');
interface Options {
dev: boolean
* Webpack module id
// TODO-APP ensure `null` is included as it is used.
type ModuleId = string | number /*| null*/
export type ManifestChunks = Array<`${string}:${string}` | string>
interface ManifestNode {
[moduleExport: string]: {
* Webpack module id
id: ModuleId
* Export name
name: string
* Chunks for the module. JS and CSS.
chunks: ManifestChunks
* If chunk contains async module
async?: boolean
export type FlightManifest = {
__ssr_module_mapping__: {
[moduleId: string]: ManifestNode
__edge_ssr_module_mapping__: {
[moduleId: string]: ManifestNode
} & {
[modulePath: string]: ManifestNode
export type FlightCSSManifest = {
[modulePath: string]: string[]
} & {
__entry_css__?: {
[entry: string]: string[]
const PLUGIN_NAME = 'FlightManifestPlugin'
// Collect modules from server/edge compiler in client layer,
// and detect if it's been used, and mark it as `async: true` for react.
// So that react could unwrap the async module from promise and render module itself.
export const ASYNC_CLIENT_MODULES = new Set<string>()
export class FlightManifestPlugin {
dev: Options['dev'] = false
constructor(options: Options) { =
apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler) {
(compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => {
new webpack.dependencies.NullDependency.Template()
compiler.hooks.make.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation) => {
// Have to be in the optimize stage to run after updating the CSS
// asset hash via extract mini css plugin.
stage: webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_HASH,
(assets) => this.createAsset(assets, compilation, compiler.context)
assets: webpack.Compilation['assets'],
compilation: webpack.Compilation,
context: string
) {
const manifest: FlightManifest = {
__ssr_module_mapping__: {},
__edge_ssr_module_mapping__: {},
const dev =
const clientRequestsSet = new Set()
// Collect client requests
function collectClientRequest(mod: webpack.NormalModule) {
if (mod.resource === '' && mod.buildInfo.rsc) {
const { requests = [] } = mod.buildInfo.rsc
requests.forEach((r: string) => {
traverseModules(compilation, (mod) => collectClientRequest(mod))
compilation.chunkGroups.forEach((chunkGroup) => {
const cssResourcesInChunkGroup = new Set<string>()
let entryFilepath: string = ''
function recordModule(
chunk: webpack.Chunk,
id: ModuleId,
mod: webpack.NormalModule
) {
const isCSSModule =
regexCSS.test(mod.resource) ||
mod.type === 'css/mini-extract' ||
(!!mod.loaders &&
? mod.loaders.some((item) =>
: mod.loaders.some((item) =>
const resource =
mod.type === 'css/mini-extract'
? // @ts-expect-error TODO: use `identifier()` instead.
mod._identifier.slice(mod._identifier.lastIndexOf('!') + 1)
: mod.resource
if (!resource) {
const moduleExports = manifest[resource] || {}
const moduleIdMapping = manifest.__ssr_module_mapping__
const edgeModuleIdMapping = manifest.__edge_ssr_module_mapping__
// Note that this isn't that reliable as webpack is still possible to assign
// additional queries to make sure there's no conflict even using the `named`
// module ID strategy.
let ssrNamedModuleId = relative(
mod.resourceResolveData?.path || resource
if (!ssrNamedModuleId.startsWith('.'))
ssrNamedModuleId = `./${ssrNamedModuleId.replace(/\\/g, '/')}`
if (isCSSModule) {
const chunks = [...chunk.files].filter((f) => f.endsWith('.css'))
if (!manifest[resource]) {
manifest[resource] = {
default: {
name: 'default',
} else {
// It is possible that there are multiple modules with the same resource,
// e.g. extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin. In that case we need to
// merge the chunks.
manifest[resource].default.chunks = [ Set([...manifest[resource].default.chunks, ...chunks]),
if ( {
// Only apply following logic to client module requests from client entry,
// or if the module is marked as client module.
