2020-05-27 17:51:11 -04:00

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# Next.js and Auth0 Example
This example shows how you can use `@auth0/nextjs-auth` to easily add authentication support to your Next.js application.
Read more: [](
### Using `create-next-app`
Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm]( or [Yarn]( to bootstrap the example:
npm init next-app --example auth0 auth0
# or
yarn create next-app --example auth0 auth0
## Configuring Auth0
1. Go to the [Auth0 dashboard]( and create a new application of type _Regular Web Applications_ and make sure to configure the following
2. Go to the settings page of the application
3. Configure the following settings:
- _Allowed Callback URLs_: Should be set to `http://localhost:3000/api/callback` when testing locally or typically to `` when deploying your application.
- _Allowed Logout URLs_: Should be set to `http://localhost:3000/` when testing locally or typically to `` when deploying your application.
4. Save the settings
### Configuring Next.js
In the Next.js configuration file (`next.config.js`) you'll see that different environment variables are being assigned.
### Local Development
For local development you'll want to create a `.env` file with the necessary settings.
The required settings can be found on the Auth0 application's settings page:
SESSION_COOKIE_SECRET=viloxyf_z2GW6K4CT-KQD_MoLEA2wqv5jWuq4Jd0P7ymgG5GJGMpvMneXZzhK3sL (at least 32 characters, used to encrypt the cookie)
### Hosting on Vercel
When deploying this example to Vercel you'll want to update the `now.json` configuration file.
"build": {
"env": {
"AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET": "@auth0_client_secret",
"SESSION_COOKIE_SECRET": "@session_cookie_secret",
- `AUTH0_DOMAIN` - Can be found in the Auth0 dashboard under `settings`.
- `AUTH0_CLIENT_ID` - Can be found in the Auth0 dashboard under `settings`.
- `AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET` - Can be found in the Auth0 dashboard under `settings`.
- `REDIRECT_URI` - The url where Auth0 redirects back to, make sure a consistent url is used here.
- `POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI` - Where to redirect after logging out
- `SESSION_COOKIE_SECRET` - A unique secret used to encrypt the cookies, has to be at least 32 characters. You can use [this generator]( to generate a value.
- `SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME` - How long a session lasts in seconds. The default is 2 hours.
The `@auth0_client_secret` and `@session_cookie_secret` are [Vercel environment secrets](
You can create the `@auth0_client_secret` by running:
now secrets add auth0_client_secret PLACE_YOUR_AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET
And create the `session_cookie_secret` by generating a value [here]( and running:
now secrets add session_cookie_secret PLACE_YOUR_SESSION_COOKIE_SECRET
## About this sample
This sample tries to cover a few topics:
- Signing in
- Signing out
- Loading the user on the server side and adding it as part of SSR (`/pages/advanced/ssr-profile.js`)
- Loading the user on the client side and using fast/cached SSR pages (`/pages/index.js`)
- API Routes which can load the current user (`/pages/api/me.js`)
- Using hooks to make the user available throughout the application (`/lib/user.js`)