if (!clientRequestsSet.has(resource) && !isClientComponentModule(mod)) {
if (/[\\/](page|layout)\.(ts|js)x?$/.test(resource)) {
entryFilepath = resource
const exportsInfo = compilation.moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(mod)
const isAsyncModule = ASYNC_CLIENT_MODULES.has(mod.resource)
const cjsExports = [ Set([ => {
// Match CommonJsSelfReferenceDependency
if (dep.type === 'cjs self exports reference') {
// @ts-expect-error: TODO: Fix Dependency type
if (dep.base === 'module.exports') {
return 'default'
// ` = ...`, `exports.default = ...`
// @ts-expect-error: TODO: Fix Dependency type
if (dep.base === 'exports') {
// @ts-expect-error: TODO: Fix Dependency type
return dep.names.filter((name: any) => name !== '__esModule')
return null
function getAppPathRequiredChunks() {
return webpack.Chunk) => {
return ( +
':' +
( || +
(dev ? '' : '-' + requiredChunk.hash)
const moduleExportedKeys = ['', '*']
.filter((exportInfo) => exportInfo.provided)
.map((exportInfo) =>,
.filter((name) => name !== null)
moduleExportedKeys.forEach((name) => {
// If the chunk is from `app/` chunkGroup, use it first.
// This make sure not to load the overlapped chunk from `pages/` chunkGroup
if (!moduleExports[name] ||'app/')) {
const requiredChunks = getAppPathRequiredChunks()
moduleExports[name] = {
chunks: requiredChunks,
// E.g.
// page (server) -> local module (client) -> package (esm)
// The esm package will bubble up to make the entire chain till the client entry as async module.
async: isAsyncModule,
if (serverModuleIds.has(ssrNamedModuleId)) {
moduleIdMapping[id] = moduleIdMapping[id] || {}
moduleIdMapping[id][name] = {
id: serverModuleIds.get(ssrNamedModuleId)!,
if (edgeServerModuleIds.has(ssrNamedModuleId)) {
edgeModuleIdMapping[id] = edgeModuleIdMapping[id] || {}
edgeModuleIdMapping[id][name] = {
id: edgeServerModuleIds.get(ssrNamedModuleId)!,
manifest[resource] = moduleExports
// The client compiler will always use the CJS Next.js build, so here we
// also add the mapping for the ESM build (Edge runtime) to consume.
if (/\/next\/dist\//.test(resource)) {
manifest[resource.replace(/\/next\/dist\//, '/next/dist/esm/')] =
manifest.__ssr_module_mapping__ = moduleIdMapping
manifest.__edge_ssr_module_mapping__ = edgeModuleIdMapping
chunkGroup.chunks.forEach((chunk: webpack.Chunk) => {
const chunkModules = compilation.chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterable(
// TODO: Update type so that it doesn't have to be cast.
) as Iterable<webpack.NormalModule>
for (const mod of chunkModules) {
const modId: string = compilation.chunkGraph.getModuleId(mod) + ''
recordModule(chunk, modId, mod)
// If this is a concatenation, register each child to the parent ID.
// TODO: remove any
const anyModule = mod as any
if (anyModule.modules) {
anyModule.modules.forEach((concatenatedMod: any) => {
recordModule(chunk, modId, concatenatedMod)
const clientCSSManifest: any = manifest.__client_css_manifest__ || {}
if (entryFilepath) {
clientCSSManifest[entryFilepath] = Array.from(cssResourcesInChunkGroup)
manifest.__client_css_manifest__ = clientCSSManifest
const file = 'server/' + FLIGHT_MANIFEST
const json = JSON.stringify(manifest)
assets[file + '.js'] = new sources.RawSource(
'self.__RSC_MANIFEST=' + json
// Work around webpack 4 type of RawSource being used
// TODO: use webpack 5 type by default
) as unknown as webpack.sources.RawSource
assets[file + '.json'] = new sources.RawSource(
// Work around webpack 4 type of RawSource being used
// TODO: use webpack 5 type by default
) as unknown as webpack.sources.RawSource